I wake up with the sun kissing my face. I am so happy today is Saturday, no work for me today. I pick up my phone to check the time; it’s just 9:00a.m. That means I still have a lot of time before Enzo’s mom comes by. Last night she called me and told me she would be coming by at 1 p.m. to take me around the city. I am so happy; I can’t wait. I walk out of bed and go straight to the kitchen to make some breakfast.

I put my phone on to play music while I am making breakfast. I am dancing to Swalla by Jason Derulo ft. Nicki Minaj and Ty Dollar $ign. I turn around; I am startled by what I see in front of me. A shirtless Enzo is sitting on the stool in the kitchen drinking water like it’s a regular thing to be shirtless in the kitchen. For God’s sake, does this man not know he is sexy, and it’s not right to show off his sexy body when I can’t even allow myself to look for too long...‘It’s not fair’ I whine to myself.

“You scared me.”

“Sorry, I did not want to disturb your dancing. I never knew my personal assistant is a dancer.”

“I am not a dancer. I just know how to dance, there is a difference. Would you like some breakfast?”

“Sure, and thanks for last night.”

“You are welcome.”

He steps up from the stool and walks to his room. Leaving me wondering how sexy he would look from the front with all the sweat dripping from his body. The view of his well-toned back is enough to tell me this man’s body is to die for. ‘Even his back is sexy, what am I going to do?.’

We are sitting at the dining table, having breakfast. I decide to break the silence and speak up.

“Your mom called last night. She is coming by at 1 p.m. to pick me up, so we could go around the city,” I say with a mouth full of food.

“I would like it if you could close your mouth while you eat and talk after swallowing.”

“Sorry,” I say making sure this time there is no food in my mouth.

“Whatever. When will you be back because we have to get back to New York as soon as possible. Something important needs my attention in New York.”

“Oh, I did not know we were going back so soon. I will ask your mom when she comes how long we are going to spend sightseeing together.”

“Alright, that is fine with me. See you when you get back,” he says as he gets up from his seat.

I am sitting on the couch watching my favourite TV series, Game of Thrones, as I wait for Liz to arrive. I am so into the show that I did not hear Liz get here until I see her walk into the living room with Enzo. I quickly get up and greet her.

“Hi, I did not hear you come in.”

“How are you, dear? Are you ready? You must have been really into what you were watching. That’s why you didn’t hear me come in.”

“I am fine, and yes, I am ready. Let me get my handbag so we can be on our way.”

I walk into my room to get my handbag, but before walking out I check myself in the mirror to fix my makeup and hair a bit. I am wearing a white crop top and white highwaisted skirt with golden sandals.

“I am ready,” I say walking back outside.

“Enzo’s sister is in town, and she decided to come along. I hope you don’t mind?”

“Not at all. I would like to meet her.”

We walk out of the room and take the elevator down. We step into the foyer and wait for Enzo’s sister so we can be on our way.

A girl who looks to be my age comes up to us and pulls me into a hug. Not to seem rude I hug her back, guessing she is Enzo’s sister. When she pulls back from our embrace I see a female version of Enzo. The same hazel-green eyes, jet black hair that stops at her waist and with a body that can make any man fall at her feet.

“You are even more beautiful than mama described. I am so happy Enzo found you. I can see us becoming great friends after today.” she says.

“I am Katherine, nice to meet you.”

“I am Sofia it’s a pleasure to meet the girl that stole my brother’s heart,” she says with a big smile on her face. If only she knew it was a lie.

“Shall we? Because knowing the type of person my brother is, he won’t want me to bring you back home late. So we better get going.” Sofia says as we begin to walk out of the hotel.


Today is one of the best days of my life. Liz and Sofia took me to all the beautiful places in Sicily, and the best part is they are both lovely people. As we kept going from one place to another we got to know each other more. I enjoyed my time with them.

We are sitting in a restaurant enjoying our afternoon tea before they take me back to the hotel.

“I know you and my brother are not dating. He told me but made me promise not to tell our parents. My brother is not the type to lie to our parents about a girl. He must have a lot of interest in you then, but he does not know it yet” Sofia says while Liz has gone to use the restroom, leaving Sofia and me alone. I choke on the food I am eating. I drink water before speaking up.

“I am sorry we are lying to your parents. When we went to the party, your mom thought we were dating, and your brother did not say we were not. So I decided to play along with your brother until he decides to tell your parents the truth.” I say feeling a lot better, now that I have that off my chest.

“It's fine. I know my brother might seem like an asshole, but if you get to know him you will see that he is a wonderful person. Also, I am coming to New York next week. I would love it if we could meet.”

“Of course, why not. Except your brother will likely make me work when I am meant to catch up with you.”

“Don’t worry about him; I can handle him.”

Liz comes back from the restroom. We leave the restaurant to be on our way to the hotel.

I am back in my hotel room after saying goodbye to Liz and Sofia. I enter my room to drop of my shopping bags. I forgot to mention we went shopping even though I told them not to get me anything. They acted like I was talking to deaf ears and got me a lot of clothes.

I decide to call mama. It’s been a while since I heard from her. I dial her number and wait for her to pick. Once she picks up, her voice sounds like she is in pain, because I can hear her breathing hard.

“Mama, how are you doing.”

“My baby girl, I am doing fine. I hope you are enjoying Sicily.”

“Mama, you don’t sound fine. I will be back from Sicily tomorrow. I will take you to the hospital as soon as I get back. I don’t like the way you sound.”

“I am fine, my dear. I am just a bit tired from work, that’s all.”

