Chapter 3
This entire situation I had going on was unbelievable. How is it that I have spent almost a month now trying to find another job over the summer and everywhere was either not hiring or already filled with employees. I couldn't find a single establishment that needed workers and was hiring. It was like every place already had student workers galore for the summer or something.
I was desperately in need of a job and I had been searching for weeks now and still nothing seemed available. Pretty soon July would be finished just like June did, summer will be over and my tuition fee was going to be due and I haven't seen the first dollar.
Most times I just felt so discouraged, like I should just give up and drop out of college. Dad tries his best to support me and pay for my schooling but there is just so much that he could do with his sheriff deputy salary. I had applied for student loan but was unsuccessful—something about me not being qualified at the moment whatever the hell that means. I hadn't bothered asking for an explanation as to why. I was just really disappointed and tired of not getting anywhere with my job hunt.
"Hey ma, I'm back." I greeted my mom as I walked into the living room.
"Hey honey, how did it go today? Any luck?" Mom asked me as she stopped her dusting.
"Nope, everywhere already has enough workers for the summer. The only thing I was told was to try again in August- that is not enough and besides, who is going to have the time next month when the semester is approaching?" I said to her. "I still can't believe that it is so hard to find a job here.
"I guess all the youngsters around here have applied to most of the business places. " Mom responded.
"Yeah, but I've got to find something before the summer ends Ma." I said before heading upstairs.
"All you have to do is keep trying then." mom called out.
"I have got some news for you babe." Kim said to me.
"What news?" I asked turning my head to face her
"So do you remember that site that I had told you about? The one where I met Cory?" She asked sitting beside me on the couch and throwing her legs on my lap.
"The Sugar Daddy club?"
"Yep, that is the one... Anyway, so I know that you said that you weren't interested in signing up or anything but..."
"Oh no Kim, what did you do?" I asked narrowing my eyes at her.
"Morgan, just let and finish please. It is not as bad as you might think it is." Kim responded as she opened the laptop and began typing something on it. "So, I still signed you up anyway even though you said you didn't want toplease dont kill me. Anyway, your profile is burning up girl. You should see the amount of men who had viewed it and are interested in you."
"What!? Kim! Why on earth did you do that... Let me see that." I said taking the laptop from her once I've noticed that she had just logged onto the site. "Kim, you put my pictures and my personal information on here?"
"Morgan relax, it is just two pictures which are extremely gorgeous by the way and it is not like they are half naked pictures or anything. And how else was anyone going to know what you look like or show any interest? " Kim asked me. "People need a face. Besides, I didn't even put your real name on it. I just put a nickname-Morgy Rose."
"Morgy Rose? Really Kim? What the hell kind of nickname is that? And I don't care anyway for just a nickname, I told you I wasn't interested in that site. I never told you to sign me up. You know how uncomfortable it makes me by sharing my personal details on the internet." I said to her. The internet is loaded with creeps.
"It is just your age, sex, career interests and a few other information you could share with anyone. For example, your hobbies, favourite food, likes and dislikes that sort of stuff. It's not like I gave out your specific house address or college or so on." Kim replied "And you know that you're beautiful already, so over 67 guys have viewed and liked your profile. Most of them sent messages but of course I went through them and selected a few which I personally believe are authentic and replied to them. I know you don't fancy old guys much so I had placed an age range from 30-49 years old. Those aren't so bad are they?"
"What did the messages say and what the hell did you replied saying?" I asked clicking on the inbox icon.
"Here, let me show you the ones that I have filtered out and responded to." Kim said lifting the laptop off my lap. "So far I've only responded to six messages. This guy here is 47 years old, his name is Alton Carver and he is a divorced investment broker with no kids. He enjoys taking spontaneous trips overseas to exotic places, he's been to Paris, Rome, Dubai and the Caribbean. Look he's even posted pictures of his travels and he's still quite handsome don't you think?"
"What did he say to me in his messages... I mean to you since you are the one who signed up and responded?" I asked as curiosity got the better of me.
"Well, he expressively stated the fact that you are an absolute beauty. He likes woman who are young, ambitious and goal oriented like you. And he says if you are interested, he would love to take you out for dinner."
"Oh wow, dinner." I chuckled at the thought. Because I dont have food at home right?
"I'm going to ignore your last comment. But yeah, he suggested dinner. Although it doesn't have to be dinner you know. You could agree to lunch or even just coffee as well." Kim said to me.
"You have no idea how much I want to strangle you right now Kim." I said to her shaking my head. "I can't believe you put my information and pictures up on the internet!"
"Mine is on too and Morgan you were already on Facebook and Instagram and you have more than 200 pictures on those platforms so what is the big difference? Kim said to me as if I was making a big deal out of nothing.
"There is a huge difference Kim, those profile accounts are private and only available to close friends or people I know and allow access to. Unlike that website where it is opened up for any creep and strangers to have my pictures lusting at." I said to her and shuddered at the thought of some old guy lusting after my pictures.
"You'd be doing them a good favour after all. You have really hot pictures to lust after. " Kim laughed.
"I can't believe you're laughing right now. You think this is funny?" I asked her as I tried putting on a serious face. "Alright, that is it. Get your smelly feet off me."
"I do find you funny." Kim continued laughing as I pushed her legs out of my lap "And what do you want me to do cry? You need to lighten up, just try a few dates and if none of them works out then you're free to not go on anymore and forget about this whole thing. I mean you can't knock it till you've tried it."
"Remind me why I'm friends with you again?" I said to her.
"Because I'm fun, loving and awesome." Kim laughed. And I keep you entertained and your spirits high.
"You forgot crazy," I said her. "You're all those things but you're bat shit crazy Kim."