Read with BonusRead with Bonus

chapter 14

We finally reached where we were going but for miles, it looked like nowhere, we were in the middle of the woods and he was about to sacrifice me to his father, Not that I will let him do it or anything, I mean look at how tall he is, I was certain if I were to wear heels, the top of my head would only reach his ear

“Do you want to kill me?” I asked when he came closer to me, WHAT IS HAPPENING, Xavier scrunched up his face in confusion as if to say, ‘what the hell is wrong with this lady’

“No, I do not want to kill you we are going to have a picnic”

“I don’t see any pizza why are you the one being cheesy” I rolled my eyed

“Don’t say that aloud again”

“You are probably right, but really is there pizza?” I like pizza, I am not obsessed but pizza is cool.

“We don’t need pizza to have a picnic come on we are going to have a beautiful evening where you will ask me all your burning questions over a glass of Chateau Margaux and pesto pasta and other things I don’t know of yet”

“You are going to let an eighteen-year-old drink a three hundred thousand dollar wine” I raised my eyebrow at him

“Two hundred and twenty-five and yes I am so it is your lucky day”

“Oh lucky me” his hand wrapped tightly around my shoulder as he led me through the narrow path and I noticed the dark tattoo on his hand I stared at it trying to read it but I couldn’t see what it read, rather I didn’t understand what it meant because it was written in some kind of language. I couldn’t even place my finger on which language it was written in.

“You like,” he asked me when he caught me staring at the beautiful calligraphy designed on his wrist

“Um sure... w- what does it mean, cos I might be reading a curse right now and I wouldn’t know”

“There is only one way for you to find out”

“You telling me right now?” I asked

“No, you learning Latin which will take place on Saturday” he deadpanned

So he was planning on keeping me in suspense until Saturday, that was almost a billion years away, I stared at the writing closely. I was going to use google translate to find out what was written on his hand. “Can I have your phone”

“What do I need a phone for I can talk to people in their minds”

“But you are a worker you should have your phone for calling people that aren’t demons”

“And I do, a landline”

“I cannot live without a phone, Xavier, gives me a phone now. As much as you like being an olden day brute I do not”

“So I will not hear the last of this”


“What do you need a phone for anyways, they have waves that will not let me get into your head” hmm thank you for giving me a weakness

“You know what scratch that, I want a diary”


“Yes so I can write down the weekly teachings of becoming a demon... ess”

“You are correct, why do I feel like you want to trap me”

“WHAT, no,” I said dragging it so he would believe me and I smiled widely for more effect, but he didn’t seem to be buying it. His eyebrow was raised and he had a wary look on his face.

“Fine we will get you a diary, will I get to read it”

“No” I replied his silly question in a duh tone,

“Ah, I would find out what is in it anyway,” he said stubbornly putting his hand over his chest

“So all of a sudden you can read through thick covers, make sure it has a lock”

“Do you think a lock will stop me from opening your diary, I eat humans for fun” Okay too awkward, I removed his arms from around my shoulders and stepped away

“I am kidding” he laughed


“You are frightened”

“Yep” I nodded and continued walking, how far before I could slump down on the blanket and massage my aching feet.

“I don’t bite”

“Yes unless I want you to,” I said, is that the pick-up line he was going with. That was almost as old as him

“You read my mind,” He said “impressive girl”

“All you men are the same thing aren’t you, you are all sex-driven animals” He scoffed amusedly at me

“I don’t know about me being animal but I might be sex-driven” he smacked my butt and I glared at him

I groaned loudly, we were still walking down the forest path and we still hadn’t gotten to wherever his beautiful picnic was, He was getting on my last nerve. my legs were killing me and he was walking freely with no care in the world. I HATE THIS GUY

“Why didn’t we just go to a restaurant like normal people”

“It’s not safe for me”

“What do you mean it is not safe it’s a restaurant the highest that can happen is that the candle falls on the table and we burn to ashes... I get it now”

“Besides that, if I so much as smell blood from a pure soul I am going to bite that person”

“Bites from vampires don’t kill”

“If you call me a vampire one more time, I swear I am going to kill you” he pulled me close to him and whispered into my e”I didn’t call you a vampire I compared you to one”

“Don’t mention the word vampire near me”

“So they do exist”

“Not to me they don’t” we came into a clearing. When I was done glaring at Xavier’s hand who gripped my upper arm tightly I looked ahead and saw the most beautiful sight I had ever seen. We were at the top of a cliff, how come I never saw this part of the forest when I used to come camping with my father and with my friends. Down below there was just the sea.

“Whoa this is beautiful”

“That’s your kingdom”

“What heaven can’t be on earth”

“Correction hell, and that’s it that’s where we are going to rule”

“How come I have never seen this before”

“We are not actually this close to hell, it just looks like we are... I guess you are tired and you wanna sit down”


“Come on”

“Where are we going now”

“To a more beautiful place”

“Xavier I am tired” I yelled “we have been walking for miles, arent you tired”


“Xavier let us have the picnic here, please”

“What if I carry you”

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