“Okay, mama, but don’t stress yourself too much. You remember what the doctor said.”

“Yes, I do.”

“That’s good and did you take your drugs?”

“I did.”

“Alright, that’s good. I miss you. I will be back soon. Bye now.”

“Bye, dear and I miss you too.”

I will pay some money to the hospital with the $5000 Enzo paid me. I can use it to start paying for mama’s surgery, meaning $15,000 will be left to pay. If I work for Enzo for three more months, I will have enough money to pay for the operation and finally get a chance to get away from him once and for all.

I walk into the living room to watch some TV before going to bed. I check the kitchen to see if there is popcorn. I find some and take it to the living room with me to continue my Game of Thrones. I am about to start when the devil walks out of his room and comes to sit beside me with his laptop in his hands. He sits beside me and starts doing something on his laptop. I turn to face the TV and watch my series, like he is not beside me.

“You are so sexy, John Snow; I wouldn’t hesitate to fuck you any day, any time. I love you so much.” I mutter softly under my breath.

“Wow, I never knew you were the nasty type, Bella,” he says beside me, turning from his laptop screen to look at me with a smirk on his lips.

I am so into the series that I forgot that Lorenzo was sitting beside me.

“NO, it’s not what you think. I’m-I-I am-I’m, not that kind of person. What I meant was… I don’t know.”

“No need to explain, Bella, I understand,” he says. He closes his laptop and stands up to leave, giving me a wink. He smirks as he walks to his room. Why did he have to be so sexy, even his wink is making my cheeks go red?

I am sleeping deeply when someone comes to disturb me and my beauty sleep. I open my eyes and meet a pair or hazel-green eyes. I wonder who has these beautiful eyes, and then it clicks to my head its Enzo. I quickly sit up. Why does he like waking me up like this? He can simply tap me. He does not have to put his beautiful face in my face to get me to wake up. I look out the window to see it’s still dark, so I am wondering why in God’s name he is waking me up.

“Why are you waking me up? It’s still dark outside.” I say rubbing my eyes.

“We have to be on our way in the next hour, and you have thirty minutes to get ready. If you’re not, I will leave you,” Enzo says and walks out.

What is his problem? Did he wake up on the wrong side of the bed? Thinking of bed, how did I get to my bed? Enzo must have carried me. ‘WOW’ maybe that’s why he is angry. But carrying me to my bed when he could have just woken me won’t cause him to be angry, or would it? Maybe I should ask him. No-no I don’t think that will be a good idea. Let me just get ready before he decides to leave me.

I walk to the bathroom and do all the necessary things to be done. I step out and pick an outfit to wear. I am wearing ripped blue jeans, a brown sweater, and black shoes with my black handbag.

I checked my phone for what the time it was before I went to the bathroom. It was 5:00 a.m. It's 5:25 a.m. now. I have only a few more minutes before we leave, and I have not even packed my stuff.

I quickly walk to the closet and start putting my clothes inside my luggage. Someone walks into the room; I don’t care to look up because I am trying to zip my luggage as fast as I can. With the extra new outfits, it’s giving me a hard time. The person who entered the room walks up to me and helps me close it. I don’t need to look up to know who it is, because the strong cologne is enough to tell me it’s Enzo.

Once we are done zipping my luggage, I look up to thank him, but no words come out from my mouth once I lock eyes with him. His eyes are so beautiful; I could stare at them the whole day but I know that’s not possible. He clears his throat and stands up straight as he picks up my luggage so we could be on our way. What just happened? Did my boss and I have a moment right now? No-No-No I should not be making up things.- I doubt he even sees me as a human being. More like something to meet his need to make my life a living hell.


I am sitting in Enzo’s SUV on my way home. We arrived a few hours ago. Enzo has not said a word to me since we left Sicily. I wonder if I did anything wrong or maybe he is just his moody self.

The car comes to a halt; I look out to see my house. I step out and walk to the back to get my luggage, but Enzo gets it for me. I thank him for walking me to my door and also helping me with my luggage. He did not say anything but just got into his car and drove off. What an asshole, why is he behaving like this? I hope he won’t have this nasty attitude at work tomorrow.

I walk upstairs to check on mama. She is sleeping. I walk back downstairs to get something to eat or maybe cook. Luckily for me, mama already made dinner. I pop my food into the microwave.

After eating I walk into my room and straight to bed to get some sleep, before I wake up later to tell mama all about my trip.

I am about to go deep into my slumber when I hear my phone ringing. I pick up the phone with much anger as I would like to know who the idiot is that decided to call me when I am about to sleep.

“What!” I say without caring to see who the person is on the line before picking up.

“Is that the right tone to use and speak to your boss?” The person on the line says, and it does not take me more than a second to recognise the voice. It is none other than Enzo.

“Oh my. Sorry, sir. I did not know it was you.”

“How can you tell me you did not know that it was me? Isn’t my number meant to be saved on your phone?”

“Of course sir, your number is saved on my phone. The thing is, I was sleeping, and when I heard my phone ringing, I did not care to check who was calling before picking up. I was already angry with the person who woke me up from my sleep. That’s why I spoke in that tone. I promise you it won’t happen again. I am sorry.”

“I hope it never repeats itself again. We are having a meeting at 7:00a.m. tomorrow. I need you in the office by six. We need to go through everything needed before the meeting.” he says and hangs up before I am even able to say a thing.

Why does he behave like this? I wonder what his problem is. I just pray he does not have this sour mood tomorrow in the office.

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