Chapter 12

"I could've sworn that I saw the wheels turning in your dad's head tonight." Sean joked as we walked hand in hand through the underground aquarium. "At one point I swear he was thinking whether or not he should go get his gun."

"Sean," I nudge him playfully. "You're being a drama queen. That's not true."

"Morgan, I was literally going to run out of that house for my life. I totally forgot that you told me your Dad was a cop, I could've gotten killed you know. I don't know what I was thinking going in without shield- my bulletproof vest and helmet." Sean continued joking. "I was already planning on ducking for cover when I saw him place his hand on his hip, I thought he was reaching for a gun or something."

"You are such a drama queen" I laughed at Sean's antics. "You should have gone into theatre- acting instead of medicine. You'd be an excellent actor, you just totally exaggerated everything perfectly. "

"Maybe a little," Sean chuckled. "But I was still nervous about meeting your parents."

"But the introduction wasn't as bad though, they were just surprised. And I think mom really liked you. Besides, you've survived unscathed so please do not tell anyone that my dad almost shoot you because that's like the most exaggeration I've heard in the history of exaggerations." I chuckled.

"Okay I won't, but in their defence I probably would be thinking of doing something illegal as well if I know a guy my age was dating my daughter." Sean stopped walking and turned to face me with his hands on my waist. "Especially, if she's as smart, funny, cool, wonderful and beautiful as you are."

I smiled as I threw my arms around his neck and met him halfway by leaning in and engaging in a passionate kiss.

"So, do you want to go see the dolphins?" Sean asked as we pulled back from kissing.

"Yeah sure, I'd love that." I smiled as he took my hand and we walked over to the dolphins' aquarium. "Sean, look at how cute they are."

"Yeah, they are amazing creatures." Sean agreed as we stood in front of the glass. "Hey, it looks like this one likes you. Seems as if he's smiling with you."

"Dolphins smile? Hi there," I smiled and waved at the cute dolphin who seemed really happy to see us there with all its flipping around. "I kinda feel bad for them sometimes."

"What do you mean? Why?"

"Because as much as this is probably the only way we'd ever get to see them up this close, I think that they belong in the ocean." I responded.

"But this is like the ocean, they're in sea water." Sean said to me. "They also have a huge enclosure."

"Yeah, but that's exactly what I meant. They are in and enclosure, not the open ocean where they are free and not confined to this aquarium and being used for human entertainment." I said to him.

"Oh, I see you're one of those animal rights activist." Sean smiled at me. "I totally get what you're saying but most of the times, these dolphins are born into this setting. They don't know anything else and they wouldn't know how to survive on their own onto the wild. Also, I don't think these dolphins mind much. I mean look at how happy they look, they don't seem to be missing out on the ocean life that much. In fact, I doubt they've ever been in the ocean, their habitat here is equipped exactly like the ocean."

"I guess so," I responded. "But I have to admit that they're all so beautiful."

Sean and I walked around some more looking at all the different sea animals and fishes they have there. They were such a beautiful sight to behold that I almost didn't want to leave and was really considering getting myself an aquarium- with all different color and species of fishes. That would have been such a beautiful thing to see every morning when I wake up.

"We should go get something to eat now." Sean said to me as we walked up the steps to exit the aquarium. "What do you want?"

"I think I'm in the mood for sushi." I responded.

"Raw fish?" Sean laughed hilariously. "Morgan that's brutal, you just spent half an hour talking about how beautiful the fishes here are and now you want to eat them."

"Look, I can't help it if fish watching makes me hungry for fish." I laughed as well as we walked out together.

I was in the wash room doing laundry when Dad came by leaning on the door.

"Hey Dad," I greeted as I separated the clothes.

"Hey, " I heard him responded but said nothing else.

"Uhm, did you want something?" I asked before looking at him.

"No, not really." Dad shook his head.

"Okay." I responded suspiciously then went back to what I was doing.

Almost five minutes later after loading the wash, Dad was still lurking by the doorway and haven't said anything up until now- which was really weird.

"Are you overseeing?" I asked him with a chuckle. "Making sure that I'm doing the laundry right?"

