Chapter 9: Meeting Him...

POV: Lianne Deivin

We went back in the mansion after we made a short stop at the police office. I did have a hard time with the police's interrogations but luckily I managed a good alibi. I just can't disclose them all of what happened! If I did, I'm pretty sure they would think me crazy or some daydreaming woman. I didn't press any charges also, just so I could keep myself from any more pressure with these uniformed men. One gun-wielding man was enough for me.

Luckily, Alona and Rachel's family connections with the resort owner made us stay for four more days. Now, I could at least make up with my friends after stealing their vacation time inside the hospital.

And surely enough, Jen immediately left me to date with her boyfriend. It was after lunch when Alona suggested we visit the resort's famous cave and hot spring at the foot of the mountain on the west forest. It would require an overnight stay in the resort's luxurious cabins if we were to go sightseeing the caves though, so we had to prepare some change of clothes before the bus leaves at two in the afternoon to the camp site.

I went to my room to freshen up and change into a proper get up. I wore a short black denim skirt, a beige-colored off-shoulder blouse, and some hiking boots. I admit I'm excited with our activity for the day, but my mind kept returning to my memory of last day's encounter.

Due to this, a wild thought crossed my mind. Would it hurt if I check on that room once again? With what had just happened back there, I guess I'm crazy to even think about it, but still, a certain pull wanted me to return.

Should I take chances? Should I? And what if I would run into that merciless man again? What would I do then?

I shook my head to clear my doubt away.

Maybe I should...just in order to meet Ruen and finally ask him a mountain of questions.

But, what if this time, he wouldn't be lucky enough to survive? That man named Cain made it a clear point to kill him.

"No, I can't take any chances," I told myself, feeling determined. "For him, for his safety and mine. And besides I don't have the key to that room anymore."

But I truly wanted to see him... God knows how much I wanted to.

My cellphone's alarm clock rang at one thirty, hinting that I should get going. I shoved the memories into the back of my head and grabbed my small backpack resting at the foot of the bed.

For now, I intend on enjoying myself and stop thinking about those two men. I needed this break after what I had been through.

I turned towards the main door with a smile on my face, but the moment I opened it, my smile fell and was replaced with utter awe.

Standing in all his glory was my mysterious man, Ruen. His brown-green eyes were riveted on me like I'm some sort of a rare creature.

He was wearing a crisp gray shirt and paired it with what looked like designer pants and black boots. He wasn't wearing a coat at all - an accessory that I have quite grown accustomed to seeing him with.

My mouth was agape. I couldn't help but just stand, motionless like a Greek statue. I never expected to see him so soon and even here!

He was always the mysterious one. Appears unexpectedly like so, but then vanishes the moment I approach him. However, now, clearly his actions changed.

His lips curved into a small grin and I was definitely taken aback.

"Ruen..." my voice somehow returned, "your fine." He didn't seem surprised that I actually called him by his given name.

"I'm happy that you're well yourself," he stated, his voice sounding lethargic. Admittedly, it sent a delicious kind of reaction all over my body.

"Oh, vaso...vasovagal syncope, that's what...the doctor said," I stammered.

My hands went clammy as I took in the atmosphere of the space between us. The gap was unbearable. I actually wanted to run to him and check out his gunshot wounds to make sure he was really fine. He was not wincing of pain at all. He was even standing regally like he had no injury.

"How was his kisses?" he bluntly asked together with his eyes turning cold.

I furrowed my brows, unsure of what to make of his question. "His...kisses?" I asked, returning his words.

"Cain, Lianne. The one who tried to kill me. Don't act as if he hadn't done something to you in the King's room."

My breath hitched. I certainly don't want to relive that particular memory again, but because of his words, I did and it wasn't good. I remembered feeling the sensation of his kisses. It was both pleasurable and painful.

I shifted my eyes on the ground, ashamed to look at him, and when I answered, I found myself stuttering again.

"I...I do...uhm I have to answer that question!?" I blurted out without even thinking.

I shouldn't lie to him, but I, of course, couldn't tell him that I somehow...a little bit...just a little bit...enjoyed Cain’s kisses.

I looked back at him only to find he was now inches away from me, looking at me like I'm some piece of morsel ready to be devoured.

The closeness did startle me so I instinctively stepped back once opening up a bit of space between us.

My eyes widened as he quickly reached out to me, his hands snaking around my waist and then pulled me closer to him.

I was ultimately trapped.

"It hurts me to know that you're being touched by another man other than me, Lianne. You find his kisses pleasurable? I'll show you what a real kiss is."

With those words out, my mind went blank. I stiffened when his face inched nearer and then, without a moment's pause, our lips touched.

Sparks flew in my mind thereafter.

I couldn't explain the feeling, but I honestly thought I was in euphoria. His lips massaged mine with finesse and ohhh...I didn't care anymore if I was breathing or not.

Instinctively, I reciprocated his kisses and traced his perfect jawline towards his nape with my hands. I couldn't explain but there was this longing feeling inside me. A strong longing I couldn't deny myself. The moment he first kissed me in my apartment, I honestly wanted more. Was that even our first kiss? Or have I kissed him many times before just like my dreams numerously suggested to me?

His kiss was different. Oh so different from the one I had last day with Cain. It was completely a new feeling.

Ruen thrust his tongue inside my mouth. He tasted of sweet wine, honey-like. He moved his hands all over my back as if making a sculpture out of me, memorizing every curve I have.

Oh yes, I couldn't deny it, I don't want this moment to end.

I was so engrossed with his soft lips on mine, giving me the kind of passion I hadn't experienced before, but then he abruptly withdrew and stepped back away from me.

