Chapter 10: The beginning of a new life
Chapter 10: The beginning of a new life
Grandpa was right; my training wasn't anywhere near simple. Even if I had some experience in martial arts, when I had to face a highly trained Keeper or a werewolf, I miserably lost. Besides my damaged ego, I gained a blue eye, a cut on my lips, and lots of scratches and bruises. Luckily, makeup did some wonders hiding the marks of my training.
Slowly a new routine formed; I woke up and ran four miles, took a shower, and rushed to school. I was trying my best as usual, and my teachers were very pleased with my progress. Of course, that required lots of reading and studying in the afternoons. After I did my homework, I went straight for practice. I learned to fight an enemy with my bare hands, fire a gun, shoot a bow, fight with silver knives or swords.
Despite all the hours I've spent on boxing rinks, my powers enhanced even more, and I had a hard way to contain them. I could easily read people's minds or thoughts and alter them; I could move things around with a look or a move of my hand. Only when my body was exhausted all these subsided. That's why I tried my best to keep my program full, my mind occupied, and my body active.
When the summer came, I was able to kill a beta werewolf with bare hands, make an alpha wolf submit, and break a vampire's neck without blinking. I managed to keep in check my mind-controlling techniques and stop playing with people's mind uncontrollably. Also, I stopped moving things around when other humans were present. I used to telepathically move my brushes and create more than one painting at the same time; that took my passion for painting to a whole new level.
At the same time, my relationship with Christopher and David grew stronger. Mom and David seemed to be perfect for each other. Well, I may have played matchmaker a bit since Chris and Izzie were now dating, too. I have to admit they made an adorable couple. The bubbly and sweet Izzie would be all blushing and shy when Chris was around or when we just mentioned him. Chris put his arrogant and playboy image aside and became a romantic and devoted boyfriend.
I was very happy for the two of them, although sometimes it was a bit awkward for me. When we went for a movie or at a restaurant, they were in their cute little bubble, and I was the third wheel. They both kind of pity me, as I didn't have a boyfriend, and that's why they tried a lot of times to hook me up with one of Chris' friends. Their attempts went all in vain, as I didn't want a boyfriend, although it was so funny to see them trying.
My life took a different turn the moment my mother agreed on marrying David. It was like everything fell into place, and for once, I felt content. David was treating me like I was his daughter; he was the closest I had to a paternal figure.
Mom and David didn't rush to get married. On the contrary, they spend almost a year engaged, while mom had all the time she wanted to design her dream wedding. Besides all the wedding preparations, we decided that we had to live in the same house, considering mom and David were going to get married. So, once again, we had to move from our current home to David's apartment. Much to my surprise, the house was spacious; mom and David would share the master bedroom, and I had a separate bedroom just like Chris.
The only thing that saddened me was that I couldn't bring my paintings nor my easel to our new home. Therefore, I had to go to my grandparent's house whenever I wanted to paint and use my old room as my studio.
Izzie was somewhat jealous and annoyed that I'd spend so much time with Chris, while she could meet him only on their dates. I had a special relationship with Cristopher, and I realized that Izzie misunderstood that. She thought that Chris was flirting with me when he teased, tickled me, or shared a joke with me. So, when we finally had to live in the same house, Izzie assumed we were free to do all the naughty things that crossed her mind.
I got so mad and disappointed with her; I wouldn't dare sleep with her boyfriend, nor Chris would cheat on her. We had a long talk to explain to her that Chris and I were friends and soon to be family. Thankfully we clear things out, and Izzie usually would come to our place after school. We used to do our homework together, and then she'd spent the rest of the afternoon with Chris while I went for practice.
I was fourteen when we held the wedding. I'd be one of mom's bridesmaids, and Chris would be his father's best man; it was cute yet a bit weird. To be honest, it was the best day of my life- well, at least it will be until I get married…
The wedding was more of a private ceremony, with the groom and bride's families and some of their friends. Neither mom nor David wanted a huge wedding. Mom thought she was a little old to get married, and her future husband had already got married once, so he preferred this time to hold a smaller ceremony. It was enough, as long as they were happy and together.
The day of the wedding finally came, and we couldn't be more excited. A bunch of professionals came to my grandparents' house to help us with our hairstyle and makeup. My mom opted for a low chignon updo while I had my hair curled in beach waves. Our makeup was soft, with pink lips. I had helped my mom pick her wedding dress; it was simple but elegant. The dress' neckline was heart-shaped; it had a deep cut at her back and formed an A-line flowing skirt. I wore a similar dress with the other three bridesmaids; a floor-length, dusty pink gown.
It was surreal to see my mom walking down the aisle, with grandpa by her side. David waited for her at the end, looking handsome in his tailor-made suit. Chris had a huge smile plastered on his lips; he had overcome his fears and was happy for once. My grandma was all teary during the ceremony, while grandpa has a small smile on his lips. David's parents were smiling happily, although, in the beginning, they weren't very fond of this wedding.
It was a beautiful ceremony, and the reception that followed even better. Mom and David shared their first dance and then invited me, Chris, and their parents to join them on the dance floor. Chris offered me his hand to take, and I looked at him hesitantly. The last time we danced was a complete disaster.
"Don't worry, I've been taking dance classes," he whispered to me with a wink.
I sighed in relief and let him lead me on the dance floor.
"Since when are you taking dance classes?" I asked him as soon as we start dancing.
"Well, the last time we danced, you almost ended up with broken toes, so I thought I couldn't make myself a complete idiot at my father's wedding," he replied and twirled me around.
"That is one hell of an improvement," I exclaimed when our hands intertwined again.
"I'll take that as a compliment," he said with a smirk while his hand traveled lower at my back.
"Hands up here, buddy. You don't want Izzie to blow a fuse again," I warned him with a glare.
"Oh, come on, it's my dad's wedding; let me enjoy it," he said with an eye's roll and twirled me around once again.
I just smiled and relaxed. I couldn't worry all the time for everyone else except myself. When the song ended, we swapped partners; I danced with David, while Chris danced with my grandma, and Papa Peter danced with my mom.
We danced all night, laughed, and I secretly drank some champagne with Chris and Izzie. My mother looked more than happy; she was blissful. I wished I could taste that pure happiness at some point in my life…
I was standing outside of the reception hall, a small smile plastered on my lips. I looked around me at the colorful roses; their sweet scent lingered in the air. I walked to the fountain in the center of that beautiful garden and glanced at the cascading water. Despite all the happiness and excitement of the day, I felt that something was wrong.
"Stay strong, my darling daughter," I think I heard someone whisper to me.
I looked around frantically, only to realize that I was alone; no one was there with me. The breeze made me shiver and probably hear things. I took a deep breath and walked inside once again. I looked around at my loved ones; that was enough to calm my erratic heartbeat.