Chapter 5: Bastian
Cursed female. I paced in my chamber. She slept in the adjoining room, put asleep with magic because I needed time to think. She'd tried to kill herself. Never in all the years of claiming my brides had one tried taking her life.
It shook me to my core.
One hundred years before another companion and she would take herself from me.
I'd waited what seemed like eternity since Bethanne's passing. This female, who I almost didn't claim, would leave me within hours of coming to my kingdom. And on top of that, she'd struck me. Damaged her hand while trying to hurt me. Death was not an option for her, not yet. She would live at least another fifty years and keep me company. Entertain me. Make me laugh.
I looked around my chamber. I could chain her in these rooms with some of my treasures. But I knew in my heart the restrictions would slowly kill her. I'd learned from former brides that human females needed some freedom. After they settled into their life with me, I took them with me to other realms. Allowing them freedom to walk among their own kind. Through the long hours of discussion with Bethanne, she'd told me her needs and made me understand. Each bride had different ones and it could be years before I understood what this one wanted most.
In the years since Bethanne's death, I'd forgotten. I brought my anger to the claiming field, letting it burn. It continued even after Acasia first awoke. I'd threatened her life as I flew away-"I'll eat you tomorrow." And she'd jumped over the side-embracing death-thinking to leave me alone.
My human roar was nowhere as loud as my dragon's, but it helped me gain control. When my anger settled slightly, I walked into her chamber. I whipped the covering back and saw the curve of her breast. I craved her full nakedness. I examined every inch that I could see knowing she would sleep through my perusal. Even beneath the material, her incredible form curved in all the right places. Her breasts were full, and I had a small glimpse of one nipple, small and rosy. I wanted to suckle, flick the tip with my tongue. I arranged my cock beneath the human jeans. I should have put on looser material. I focused my gaze on her face. Soft in sleep, beautiful in innocence. I wanted this woman. Needed to slide into her body and bury myself within her sheath. One of her hands curled beside her head. I uncurled her fingers, seeing the slight bruise and swelling from hitting me. If she touched me slowly, my scales would give way. Only in violence did they turn to armor. She'd hit me violently, making me laugh. But now, I pictured her body twisted, bleeding, and lifeless if I hadn't caught her.
I sat on the side of the bed, running my fingers through her hair. I would not touch her flesh unless she awoke and I saw desire in her eyes. But I could touch her hair, run my fingers through the strands and bring them to my nose. Her heavenly scent made my cock throb harder, thicker.
I dreamed of him again. Touching my hair, leaning over me, scenting me. My thighs pressed together, a need I'd never felt building. Sexual yearning, I knew exactly what it was. My girlfriends had told me about the electrical throb, but their explanations fell flat.
I opened my eyes.
"Woman named Acasia get out here." The roar filled my ears, hurting my eardrums.
Damned dragon.
I tightened the robe, walking from my room, into the library, through the arched door and down the long hallway. He stood on the ledge at the top of the stairs clicking his talon. I cast my angry gaze at the offending appendage. He stopped. Smart dragon.
"We must talk," the words were slightly less harsh, but still echoed loudly within the circular stone walls.
"Do you like to converse with your food before you imbibe?"
"Stupid woman named Acasia. You tempt my anger."
"My name is Acasia, not stupid woman named Acasia."
Smoke came from his nostrils. I guessed it signified his anger.
I needed to know. "Why did you save me?" I asked softly.
The smoke dissipated and his heavy breathing slowed. "I have come to apologize." Each word seemed pulled from his throat.
"For saving me?"
"Quiet," he thundered.
I was thinking of punching his nose again, but just fisting my hand hurt. I looked down and saw the swelling and bruising.
"You try to injure a beast covered in scales, stupid female na..." He stopped himself.
My lips curled up slightly.
"Do that again."
I looked over my shoulder, thinking he spoke to someone else.
"Smile for me," he commanded.
What? "No. You're a beast-mean, threatening, a bully. Why would I smile?"
"Because I demand it."
If the walls were anything but stone, they would be shaking. The stupid beast. "Well you can take your demand and shove it up your red, fire-breathing ass." My entire body trembled with slow-rising fury.
"I apologize and you rebuff me?" His tone finally lowered and I could hear his puzzlement.
I sighed and gave half an inch. "I asked my question first and you didn't answer. Answer me and I'll consider accepting your apology." Oops. Smoke floated from his nose as soon as I finished my statement.
"I've forgotten the question, stupid female," he huffed.
I didn't think it would be a good idea to laugh at him. "My name is not stupid female. Try Acasia... A-caa-sh-a."
A slight spark may have flashed in the black smoke. "Names are too intimate. I will not use your name."
I controlled my need to stomp my foot. The obstinate brute. "Then try calling me female, if you must, but if you really want to apologize you might take 'stupid' from the beginning."
"You are crazy." His wings flapped.
"You are stubborn. I asked why you saved me. That was the question and I'd like an answer." I waited as his wings settled again.
His neck extended, his head moving closer. I backed up a step. He breathed in noisily. He must like my scent, because he'd done it before. My dream man did it too. It must be the roses from the bathing soap.
"I do not wish you dead." The husky words left goose bumps on my flesh.
I understood nothing about this beast. "Then why kill the helpless animal in front of me?"
He blinked. "I wanted to scare you."
"To death?"
"Humph. No, I crave entertainment. You are interesting. I wanted to see what you would do. I did not foresee you throwing yourself over the ledge."
He couldn't possibly be this simpleminded. "I chose the quicker death, but..." I straightened my back a little more hoping he didn't think me weak. "I do not wish to die."
The lids of his red eyes blinked again slowly. "Good, I do not wish to chain you. Bethanne said it saddens human females."
Bethanne. I knew that name. She was claimed by this dragon one hundred years ago. We studied her in our history lessons. "How long did she live?"
His front legs came out, landing a short distance from me. He flopped down, his head resting on his huge feet. His nose almost touched my robe. Sadness spiraled throughout every inch of his body clear to his tail, which circled around and settled over one of his legs.
Desolation dulled his usually bright red eyes. "Thirty-two years I have lived without her. She was twenty when she came, and she lived to be eighty-eight. Sixty-eight years is not long enough to keep someone when dragons live forever."
My breath caught. I wanted to cry. It was his voice-depressed, mournful, completely devastated. His mammoth teeth no longer scared me. I reached out and touched his nose with my left hand because my right one was still sore. Soft, so incredibly soft and warm.
"A dragon needs no pity," he snapped half-heartedly.
I pulled my hand back. "It's empathy. I studied Bethanne when I was young. Hers was one of the more popular claimings."
He made that sound again. "Humph. She was feisty like you, but different too. She cried for months and I hated her tears. I stole the books in the library for her."
"You stole them? From where?" How could anyone with books allow someone to steal them?
"They belonged to another realm. A place with more books than your realm has people. Will you smile for me again?" His half-hooded eyes caused my blood to pump faster.
I fought within myself because I wanted to give him what he asked. "Why would I smile for you?"
"What would you like? I can steal you anything."
I didn't think about my answer. "You don't need to steal what I want most. Freedom. Take me home."
A spark of anger flared in his eyes. "Anything but that."