My mouth hang, surprised of his action.

I stared at him and noticed the look of frustration and hesitance in his eyes. Gone was the coldness earlier. But why would he be hesitant?

I hate to admit it but I craved more. I wanted more of him. I could feel myself blushing. I could feel myself getting hot but this hot feeling was quickly doused when he spoke the words I didn't expect at all.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that."

I blinked many times, feeling confused. Why would he ask for forgiveness when I didn't push him or slap him for such a kiss?

"Oh, you don't really have to say that." It was all that I could reply as I adjusted my weight when my knees suddenly felt weak.

"I have to go," he said with a strained voice and then walked away.

"Huh? No, wait!" My mind double worked. I reached out to catch a piece of his clothing, and successfully I did.

He paused from walking and watched my fingers tightly holding onto the hem of his shirt.

"There are... there are still so many things I need to ask you! The painting, my vague dreams, your note in the library, everything! I'm so confused. I know you are the only one who can answer them!"

He released a long sigh and turned to face me.

I was hoping that he would answer all of it but the only thing he said was not what I hoped for.

"You're the only one who can answer that Lianne. I maybe able to help you, but..."

He paused and then drew his eyes on the carpeted floor.

"But?" I parroted. "Tell me, please, what do you mean by that? You don’t expect me to-"

I stopped mid sentence when he suddenly pulled and embraced me with gentleness and kissed my forehead.

"I don't...I don't want to hurt you again Lianne, but I want you to remember me. If you still do wish to remember me that is."

I mentally noted his words and tried to understand them as much as I could, but my heart ached when he said the last sentence.

He said 'if I still want to remember him?'

Why wouldn't I?

When he released me, I stared at him again and saw the look of uncertainly in his eyes. There was something behind those beautiful orbs. I just couldn't put my finger on it.

He cupped my chin and leaned his face closer to mine like he would plant another kiss on me. However, he abruptly stopped and stated, "Your friends are here."

"Huh?" My mind was slow to process at first, but as soon as I understood his meaning, my eyes widened. Oh my gosh. We were supposed to go to the cave!

"The bus!" I squeaked loudly.

I must be late now for them to personally come to the second floor and get me.

Before I could say another word, Ruen darted off into the opposite hallway and just as my friends turned around the corner, he was gone in the other side.

I closed the main door quickly and ran across the hallway, lifting my backpack with me on my right shoulder.

"Do you even realize how late you are?" Jen asked me when I met them halfway. Her face was riddled with impatience.

I gave them an apologetic look. "I'm sorry guys. I was about to go down but then I forgot to bring my cellphone with me so I went back to my room to find it."

Rachel's eyebrows rose like she didn't take my white lie seriously. They didn't comment anymore on it however so we went back down to the ground floor.

"Where's Alona?" I asked.

"She's waiting for us inside the bus trying to persuade the driver to wait for you to arrive. In case you didn't notice, it is already fifteen minutes past two darling," Rachel replied.

Jen winked at me when I pouted my lips to form a silent 'Oh'.

~ 0 ~

POV: Ruen Waitsince


I hissed angrily at myself thinking about the kiss I gave her.


How many times have I told myself to wait. Countless of times probably. But ever since I finally found her, it has been hard for me to keep myself away. It wasn't enough anymore to just observe her from afar.

So long...the waiting was so long. I even felt as if I'm not alive anymore with all that emerald light around me and thereafter with all the countless finding and trying to get clues where the emerald stone would possibly reincarnate her. It wasn't easy, but it was all worth it in the end.

Princess Lianne is my life.

If only she remembers me that easily, then we'd pick up where we left of on that tragic day and live happily ever after.

But no. She couldn't just remember me that easily and I understood why.

The pain she had in the past must have been difficult to bear. If she would remember me then and the past, there's no telling what her reaction would be.

Damn... I don't want her to get hurt again.

But speaking of which, she already is hurting!

That man! Cain!

I didn't expect that Fate would bring us all together in this place and time. He doesn't need a second life. He isn't even worthy to pursue Lianne again. He killed her and for that he should remain in the past, with his corpse surrounded with maggots.

But since he's here now, I needed to act fast.

Lianne needs to remember me or else she will fall on Cain's charms and manipulation.

"She needs to remember. She needs to. Even if it means the pain would be unbearable again," I told myself, sure of what to do this time.

I leaned against the wall just a turn away from the hallway where Lianne's room was. I made it sure her friends wouldn't be able to see me when they meet her. For now, I don't like to be interrogated. Lianne and her memories of me were my top priority. Her friends, on the bottom of the list.

The wounds I received from Cain's bullets were manageable but still they ache. I didn't show it to her, but I was struggling. It was actually so hard for me to show myself before her in this frail condition but I just had to. I just wanted to see her.

I fished my cellphone out of my pocket and dialed a familiar number. After two rings, an old soft voice of a man answered.

"Yes, my boy," the man from the other line spoke, knowing already it was me.

"Good afternoon Sir Rafael," I greeted.

"How many times had I told you to call me 'father.' You may be my most valued bodyguard but I'm still your foster parent."

"Father," I corrected. Using the appellation seemed to be distasteful for me. It reminded me of a certain wicked man in the past that was once my foster father too. But at present, this man here, who first found me lying on the snowy ground and called the medic, is a good man.

"Good. That's better," Mr. Rafael said, sounding pleased on the other side of the line. "So, you called. What is it that you need?"

I paused for a moment and looked over at the grand staircase towards the third floor. There is no turning back now, I concluded with firm resolve. If Cain is making a move, so will I.

I gripped my phone tightly and answered, "I need the key to the rest house."

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