
When Rhett woke up, he gave the towel another sniff then tucked it under his pillow. He got dressed and headed downstairs.

He started the coffee maker and went to the window to see if Hazel was up yet. He didn’t see her yet. She must like to sleep in. Then his phone began to ring. It was his lawyer. He put it on speaker then poured himself a cup of coffee. “Hey Rhett, I got that information on your neighbor.”

“Yeah?” said Rhett.

“I’m not sure you’re going to like it. Do you have a thing for this woman or something?”

Rhett said, “Or something. It doesn’t matter, I just want to know.”

“She’s not a human Rhett.”

That got Rhett’s attention. He swallowed his coffee and said, “She’s not Lycan.”

“I don’t know what she is Rhett, but she used an ID from the council for supernaturals for the deed to her house.”

“Son of a bitch,” Rhett said. “Is that all?” he asked.

“It says her name is Hazel Parker and her former addresses were listed as Massachusetts and Georgia. I tried to get information from the council but they said that is top secret.”

“Top secret? What the fuck does that mean?” Rhett asked.

“It means they’re not going to tell us Rhett. She’s an important person and we don’t need to know anything else. I would suggest you let her go on her merry fucking way and not bother her.”

“Huh. Thanks man,” said Rhett.

“No problem.”

Rhett clenched his jaw and furrowed his brow. He was worried about this woman, stacked her wood, cleaned up her goddamned yard and she’s what? He didn’t even know. He was starting to get pissed but then he remembered what happened in Massachusetts not long along.

He had heard that the Order had been nearly wiped out by a stronger group of witches.The timeline was right. Could she have escaped that massacre and ended up there in West Virginia? Did she know that she was in even more danger now? She was living in Lycan territory and hadn’t announced herself to him or the Pack’s legal counsel. If anyone found out that she was there they’d come after her for sure. He needed to protect her.

He didn’t know if Hazel had felt the connection when they saw each other yesterday. He had thought she was human and they don't usually feel it when a mate is near.

If he had known she was a supernatural, he would’ve claimed her right there. When he saw her, that voice inside him screamed out Mate. If she were human, he would’ve waited. Would’ve taken the time to get to know her and bring her into his world slowly. That didn’t matter anymore. She already knew what this life was about. She could handle the crash course in Lycan mating.

When Hazel woke up, it was another beautiful day. She got out of bed and began getting ready for her walk to the store Just in case she saw Mr. Huh-Huh-Hotty outside, she put on her tight denim shorts and a v-necked t-shirt with a pushup bra. Then, she grabbed her bag again and set off.

She got about a half mile up the road and then began to feel eyes on her again. The paranoia was beginning to become a little problematic.

She started walking again but then heard a twig snap. OK, maybe she wasn’t just being paranoid.

She was out in the open. There weren't any humans around that she knew of, but she was afraid they may be watching. So, she decided to go into the woods and find a place where she could disappear. Unfortunately for Hazel, she had never been able to mist. If she could, she would just transport herself back to her house. But she did know how to make it look like she had disappeared into thin air. An illusion of invisibility.

Suddenly, Hazel darted into the woods and ran until she found a big enough tree to hide behind while she searched for the person following her. She said the words and made herself invisible. As she peeked her head around the corner of the tree, she saw Mr. McHotty walking through the woods looking very determined. Angry even. He was looking for Hazel. Why? She asked herself. She had been nice to him, even baked him something.

As he came closer, she put her hand over her mouth to quiet her breath. She was beginning to breathe hard from panic. Her heart was thumping against her chest and her mouth was so dry.

He walked past her then stopped. He closed his eyes and lifted his nose to the air, sniffing.

“Come out, come out, wherever you are Hazel,” Rhett said into the woods. Then he sniffed again and turned towards Hazel. He began walking forward slowly. “I know who you are. You can’t run from me. Show yourself witch,” he said.

Hazel backed into the tree and began to tremble. She put both her hands across her mouth to suppress the noise. He stood only a few inches from her by now. “I can smell you Hazel. Your scent. Your fear. I can hear your heart pounding. Show yourself mate,” Rhett said calmly.

Mate? Oh no.

Hazel knew exactly who and what Pecs McHotty was now.

She took her hands away from her mouth. Rhett leaned in and inhaled deeply, his nose nearly brushed hers. She turned her face to the side so he wouldn’t feel or smell her breath.

Rhett slowly brought his hand up and ran it along Hazel’s body without touching it, just mere centimeters away. When he got to her neck he stopped and then reached in and grabbed Hazel’s jaw and turned her face back towards him. “You don’t have to be scared of me Hazel. I don’t want to hurt you. Show yourself NOW!” he demanded. Hazel’s tremble was now a full on shake.

“You’re going to have to learn to listen,” Rhett said as he pulled her head to the side. Then, he suddenly thrust forward and sunk his teeth into her neck. She reappeared quickly as she grabbed onto his hair and tried to pull him off of her. He was too strong and she was fading quickly. He wrapped his other arm around her and lifted her off the ground as he sank his teeth deeper and increased his grip on her neck. A stabbing pain ripped through her neck as the wolf injected his venom into her. She let go of his hair as her strength waned. She latched onto the back of his shirt and pulled at it until a sudden wave of euphoria crashed over her. It was like the best orgasm she had ever had times ten. She looked up into the sky and went limp as she moaned in ecstasy. Then, he removed his teeth from her and licked the wound closed before he picked her up and threw her over his shoulder.

The last thing she saw was the ground passing under her before the world finally went black.

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