Read with BonusRead with Bonus

chapter 6

My mind woke up finally, that meant it was either I was alive or somebody was here to take my spirit to heaven... or hell, I don’t think I deserved hell anyway, there was a cold draft around me, is this how cold heaven was, You are going to hell, shut up. And from my eyelids, I could see white lights that came and went like magic. I slowly opened my eyes I saw a blank ceiling in the dark cold room. My head was pounding.

When I looked at the side there was someone I could not tell if it was a man or a woman but they were sitting down with their legs crossed and their hands outstretched thumb and middle finger pressed together, in some kind of Buddha style. To say I was shocked would be an understatement, you don’t bring a devout Christian to a dark room and try to change their faith that its nuts, maybe he wasn't trying to change my faith, maybe he was just meditating. Well, I wasn’t a devout Christian but still. I sat up as quickly as I could and regretted it immediately. My head started pounding and my eyes felt heavy.

“Good you are awake,” a deep voice said in the darkness and then I saw the light, It was Xavier that brought me here and he was the one meditating beside me.

“What did you do to me,” I asked

“I brought you back from death, say thank you”

“THANK YOU?” I exclaimed, how dare he, he killed me and he expected a thank you

“You are welcome”

“No, I am not welcome, where is my father” I forgot all about the pounding in my head.

“He is safely floating between life and death, and you have school today that’s why I woke you up”

“No, I don’t today is Saturday,” I said,

“No today is Monday” He replied

“How the last thing I remember is... YOU! You killed me” I pointed my index finger at him

“And brought you back” he smacked my finger away "didn't anyone tell you that pointing is rude"

“No, what exactly are you some kind of Buddha god”

“A Buddha god? no, I am a demon”

“Okay, this is getting awkward really fast” I started pacing around the room trying to find a way out of this freak show a demon was standing in front of me. He didn't look like a demon, he looked normal. Demons have horns, don't they?

“I know it is weird,” he said

“That a demon wants to marry me, yeah, it is freaky”

“If you look past the demon part I’m your normal human, except I don't get sick, I can’t die and I can bend the ways of the earth” he said

“Bend the ways of the earth?” I asked

“Can a normal person bring a human back from death, no”

“I cannot marry you, I barely even know you” I rubbed my forehead

“Then get to know me”

“I’m sorry Xavier I don’t want to, you almost killed my father”

“But I didn’t he is in limbo, I can bring him back if I want to” he pointed out and held my cheek looking at me squarely in the eyes. I saw the gold in his eyes and he was trying to put me in a trance again. I couldn’t break my stare “I am a really nice guy”

“Uh,” I said, why did my brain go numb at that particular moment

“What was that?” he asked

“I think I can try”

“Good” he smiled and let go of my chin “let’s get you ready for school huh” he took my hand and led me out the room. I looked around and saw that we were actually at a different house from mine

“Where is this”

“This is my house”

“And that room”

“Where I do my meditating, I can’t talk to my father all the time so that is how I contact him”

“Your father, aren’t you like the main devil or...”

“There is no main devil... we are all equal, well not exactly I am a royal and I have some certain abilities that other demons do not”

“Like?” I urged

“You just have to find out” he winked at me

“Great not only am I getting married to a demon, but I am also getting married to one that is royal and has secrets” he laughed

“Coming to think of it, I do have secrets” I narrowed my eyes at him as he led me up the stairs, I admired the beautiful interior of the house but it was lacking color, it seemed like everywhere I looked I could see the inside of a sixty’s newspaper, even his pictures where in black and white.

“Your house really lacks color” I looked around

“That’s because I have been living here for almost five hundred years”

“Whoa you are five hundred years old I can’t marry a guy that’s a billion years older than me”

“Well four and eighty-eight, but besides that, it’s not like my kisses taste like dust or anything I still have the libido of your twenty-year-old man”

“I didn’t need to know that,” I said as we reached the top of the first flight of stairs. There was a huge wall-length mirror standing there, that is when I noticed I was no longer wearing the party dress that I was wearing a few days ago I was in one of my pajamas.

“How did I get into these”

“I changed you”

“You saw my naked body” I blushed and looked away in embarrassment. I had never been naked with any man, not even my father I had a nanny when I was a baby and she took care of me till I was about fourteen years when she had taught me everything I needed to know about being a girl.

“You are a really beautiful girl it was hard not to take you”

“Thank God you didn’t”

“You are a virgin?”


“Good,” he said

“Why is that good?”

“Because I like girls that are pure” for a demon that is a really odd taste.

“I’m not a virgin, I was joking”

“Nice try” he led me into a huge room and it had a city view

“Whoa, this is a really nice view” I went to the window and stared out, I am pretty sure I could see my school from here if I tried to look for it.

“Right, I love the view"

“Is this like your room or something?”

“This is our room”

“We are sharing a room?”

“Just go and get ready for school” he waved his hand dismissing my question. I grunted then sat on the bed

“Hey you are late in case you didn’t know”

“What time is it?”

“It is thirty minutes to eight and it takes those thirty minutes to get to your school from here so if you don’t want to be given detention get off your ass”

“You are not my father, I'm ditching school today, ”

“I don’t want my wife to be a retard” I gasped at his rude comment “bathroom’s that way” he pointed to a door. I went to the door and looked for the handle

“I can’t open it without a handle, do you walk through walls”

“I am not a ghost, push it”

This man was making me feel like an idiot I pushed in the door with a little more force than I was supposed to and it didn’t budge. “Just help me” Xavier rolled his eyes came beside me and pressed the door gently and it opened. Way to make me feel stupid

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