Read with BonusRead with Bonus

chapter 1

My alarm clock rang into my ears in the morning; to be honest, I had been waiting for the disgusting chime in my ear all night. Today was the day before my eighteenth birthday. I totally love my birthdays, I love them because... well they are my birthdays and I love them, my father usually buys me a cake and it's just two of us binge-watching romantic comedies, I love the fact that he fell asleep before there was any kissing. To me and my dad, horror is a comedy and for me, romance with my father was horror.

I looked in the mirror and smiled at myself, very soon I would be an adult and I will be able to take my own alcohol instead of sneaking a sip out of my father’s.

"Good morning daddy"

"Good morning snowflake" dad kissed my cheek and put my breakfast into a flat plate for me. I thought about prom and college and when I moved into my own house and got married then had kids and lived a normal life as an adult and I was only one day away from the rest of my life. I was glad that at least my father and I’s tradition of going to the church every day on my birthday will end and I didn’t have to wear this strangling rosary and go for confession every Wednesday hell we didn’t even go to church any other day only on my birthdays and I hated how the priest looked at me when he forced me to say my sins out loud. Through the window and his voice, it was very clear that he was disgusted.

"A dollar for your thought"

"Hand it over first," I said and stuck out my hand. Dad laughed and stuck his hand into his pocket bringing out a crisp dollar bill for me.

"I was just thinking about my eighteenth birthday and was wondering if I could go to the club with my friends"

"Absolutely not" He deadpanned

"Why I am becoming an adult I don’t understand why I can’t just go out and have fun with my friends"

"Because it is dangerous"

"Chloe and Zoë's parents allow them to the club every time they feel like it"

"Well I am not Chloe and Zoe’s parents now am I?" he asked

"You are so unfair, you can’t keep me locked up forever I am no longer a baby"

"Well you are my baby and it will remain that way when you are twenty-five when you fifty and when you are a hundred years old"

I pouted, why I couldn’t have a laid back father like all the other children. I wasn’t allowed to be out of the house by nine-thirty sharp and I couldn’t be allowed out of my room once the shorthand of the clock had touched eleven. I took the school bus to school and had a little chat with my dream crush inside my head, not out loud so I would not seem like a freak; he said very nice things to me and told me to have a nice day just as the bus stopped. When I told my father that there was a man in my dreams he didn’t really seem to care he just said that I a teenager and it is normal for me to have R- rated dreams but when I told him they weren’t all erotic dreams that in some of them we actually had real conversations he asked me to describe the person and when I did he went as white as a sheet went to his down to the grocery store and didn’t come back until dinner time.

"So are you coming to the two thousand party?" The two thousand party, Also known as two thousand (because adding 'the' and 'party' made it a mouth full) was a party that usually got full-blown after eight o'clock, it was a party that every senior needed to attend it was a party to remember and it was literally what green carded you as a senior and a twelfth grader.

"Oh my God, I totally forgot guys I can’t make it" I can't make it to the party that green-lit me as a senior. Because of my dad.

"But it is the biggest party of the year you have to come" they both whined much to my annoyance. I think the party was kind of classy if a little loud, but it was nice I have never been to a party like that. But Zoe and Chloe's brother (who is in college now) once went and he told them that it was a blast and they told me

"My dad won’t let me"

"Aw bummer," they said simultaneously

"But if certain twins talk to him he might agree," I said and winked, nope he wouldn't agree.

"We will try our best" they replied together again. Those two were exactly alike they were even dating the same boy which was totally weird but a good kind of weird. They talked at the same time and sometimes I felt like I only had one best friend instead of two. But did they have sex at the same time cos that would be weird? Or will it.

"Winter hey," some people said, I barely knew them but I waved back anyway so I won’t seem rude then I bumped into the semi-new guy Alec.

"Alec hi" I brushed my hair backward

‘Hi’ he blushed, his blush was totally cute and I might be developing a liking towards him, he was funny and he had an accent.

"Are you going to two thousand?"

"Are you?" he countered

"Well no I just wanted to know if anyone invited you"

"No one has actually" he gripped the side of his backpack awkwardly and looked at the clock making me giggle

"I am inviting you," I said

"But you aren’t going," he asked


"Nothing, thanks"

"Welcome" he looked at the clock again passing the message to me that he wanted to be a geek and get to class before the bell

"I know you want to go so you can go now"

"Didn’t want to hurt your feelings by walking out on you"

"I like bad boys"

‘I will keep that in mind" he walked away

"So Alec huh’ the twins said

"We are just friends but I have a feeling we will be more than that very soon"

"So you like him"


Wyatt came out of nowhere and put his two arms around Chloe and Zoë then pecked the two of them which made me look around awkwardly.

"Hey winter"

"Wyatt hi" I tucked a strand of hair behind my ear then smiled warmly at him. "I have to get to my locker so I can meet the first period"

"Wait are you coming for two thousand"

"Can’t sorry" I went up the stairs to where my locker was located.

"Zoë and I are going to the mall today" Chloe whispered and I jumped, my mind kept going to the fact that Chloe said the exact same thing in the class she was in.

"To do what"

"To shop for two thousand, bitch"

"What’s the big deal about two thousand anyways"

"It is only the biggest senior party we will ever attend after prom what are you talking about my brother told me a lot about this party and it is definitely somewhere a virgin will want to be"

"I am only a virgin in the physical in my mind I have had sex like twenty-four times"

"Yes winter that is impressive," she said sarcastically making me giggle lowly

"We both know the reason why I am a virgin my dad freaking locks me in my room"

‘Then do it in school or the back of a truck’

"With which time exactly. I’m not so sure I want to be feeling that kind of pain while I am in chemistry class and the guy I do it with keeps winking at me"

‘Winter and Chloe do you have something you would like the class to know’ Mr. Samuel said making me roll my eyes inwardly

‘No sir’

‘Then keep your mouth shut okay’

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