Chapter 4

Why did I ever let Kim talked me into agreeing to this? All those years my parents warned me about not giving in to peer pressure while growing up as a kid and into my teenage years, I've managed to fight against it so much until now.

You would think that as an adult it would be so much easier to say no and resist the peer pressure but instead I have succumbed to it. Kim had won in getting me to agree to trying out this online dating thing. I honestly think that I was in need of some serious and proper spanking. I was nearly twenty two years old now and I had given in to my very first peer pressure.

I was a bit skeptical about agreeing to dinner since meeting up with a total stranger from online was a bit risky and usually dinner time was after dark. So instead, I told Kim to tell the guy that I would meet him for lunch. I still hadn't sent a single message for myself since I wasn't actually the one who had signed up.

So here I was at this fancy little restaurant on a lunch date with this older guy that showed interest on my profile. His name was Gerard Aphaloo, a 47years old divorced architect. Externally there wasn't anything much wrong with Gerard in terms of his physical appearance.

He wasn't really bad looking and he was still fit and all and had that smooth, nice manly voice- it was a type of voice I would love my future husband to have (he was soft spoken). He also seemed to have an okay personality, doing well for himself, accomplished most of his goals but there was just one problem- a major one at that- Gerard had zero table manners and etiquette. I really hated the idea of comparing people to animals but I swear that the guy was a pig.

First of all, he ordered way too much food for his lunch while I only ordered a prawn shrimp pasta. Next, he ate with his mouth full and opened and I could literally see down his throat, not to mention he chewed loudly. There were two times when I noticed the couple near us watching him with disgust. That was enough to embarrass me and helped made up my mind that there was no way in hell I was giving this man another chance.

And as if all that wasn't enough, he proceeded talking to me with food in his mouth and some even fall right back out on his plate and the table. I was so grossed out; I honestly think I know the reason his wife divorced him. All the money a girl could be offered, was certainly not enough to get me to ever stay with this guy.

I know some people would say 'oh if he is a nice guy and you really like him that shouldn't matter, those things you can help to change' but no way in hell. There is no way I would stick around long enough to try and change him. They often say that old habits die hard or you can't teach an old dog new tricks. I was definitely not up to be Gerards etiquette teacher.

"So Morgan, tell me about you. What is a beautiful, smart and funny young lady like you doing on a dating website?" Gerard asked stuffing his face with a piece of chicken.

"My friend made me?" I said wiping my mouth with the napkin.

"Sounds likely," he chuckled and pieces of chewed up chicken flew out.

"Eww," I said out loud subconsciously.

"Huh? Did you just say something?" Gerard asked before gulping down some water.

"Uh, no I just... I'm sort of starting to feel sick you know," I said putting a hand on my stomach. "I think having those shrimps were a bad idea...are you feeling alright? You had some shrimps as well didn't you?"

"Yeah but I feel fine." Gerard responded sounding concerned for me. "Maybe you just had a bad batch. Do you want to leave or something?"

"No, I don't want to ruin this date." I said to him giving him a little smile.

"Absolutely not, if you aren't feeling well then I really don't have an issue if you would like to go home." he said to me. "Besides, if you're not well then your heart and mind isn't going to be here. I think you should go home Morgan; you're even looking a bit pale now."

"Are you sure?" I asked feigning disappointed.

"Yeah definitely, sickness is never planned and it isn't a nice feeling." Gerard smiled at me.

"Thank you, you are really sweet." I smiled back at him.

"I try," Gerard said to me. "How are you getting home? Do you want me to drop you off or something?"

"No that's okay. I'll just call my friend and ask her to come pick me up, don’t you worry." I said to him. "Maybe next time, I won't have to leave so early."

Gerard's face lighted up with hope that I would be going out with him again. I was sorry I had to deceive him like this but I just couldn't spend a minute more on this lunch date and there was no way I was doing it again.

"Next time we won't order any shrimp." he said with a smile.

"No, definitely not." I let out a weak chuckle. "Thanks for lunch Gerard, it was good. I'll keep in touch with you okay?"

"Please do," he said to me with a smile. "Bye Morgan."

"I will," I smiled getting up. "Bye Gerard, enjoy the rest of the day okay?"

I was so going to hell for this. I didn't know that I was such a good actor. I just pretended that I was sick and lied nicely. The second I was outside the restaurant I called Kim.

"Kimberley come and get me right now." I said to her.

"Wow, that doesn't sound good. Was it that bad?" Kim asked me.

"Kim, you have no idea."

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