Read with BonusRead with Bonus

chapter 40

I sat in bed waiting for Xavier to give me what he promised me, his diary but he was sitting down on the bed beside me, back against the headboard reading the Plantagenets, by Dan Jones.

“You love reading don’t you”

“No?” he looked at me as if that was the weirdest question for me to ask him

“Then why are you always reading”

“What do you do when you are a demon that doesn’t sleep and isn’t having any sexual relations, you read which is what I am doing”

“Can’t you like, fill in your diary? or something” I asked

“Are you not reading it anymore”

“I thought you forgot”

“What else is on my mind, other than you lately” I blushed

“What did you do when you couldn’t draw me in the morning”

“I draw literally everything, random household objects, I have drawn this house before, being a demon is really boring when you aren’t fighting or messing with other people”

“Way to welcome me,”

“I don’t mean it like that, it is pretty cool if you are a commoner because you play around and stuff but I grew up in the palace so all my life I have been isolated you know, I wasn’t allowed to go out to talk to the other children”

“Explains everything I have been asking my self for the past one week!” I exclaimed, no wonder he was such a loner

“’How did I know you were going to say something like that?” he smiled

“You get happy over the littlest things, which makes me forget what you actually are”

“Keep on like this and you might never see my bad side”

“Oh I think I have seen it already”

“Dear, I assure you. You haven’t it just takes a little betrayal from you and you would wish your father had never met me in the first place” BUT I ALREADY DO WISH MY FATHER HAD NOT MET YOU IN THE FIRST PLACE, Do you really, mistress I have a crush on a guy just after a week. It is very normal to get a crush on someone when you just met them, self-conscience. Xavier nudged me with something it was his diary

“You know what forget it I prefer to look at your drawings instead”

“Really, this is the last chance you will ever get before we get married”

“How often can I see your drawings”

“This is equally the last chance you will ever get for now”

“I will prefer the drawings and maybe you can give me one for keeps”

“Maybe, that means I have three months to think about it”

“You are not fair at all”

“That is very fair, I will not just hand you what I used my wrist to accomplish” he got off the bed and I rolled my eyes, WHAT A MAN, BUT YOU HAVE A CRUSH ON HIM, GET OUT OF MY HEAD, did we not discuss a leave for you.

“The other day I was asking Jax if he has ever tried to fall asleep”

“Jax?” he said from the closet

“Yeah one of your guards”

“And why did you do that?”

“I was curious,”

“Then what did he say”

“He said it was a waste of time”

“He talked back to you?” Xavier came out of the closet with a tiny box and a brow raised

“Don’t get your boxers in a twist, I asked him to. He said he never tried to, have you tried”

“I am not dumb if I know there is no way I can sleep why should I try”

“What if you try and it works”

“I will get hooked on it, like you are and never get anything done” I opened my mouth wide, I don’t sleep that much

“I am not hooked on sleeping Xavier” I started protesting

“Have you ever woken yourself up,”

“No, but I am not hooked, to prove it I am pulling an all-nighter if I succeed you will let me go on a date with Alec”

“What of if you all asleep and I win”

“You don’t have to get anything from me, you are a demon you can get anything you want”

“That hardly seems fair if I win, you stop seeing that mortal boy all together” I gasped, NOOOO

“Let me change that, I know it is a little too harsh on you seeing as you are my future husband and all,” I said quickly


“If I win, which I will. Tomorrow you will buy me a puppy”

“And if I win you will stay with my puppies” I widened my eyes


“Don’t you have an atom of faith in yourself”

“I know you would use your magic on me to make me sleep so”

“I solemnly swear on my soul not to use any magic on you whatsoever to make you sleep”

“Then it is settled, I am getting a puppy tomorrow, preferably a white golden retriever or a white pomeranian” Xavier scoffed

“Rip and Drag are going to love you”

“Why would you name your pets, rip and drag!” I exclaimed

“Oh, they are not pets, torture devices if you may. One catches your body and drags it to their mercy and the other rips your limbs off and both eat” he wiggled his eyebrows and dropped the box on the bed

“You scare me” I whispered

“Do I? you don’t act scared” his eyes changed to red which made me jump a little

“Stop that, red eyes seriously that is messed up”

“Did you want to see my fangs?” There is something wrong with Xavier

“How do you just make those disappear without context”

“You just have to think of it then it comes out just like my wings, the change of eye color”

“HOLD UP, did you just say wings” I jumped towards him, he had one knee on the bed. I gripped his bare shoulders and looked him straight in the eyes “Did you?”

“Well, that is what you heard isn’t it”

“Show me”


“Please, pretty please”

“Pick one, wings or drawings” I frowned was he really making me choose between drawings of me, You want to see how he represented you if he has any erotic drawings of you, HMM

“I will blow you for a glimpse” Xavier held my chin firmly

“Why would you say something like that, don’t offer sex for things, that is for a prostitute to do. You are nobody’s prostitute, not even mine”

“Sorry, would you show me”

“Absolutely not” he deadpanned

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