"Huh?" Dad asked looking at me confused.

"You've been leaning on that doorframe for over five minutes now Dad. So I'm assuming that you're just making sure that I'm doing the laundry correctly. Don't worry Dad, I got it now. I've learned to do the laundry correctly since I was 12 years old." I smiled at him. "I'm not going to mixed bright colours with white clothes all together again."

"No, it's not that." Dad chuckled. "I know you are capable of doing the laundry. Anyway, this guy Sian..."

"I knew it," I chuckled shaking my head. "I knew that that's what this was about. And by the way Dad it's Sean. "

"Right, Sean." Dad nodded. "You said that he's a doctor?"

"Yes Dad, Sean operates his own clinic." I said to him.

"That's nice. I think we might have went to school together." Dad said in a teasing manner which caused me to narrow my eyes at him.

"Dad..." I said in a warning tone.

"Morgan I can't help it, the guy is around my age, he's a senior citizen."

"Dad! He's only forty." I looked at him with disbelief.

"That is like eighteen years older than you. When he was starting college, we were celebrating your first birthday." Dad said to me with a frown. "When he was probably done with university, you were probably in the second grade. Do you see what I'm saying?"

"I get that you're stating the obvious Dad. I know that Sean is older than me by a couple years. "

"A couple?" Dad snorted. "That's a lot of years Morgan. That man could've been your father as well. In law enforcement where I work, there's a name for people like him."

"Yeah? And what's that?" I challenged.

"A pedophile." Dad shrugged.

"Dad, a pedophile is someone who sexually preys on children-minors. The last time I check, I am not a child. I'm an adult Dad, in case you forgot." I said to him.

"Morgan, I know that things may not be the easiest for us financially sometimes and that I wasn't able to buy you a car yet but we're not that worst off. We aren't exactly struggling.."

"What are you talking about Dad?"

"That's how guys like him work, they know they can afford certain things so they try to buy your affection and all with material things like cars and..."

"That's not why I'm with Sean Dad." I was a bit offended by what Dad was saying. "And he doesn't have to buy my affection by offering me anything. I'm not with him for the things he can get me."

"Are you saying that you like him then?" Dad asked me with a raised eyebrow.

"Yes Dad, I do. I really like Sean- a lot." I responded honestly. "And it isn't about the material things or anything. I honestly don't really care about that stuff. Sean is a really great guy. He's smart, funny, kind, charming... He is a really genuine and caring gentleman and I enjoy being around him. I like him for who he is Dad and the age difference doesn't really matter. He doesn't make me uncomfortable around him or try to force me into anything I don't want."

He's really empathetic and encouraging and he listens when I talk. And I don't mean pretend to listen like other guys would, he genuinely listens and give great advice. Those are the reason why I like him, the car and the other gifts are just bonus that comes with the Sean Mercier package."

"So he treats you right then?" Dad asked still in surprise from everything I just told him.

"He does. So far he's the best and I don't know if he'll change later on but for now he's the ideal guy and the fact that he's already accomplished his dreams in life, makes me more attracted to him." I said to dad. "I am giving him a chance and I would really like you guys to try and accept him as well."

"Alright fine," dad sighed. "If you're certain that he treats you right then I guess I can try to give him a chance too and try to get to know him better. Your mom already seemed to be accepting, maybe I can learn to be as well."

"Thanks Dad, I'd really appreciate that." I smiled at him.

"I'm just curious about one thing though," Dad said.

"What's that?" I asked.

"Are you sure this guy is single? I mean most time guys his age are usually married, have their wife and kids at home yet they still go out and look for younger women to..."

"Dad! You just said you were going to give him a chance and now you're judging him?" I frowned.

"I said I was going to try and I'm not judging him. I'm just curious Morgan, I know how some men can be." Dad responded seriously. "You're my daughter, I don't want to see you get hurt. So I'm curious to know."

"He was married once Dad but not anymore. His wife died nearly four years ago. " I responded. "He's decided to try dating once again so here we are now. Can you please just give him a chance."

"Alright," I responded raising his palms. "But if he screws up and hurt you, just remember that your dad owns a gun."


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