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chapter 21

I pulled my seatbelt across my chest as Xavier entered the car beside me, there was one burning question I had for him which honestly I should have asked a long time ago.

"Xavier?" He looked at me with an eyebrow cocked as if to say why the hell do you find pleasure in annoying me,

"Xavier, where exactly is my father?"

"Your father"

"Yeah as in Nathan Cameron, the grey-headed dude you almost killed" I wanted to yell but I had a feeling he didn't tell me all his rules last night and I didn't want to find out what the punishment for yelling at him was for all I knew he could gag and spank me at the same time and I was way too vanilla for that.

"He is resting"

"Resting as in you killed him!" I opened the car door, I was not going to ride in the same car as the man who killed the only man I have ever loved

"Don't raise your voice at me" he leaned over and shut the car door again this time locking it "I meant he is resting, as in sleeping for a long time"

"So dead?"

"Not exactly, if you are dead I can always bring you back so he is just in a coma"

"When am I going to see him"

"You can see him any day you like" I breathed out a sigh of relief "except on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, and Sundays"

"So only on Saturdays" God this guy was cruel "will he be alive"

"I am not cruel,"

"Yes you are, I can't only see my own father on Saturdays, you are the worst mistake someone can ever make"

"Watch your mouth Winter" he seethed through his teeth "I just don't feel comfortable taking you to hell all the time it is dangerous for you"

"But not for my father"

"I am done having this conversation"

"You can't run away from talking to me Xavier, you brought this upon yourself so you have to fucking deal with it"

"What do you want me to do huh, your father thought he could dupe me and I showed him that I am in fact a supreme being and I can get rid of him faster than he thought he could get rid of me"

"Bring my father back to earth today"

"And who are you, that I collect orders from"

"Your queen, so do as I say" I stared onward and he was still looking at me "Can you take me to school now"

Xavier exhaled deeply, then started driving me to school, "If I do bring your father to earth where do you want him to stay"

"At your house of course, and he should be alive"

"I like how you think you can control me, but I will do it, I will bring your father to our house today and you can see him"

"Oh thank you" I threw my arms around him but immediately pulled my arms away when I remembered who I was hugging, "I owe you one"

"Never mind it"

I sat quietly throughout the car ride to school, Xavier didn't seem to mind my silence, I snuck a glance at him again and again through my peripheral vision, he was one handsome specimen of a man and he was so effortless, which increased his sexual appeal by a thousand. I wonder how he could be a demon and be so what is the word I am looking for? humanly. We arrived at school just in time but he dropped me off at a little distance from the school so my friends won't start to ask questions

"Have a nice day" he grabbed my neck gently, pulled me into him and placed a soft peck against my temple

"Thanks" I got my bag from the back seat then got out of the car

"Jax or Jeremy will be coming to pick you today, you remember their faces right"

"I should" I slammed the car door and was on my way to school

"Hey" I settled down beside Alec on his normal table, I was really sorry about what he saw between me and Xavier, I liked Alec a lot and I didn't want him to feel like he couldn't trust me, I certainly didn't want him to see me as a two-timing bitch so I just had to explain. BY EXPLAIN I MEAN LIE

"Hey" he looked at me sadly then went back to his pasta. His friends were looking at me weirdly

"He has been like that all day" one of them spoke up and I smiled politely because I didn't want him to see me as a socialite diva who was stuck up in the school fame ladder.

"Can we- can we talk" he looked at me then stood up slowly

"Sure" as I walked past my original table I saw Chloe and Zoe giving me thumbs up and a huge grin on their faces trying to encourage me not to chicken out.

Alec and I got to the field, he crossed his hands across his chest and stared at me waiting for an explanation

"What a sunny day" I spoke first but he didn't seem like he was in a mood for small talk he wanted me to tell him why the hell he saw me kissing another guy

"Are you using me?" his face was still expressionless

"Using you?! nobody is using anybody I..." he cut me off

"Winter you know I like you, and you still think its a good idea to lead me on, I saw you kissing that guy"

"I didn't kiss him, he kissed me and I am not leading you on. I like you too"

"Why were you in his car in the first place?" he queried

"Uh, I have no plausible explanation for that"

"Huh" he turned on his heels in an attempt to walk away from me but I grabbed his arm just in time

"I am sorry, he is just a friend and I put him in his place I swear. I like you too" I pouted and put my index fingers against my cheeks for more effect

"You are sure he gets it"

"A hundred percent sure" He breathed out

"It is hard to stay mad at you, so when is my tutor session"

"This Saturday at that coffee shop outside the school don't be late"

"I should tell you that, you have quite a reputation especially for maths class"

"I will make it to math class early today"

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