Chapter 8
*Chapter 8
Clear View University*
The hall was filled with students talking, some of the guys were tossing a football around and Nikolai caught one mid-air that almost hit a girl on the back of her head. He passed the ball back to one of the junior football players as he walked down the hall to his next class.
Nikolai saw the new girl and her friend walk down the hall to Ms. Pratt's class. The action caused Nikolai to smirked and mentally shout a yes while pumping him fist in the air. This also reminded him that he had to find out her name because Nikolai kept on I calling her the new girl.
This was the first class they had together, other than homeroom which was only 15 min long. A.K.A not a class where he could make her fall for his charms. This girl could play as hard-to-get as she wanted, Nikolai will have her in his bed soon enough.
They were talking at the lockers next to the room; Nikolai decided to walk in before the girl and sit down in his assigned chair. This class was so full that the only seat that was open was next to Him.
That is only because Ms. Pratt places the kids in assigned chairs in this class and knows exactly where everybody should sit. If you didn't sit on your seat she would punish you with detention and cleaning her storage room, which I heard could be the worst because it was never clean.
Of course, Nikolai had people that sat next to him but it never lasted long before irritating Ms. Pratt. She would simple just move the kids to one of her other classes.
Nikolai wasn't always so glad that Ms. Pratt put him between the nerd hoping that would keep him quiet, but now He couldn't be happier about it.
This meant that there was no other choice but to have the new girl sit next to him. This would give him a proper chance to introduce himself. It would only be so she knew which name to shout out sooner rather than later.
Nikolai smirked when he saw her walking into the room. She had on one of those Freddy jeans that hugging her ass, shaping it. The shirt she wore was so provocative he couldn’t stop staring at her assets.
Nikolai could honestly tell anybody that every time he saw her, his jeans would suddenly sit tight in the most uncomfortable way and he would have to wiggle around so that the kids around him wouldn't see the embarrassing moment.
The girl gave the yellow slip to the teacher that was in her hand. The yellow slip was commonly known as a 'New Student Slip'. You would only have one so for each teacher you just showed the slip and that would tell you what to do
Ms. Pratt only pointed to the open seat next to me and said "Sit" The girl rolled her eyes but nodded looking like she really didn't care and sat down next to Nikolai. A shiver went down his spine when he smelled her perfume.
Nikolai had no idea what it was but it was like nothing he has ever smelled. After she sat down she rolled her shoulders and Nikolai could literally hear the bones popping in her back and shoulders. he'd never admitted it out loud but that was so damn sexy.
She looked well build but like sexy well-built not like overly done. It would seem like she would spend most of her time in the gym. Nikolai couldn’t take his eyes off of her and kept on staring at the side of her face hoping she would look at him.
To a lot of people it would be weird but he didn’t care. He could seem to take his eyes off of her for a second. Much to his dismay she ignored him and closed her eyes. That was also something absolutely new to him. Most of the time girls couldn't wait to talk to him or hang off his arm.
Nikolai decided to make the first move. He held his hand out and said "Nikolai, but you can call me Nick." She looked at his hand then up to Nikolai’s eyes then returned to her previous position, and stating, "Tatiana"
That was the only reply He got. This throws him so spiritually off balance he didn't know what to say. Shaking himself out of shock he decided to flirt with her by trying an all-time favourite, one of the cheesiest 'Roses are red' pickup lines.
"Roses are red, violets are blue, love never crossed my mind until the moment I saw you." She didn't react for a second before sighing and replying, "Roses are red, here's something new: Violets are violet not fucking blue."
Nikolai stayed silent, too shocked to have a retort. The teacher started speaking and he only listened with one ear.
"Welcome to back to AP Mathematical. Remember this is the class that will make you cry and sweat until you think you can no more. This is also the class that decides if you pass this term or not so, pay attention!"
Nikolai once again shook off the shock and said "Are you a parking ticket? Because you've got fine written all over you." Tatiana finally opened her eyes and rolled them at Nikolai before replying "No, but you must be a jury notice because I've been trying to avoid you." Once again she caught him off guard.
Tatiana looked surprised by how fast Nikolai recovered for the second time. There was no way she would have a comeback for every pickup-line he had, or so he hoped. Nikolai quickly said, "Here I am! What were your other two wishes?"
Nikolai was smirking on the inside. That was a good one he’s been waiting to use for a while. She chuckled and said, "That he would be charming and handsome. I guess not all wishes come true." She shook her head.
This time Nikolai stayed silent for quite a while trying to think about a pickup-line that hadn't been used much. He needed one that would sweep her off her feet. After a few minutes, he couldn't think of one so he used second best.
Nikolai smirked and said, "I just Googled 'sexy' and a picture of you came up." She nodded and while writing something from the board completely not interested in his and then she mumbled: "You'll get the same result if you search for not interested."
