Ethan wasn’t on the best of terms with Vanessa yet. But it wasn’t worst either. After the lunch with her at her place, he had maintained a fair distance from her only so he wouldn’t discomfort her in any way.
Ethan was still in his deep slumber when his phone rang loud. It made him groan. Waking up to someone’s phone call wasn’t an ideal morning for him. Except for his mother’s phone call. He hoped it to be his mom or else there was going to be some kind of attitude in his voice.
He rolled over to the other side of the bed and grabbed his phone.
It was indeed his Mother.
“Hello, Mrs. Francis,”
“Ohho. Francis junior you better home tonight for dinner. It’s your father’s birthday,” his mom continued his name calling tease.
Ethan brought his phone to his face and looked at the date. He didn’t purposely forget his father’s birthday. He was too much immersed in Vanessa and the wedding invitation, to remember his father’s birthday.
“I swear I didn’t mean to forget, mom,”
“I am your mom now?”
“Puh..lez, Mom,” he pleaded.
He heard his mom giggling on the other side of the phone.
“I have covered for you. But if you want to make up to me, you better take off from work and come home right away,”
“Yes. Definitely. Anything for you, mom.”
“Then I’ll be counting on you to make dessert for the dinner,”
“What? I only said I’ll be-“
By the time he could finish his words, his mom had disconnected the phone call.
So his schedule for the day was rescheduled, visiting his parents' place to have the celebratory dinner on account of his father’s birthday along with his dessert making.
He groaned, lying back on the bed. He looked at the ceiling. It was completely white. Actually, his entire house held white paint. It was as if, he was obsessed with white color.
After a few minutes, he got out of the bed and did his daily routine. By the time he took a shower and got dressed, it was 11. He didn’t bother having breakfast. He took his car keys and exited his apartment.
He looked at his reflection in the elevator door. While he was examining himself, a girl in her 20s entered the elevator, two floors below his penthouse.
As normal as it was, Ethan ignored her. Although she was sending him some undeniable suggestive looks by staring at his reflection in the elevator door and biting her lips and winking at him.
He shook his head and looked down. He had already had enough with Vanessa and didn’t want another one to misunderstand his actions.
It wasn’t the first time a woman was ogling at him like this. He was used to this. If only he was a straight man, things would’ve been different.
He quickly exited the elevator when it reached the ground floor. He was quick to enter his car and drive away, making the woman from the elevator stomp her feet in disbelief. Which sane man would turn down a sexy woman!!
Ethan drove into his parents' house after driving for a long time. His parents lived in a rather quiet and almost out of the city kind of neighborhood. After all, it was their time to relax.
He honked loudly a few times before turning off the engine and exiting the car. It was his way of making his parents know that he was home. He did that even when he had a bicycle and motorbike. Over the years, only the vehicles kept upgraded, not is silliness.
“I'm home,” he screamed only to get a hit on his chest by his mom, making him startle.
“Ow, Mamma. That hurt,” he faked pouted.
His mom giggled at her son’s silliness.
“Oh shut up and just come inside. Why make noise?”
“For you to know that your prince has come home,” he winked at her. He earned another hit on the chest.
Smilingly, she grabbed his hand and dragged him inside the house to the living room.
“I can’t believe you still fall for his goofiness,” commented Senior Francis.
“How can I not when my baby is so cute,” she said pinching Ethan’s cheek.
“Ah… baby.. Seriously,” Senior Francis was tired from seeing the mother-son duo's lovey dovey nature.
Ethan’s mom laughed at her husband and walked to the kitchen.
Ethan walked to his father and gave a side hug, “Happy birthday, Dad.”
“Where’s my gift?”
“Oh come on, dad. Don’t demand for gifts like kids.”
“I can’t believe you came empty handed for my birthday,”
“Were you this crazy all the time?”
“Have a son exactly like you, then you will know how crazy you can go,”
This was exactly how Ethan grew up talking to his father. There were no formalities. Of course, they had love and respect for each other. But just not in the words, rather in their hearts. Everything that comes out of their mouth was way too informal for a father-son to be having.
“I thought you were coming for dinner,” his father said, walking to the dining area.
Ethan followed him behind, “I came in early to prepare your gift.”
Senior Francis turned back and sent a glare at his son which was met with a sheepish smile of Ethan.
Ethan went inside the kitchen and looked around. His mother was preparing every single favorite food of her husband. Senior Francis would be delighted at dinner time, Ethan thought.
“I’m hungry, mom.”
“Why? Didn’t have any breakfast?” she asked turning to him.
Ethan shook his head a no-no.
“There’s leftover from last night in the fridge, why don’t you try it?” Senior Francis said from the dining table. He was sitting on a dining chair and cutting fruits.
Ethan turned to his mom and pouted. She just shook her head and signaled him to go and eat the fruits that his father was cutting. As his mother’s words were a command, he walked to the dining table and picked the fruits and started eating.
“Tsk. That’s for me,”
“You can cut more,” Ethan said in his gobbled voice.
Senior Francis shook his head and picked more fruits to cut. After all, he was cutting the fruits for Ethan, just posing in front of his wife and son.
“So what’s going on?” Senior Francis asked.
“Nothing much. Actually…” Ethan remembered Jake’s wedding invitation. His parents knew Jake. They actually knew all of his friends, including Arthur and his relationship with their son.
“What is it?” Ethan’s mother joined them for a breather from her continuous cooking preparation since morning.
“Actually, Jake is getting married. He has sent his wedding invitation.”
“Jake McCarthy?”
Ethan nodded his head.
“Are you attending?”
“I'm not sure.”
“Don’t worry, Eth. If you run into that someone, you can just ignore and enjoy the wedding and come back OK?” His mother tried to soothe him with some soft and encouraging words. Seeing her son sad was the last thing she wanted to do.
Both of Ethan’s parents were very well aware of their son’s sexuality and we’re very supportive when he came out to them when he was in high school.
“I’ll think about it mom,” Ethan said in understanding. He was indeed hurt by Arthur but he couldn’t avoid his other friends just for Arthur’s memories' sake.
After the wedding invitation talk, Ethan had got to work on his dessert for his father’s birthday, German chocolate cake.
Senior Francis walked into the kitchen, “I heard what happened at the Wilson’s party.”
Ethan nodded his head without looking at his father.
“Vanessa is a nice girl you know,”
“Did he tell she’s not?” Ethan's mother asked.
“I didn’t say it that way. He could have had a little patience and explained it to her.”
“We had a talk after the party. We aren’t on bad terms but also not on very good terms. We are just fine.”
“Ethan I really hope you will find someone to love and to be loved and settle for life soon.” With those words, Senior Francis left the kitchen.
“You know he is only looking out for you,”
“I know, mom. But what can I do if I don’t feel connected to anyone? I can’t live my life with someone who I cannot love with my everything.”