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chapter 12

"What happened to you back there?" Chloe and Zoe said. after school, that was the only time they saw me since Xavier tried to blow my eardrums earlier

"What happened earlier?"

"Don't play dumb you were yelling and gripping your head and it was scary"

"Oh uh it was just a minor headache, maybe it was a side effect to my asthma," I said hoping that they would buy it, but they didn't they looked at me with their arms crossed over their chests like I was telling them a lie, I was telling them a lie but couldn't they just buy it and allow us to move over with our lives. I wanted to tell them so badly but I couldn't imagine what Xavier will do to me next if I did. "Why am I being looked at like that"

"You are blinking fast and excessively, what's up"

"Nothing you guys, leave it alone okay. I am fine there is nothing wrong with me"

"Winter is that guy keeping you shut, is he threatening you" well yes but of course I still could not tell him that

"Why would you assume that"

"You admitted that he is your kidnapper so is he threatening you to make sure we don't find out about him"

"I never said Xavier kidnapped me"

"YES YOU DID, you said that he kidnapped you, why are you lying"

"Keep your voices down you two, what I meant is that he is kinky and he likes doing role play and shit"

They both scanned me for a full ten seconds and smiled "so you did do it during the weekend we knew it" they exclaimed as we walked to the driveway to the car they were both sharing "It is so awkward that your father hasn't come to pick you up yet, do you need a ride in case he is busy"

"Oh no that's not necessary"

"We insist," they said together "you are acting weird" Chloe added

"She's pregnant"

"I am not pregnant, I mean how can I know so early that I am pregnant my head just hurts"

"Then let us take you home so you can rest"

"Hey" someone held my waist, I looked back and saw Xavier standing there. I was very shocked because I didn't expect him here. "Oh, guys this is Xavier and we are going on a date today I was waiting for him" they started blushing

"Nice to meet you I am Chloe"

"Nice to meet you I am Zoe," they both said together with the same level of awkwardness and fright. I was now convinced they were the same person with different names. It was one thing to speak together. But they texted me at the same time, chewed at the same pace, had the same feelings, dated the same guy, and wore the same clothes, they even looked exactly like each other. Except for the fact that Zoey had a birthmark at the side of her forehead.

They pulled me away from Xavier's hold a little far away from him

"He is hot right?" I said awkwardly trying to avoid the glares on their faces

"Winter you are playing"


"You are playing Alec, he really likes you and you really like him back and you want to go out with that guy"

"That is not playing okay, Alec hasn't even asked me on a real date it is just this once Xavier asked me to get to know him nothing more"

"Why are you leading him on? He is so nice and you are being so bitchy"

"Now talk like my best friends instead of my mother"

"Girl that guy is hot make sure he hits it in every room" I rolled my eyes at my two best friends and walked to where Xavier was standing, looking at us with a confused look on his face

"I will see you guys tomorrow"

"Okay, don't forget to do your homework"

"I won't"

"And bring your bag tomorrow"

"I will mother" they both entered the car and Xavier and I started walking, he tried to put his hands around my shoulder but I stepped away slightly so he wouldn't catch it. This guy has put me through a lot of tension today, I was starting to wonder how long it was before I got another asthma attack. He was making me lie to everyone and I was not loving it, I don't like lying and doing all these sneaky things around my friends I wanted to tell them everything, I was going to tell them everything in a way that Xavier won't know I am talking about him.

"Don't you understand simple English?" He asked me when we came to a halt in front of the car he dropped me off in earlier


"You cannot tell any soul about what I am especially not the souls you value" 'What a dick'

"I heard you"

"But I didn't even say your name"

"I can choose to listen to whatever you say in mind I just want you to have your privacy Winter so think of that when you want to insult me again and I might look past the fact that you plan on escaping tonight" he opened the door for me and I got in. shoot I have to think about escaping another day when he isn't listening to my thoughts. I looked over at him as he started the car. 'I can still hear you' Where did that come from he didn't move his lips, uh oh he has slipped into my thoughts now. what is this guy a werewolf, vampire?

"I will say this for the last time, I am a demon don't compare me to those things in your average teen girl's favorite series"

"You are a demon got it" I looked forward, I felt his eyes still on me as he started pulling out the school's parking lot. My eyes locked with Alec's. Oh God, play it cool like Xavier is my older brother or something. I raised my hand and waved at him he was about to wave back when I heard Xavier say-

"I am far from your brother Winter" I looked at him and he put his hand under my chin and placed a kiss squarely on my lips. This bitch.

'Still in your head'

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