Nikolai had to honestly say he had no other pickup-lines to use. This girl was good and on some weird level, it was actually turning him more on. If only Tatiana knew what he was thinking.
She'd probably call him a pervert and kick Nikolai between the legs. Talking about legs dear lord, her legs were something out of this world. Looking at them only gave Nikolai an image that made his pants uncomfortably tight once again.
If this girl only knew what she was doing to him. For the rest of the period, Nikolai stayed silent, not turning to look at her again. To say his ego was bruised would be the understatement of the year.
After the bell rang Nikolai stayed still in his chair for a second after she walked out of the room. Everybody was already out of the class when he finally decided to walk out of the class and down to his locker where Nikolai know the boys are waiting for him. All the way there he was deep in la-la-land. Not paying attention to anything around him.
The Guys were already there and they all had smirks on their faces. "So have you made a move on the new girl yet?" Eadric asked. His voice tore Nikolai from his own little dream world and Nikolai rolled his eyes before shake his head.
"No she ignored me in homeroom, we didn't have second together but I did do Rachel and damn was she good." Nikolai thought back to how Rachel and he skipped the second period to go do the dirty in his car.
"But in third, she had a comeback for every good pickup-line I had. She was all not interested and not caring. Other than that it was actually really hot and such a turn on."
The boys were all silent, giving each other this look of disbelief before they all burst into laughter and mumbling rejected. Gabe smirked and said, "Well that's a first." The guys all wiped imaginary tears away from under their eyes.
Gabe looked up before continuing to talk. "There is already a rumour about Ava going to tell her off. If she put you in place I wonder what she's going to do to Ava. The other rumour is that she is bad-ass and like appeared into thin air because there is no record about her for the last 2 years. I mean she doesn't have Facebook, Twitter, Skype or anything. There is nothing from the last two years of her on Google."
Nikolai gave a breathe laugh, causing the girls in the hall to look at him and melt in a puddle of lust. "Oh please, the girl might look bad-ass but there is no way she just appeared out of thin air. There must be something about her. I mean do you know how much it would cost to lose 2 years of your life and make sure nobody knows about it?"
They all nodded and then they all walked into the lunch room together.
The lunchroom was silent and Nikolai knew they were just in time for a showdown. Looking around the room to see what drew everybody's attention, Nikolai saw Ava walk to Tatiana's table.
Everybody was silent and they could see the tension in her friend's shoulders. Tatiana turned around and everybody heard Ava starting to talk to her. At least the boys were close enough to hear what they were saying.
Ava stood with her hands on her hips with Sally and Rachel behind her. Ava was trying to intimidate Tatiana but it didn't seem like it was working. Ava had an unflattering sneer on her face and stood in a bitch pose. Tatiana laid back into the plastic chair she was sitting on like she had no care in the world.
"Well-well would you look at what we have here Girls," Ava said and Tatiana rolled her eyes. Nikolai could just imagine the twitch in Ava's eyebrows when she went tense. Ava continued like she wasn't bothered. "A new emo girl in all black."
She surprised us all by standing up and looked Ava up and down. "News flash, emo people wear black." Tatiana stared at Ava like she was stupid. They were the same height but Nikolai knew that if Ava had to take off her 6-inch heels that Tatiana would tower over her like a mountain.
Even Nikolai could hear the sarcasm in her voice saying when she said, "and I've been called worse by better." before Ava could retort to her first comeback. Ava looked shocked and then sneered at her again.
"This is my school, I rule this place and I will make your life hell if you ever try to do something out of line." Tatiana chuckled but didn't say anything. Ava stared and raised an eyebrow after a full minute of silence, before saying "Did you hear me or are you deaf?"
This time around Tatiana looked around before pointing an innocent finger at herself. "If you're waiting for me to give a fuck, you better pack a lunch. It's going to be a while." Ava's face turned into an unpleasant shade of red. It kind of reminded him of an angry animation character.
"You're pushing your limits, new girl. I'll crush you like a stick!" She rolled her eyes at Ava before saying "It's 'I'll crush you like a twig'... not a stick." Ava quickly replied by saying. "That's it; I'll end you and make this year hell on earth for you!"
Ava whipped her blond her over her shoulder, looking like she was going to walk away before Tatiana said "Wow-wow-wow, you think my life will be hell? Let's see you try. You have no idea who you're messing with." Ava gasped twisting around and storming to the table the boys were sitting at. Nikolai stopped listening after that not really caring anymore.
Ava's irritating voice was next to Nikolai not long after he stopped listening "Can you believe that girl? I'll end her. Nobody has ever done that and I want it to stay that way." She sat down on Nikolai’s lap and started kissing him but he could feel that she was not mentally there.
Not that Nikolai really minded. Ava turned back around and faced everybody else. She started making conversation with them while he stayed silent thinking about Tatiana. She had him intrigued.
Copyright © 2018 by Grace Write