Read with BonusRead with Bonus

chapter 32

He trapped me between the wall and his body then placed his forehead firmly against mine, and stared into my eyes, I saw a look of amusement on his face, was he going to laugh at me. There was no single ounce of lust in his eyes which made a little tug at my heart, it was hurtful that he wasn't attracted to me as I was to him.

His hands went down and I felt them against my naked hip he leaned forward just a little and bit my lower lip teasingly, I wasn't expecting to get into this tonight.

"It is only a matter of time before I am naked too" he whispered and bit my lip again, this time slowly. I felt that gymnastics routine in my chest and stomach again, my stomach was lurching with anticipation, guilt, and something else. You fool you are enjoying it, do you feel a little tingling in your... I caught off my thoughts before I could think of anything that would make me more of a sinner than I already was.

Xavier's lips met mine, this was different from the kiss he gave me a few days ago. He wasn't trying to make anybody jealous, well except me how were his lips so soft. my hands went up to his hair and my fingers went through his hair. His kiss started getting faster and I felt one of his hands down at the small at my back and the other went to my neck. Into choking huh, Xavier. That makes two of us. What are you saying!

My heart skipped a beat when his lips trailed down my jawline and he pushed his hips towards mine. I felt him through his jeans.

HE IS SO BIG, I CAN'T WAIT TO HAVE HIM. What was wrong with me, his teeth grazed against my neck.

"Don't bite me" I moaned out

"I won't" he continued kissing down my jawline then he got to my neck, I let out a loud moan when his tongue touched that spot. My hand flew to the hem of his shirt and I started tugging it upwards. I didn't like that I was the only one completely naked. He assisted me and threw his shirt to the side. I slightly caressed him through his jeans and I heard a strangled moan from his lips, it sounded more of a groan though. That meant he liked it right. I asked my self-conscience but of course, she didn't answer me, I just remembered that she only interfered when she was not wanted.

I tried unbuttoning his jeans but he stopped me

"You don't want to do what I am sure you would regret tomorrow"

"I would regret?!!! what about you?" I asked surprised

"I can't ever regret making love to you" Xavier crashed unto mine again and he bent a little then pulled me up. I could tell that he was trying to avoid holding me in a way I won't like and that was very nice of him. my legs wrapped around his waist instinctively when my feet left the ground.

"Xavier" I moaned when he attacked my neck again, he walked towards the bed, our bed. Then laid me down crawling over me, Xavier kept kissing me. You know for someone that was up to five hundred years old he was a really good kisser, probably because of all the practice he had with other women or rather demonesses. I felt his lips everywhere above my breasts then suddenly I felt his tongue slowly swirl around my left nipple. I bucked a little bit startled.


"Why do you talk so much, you are distracting me" he looked up and I saw that his eyes weren't the normal green anymore they were a darker shade, a grey of some sort.

"Xavier, what are you doing?"

"Relax, I won't hurt you. I want to apologize for what I have put you through" Xavier ran his hand down the curve of my hip then placed his lips on my breast again kissing around my nipple and finally taking it into his mouth sucking and massaging the second one. HE wanted to apologize for what he had done to me, this was a step but what did he think I was, I am not a cheap slut that takes sex as an apology.

He stopped abruptly "I did not call you a cheap slut I said I wanted to make it up to you, and make you feel good" he rolled off me and stared up at the ceiling

"That is exactly what makes me feel like a cheap slut Xavier"

"Winter, what is your view of me in your mind, you see me as a bad person, someone that just wants to ruin your life. If anything I am trying my best to make you as comfortable as you can be"

"If you want me comfortable you can just let me go"

"Again with this, haven't we left that"

"No, we have not Xavier, its the reason I came to the bedroom in the first place, its why we almost did what we almost did"

"I was not planning on having sex with you tonight, I wasn't even planning to do what I did you came out of the shower naked"

"Because you were staring" I yelled, I know he wasn't but still, coming into the bathroom when he knew I was in there was wrong. I JUST WANTED PRIVACY, for goodness sake

"We both know I wasn't even focused on your body, why can't we talk like normal adults and talk about this"

"Nothing about us together is normal Xavier"

"Two abnormal people make a normal relationship"

"I am normal you are the abnormal one here" He raised his eyebrow at me

"I look ridiculous fighting with you while naked, I am going to dress up and I will really argue"

"Why do you want to argue with me so badly, honestly there's nothing to argue about we can just talk. I forgave you for reading my journal why can't you forgive me for what I did?" he said, I don't understand why he wasn't already pulling his fangs out to decapacitate me

I got off the bed "Where are my clothes?"

"I asked you a question"

"I will answer you when you tell me where my clothes are"

"They are in the normal place they should be, the closet" he pointed to the perpendicular to the bathroom door. I had never noticed that door. I opened the door then walked in. It was neatly arranged, his white and black clothes on one side, all his suits jeans and every other thing he wore and the other side, the pretty vibrant side with all the colored clothes which were of course mine.

"Number one Xavier" I shouted out "me reading your journal doesn't even amount to what you have done to me, even if it did your life isn't that interesting anyway"

"That is why you spent at least two hours gushing about my adventures" I jumped, when did he get here. I pulled on my pajama pants with the matching tank top

"I know reading my journal doesn't amount to what I did to you, I kidnapped you for hell's sake, but I managed to ignore the fact that you told that human boy that I was just your friend when you know I am much more than just your friend, you couldn't fall in love with any other person even if you tried to"

"That still doesn't get up to you kidnapping me, killing me TWICE, almost killing my father, causing me a migraine, causing me an asthma attack. starving my father and kissing me"

"I think I have canceled out all my bad deeds"

"No, you haven't"

"I have Winter, I kidnapped you but I still let you live your life just because you haven't told anyone about me so it is not even a kidnap anymore you are my roommate"

"Killing me?" I asked and put my hands on my hips

"I brought you back from those deaths, and to top it all off I saved you from that asthma attack at your house. As for almost killing your father and starving him, I brought him back for you and he doesn't even have a scratch so is there a thank you"

"I guess so, but that doesn't explain the migraine and the asthma attack"

"You asked for both of them, you were about to reveal me to your friends and you were in a pickle this afternoon so I decided to save you"

"What about the kiss?"

"The kiss in the car? I know you enjoyed it, Winter"

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