Chapter 2
- Chapter 2
'Da Pasquale' Hillford*
We drove through West Hillford and passed the border of Clear View Point. This was my valley, I grew up here and as I looked all around, I started remembering all the places I used to go and things I used to do. There were a lot of new and old, big and small shops, nice and more modern houses.
Silva parks the car in front of one of the shops on the right. It looks like a restaurant of some sort. We got out and walked into the slightly busy restaurant, where I saw Grace standing at the cash register.
By now everybody in the diner turned to look at us. I was standing there with my Bad-Girl look and my hands in my pockets while Silva proudly stood in his black 3 piece suit looking at his silver expensive Rolex watch.
I smirked and ran my hand through my lose hair. After a few seconds of staring everybody turned back to their food and their conversations.
Suddenly without warning, a pair of arms were tightly wrapped around my body and I knew right away that it was Grace. She squeezed me a bit before starting to talk in a rush.
"Oh mio caro, è passato così tanto Tati. Come sei stato? Hai causato problemi?" She asked in one breath. I looked at her with a raised eyebrow. Grace was a born Italy and chose to speak in her mother language even though she speaks fluent English very well and has lived in Clear View Point for almost 13 years now.
"Hey Grace, it's only been 5 years, I've been good, yes I made trouble what else did you expect?" I answered her. Grace was such a sweet caring motherly woman who always cared about how it went with other people.
Sometimes I wonder how she and Silva were a match made in heaven. They were complete opposites, she was soft, caring, loving and he was rough around the edges, mean and back in the day an emotionless person.
I look around and chuckle "Really Silva, a family, and a formal Restaurant? That's the best you could do?" He shook his head, rolling his eyes and walk into the back. "No but with you getting arrested and all we couldn't take chances and had to move quickly.
A restaurant in the middle of town was a great idea. Nobody would think there are Mafia Headquarters in the middle of Clear View Point right?" He asked me rhetorically. I so desperately wanted to answer his rhetorical question just to irritate him.
We walked down the hall, down a few stairs to the wine cellar in the basement. Silva pulled out a bottle of French Beaujolais-Villages wine made in the early 1600s. An eye and thumb scanner as well as a voice recognition system came out of the wall.
"Impressive," I whispered silently as I watched him with fascination. Silva scanned his thumb than his eye. "Password please," said a deep voice out of the voice recognition system.
Silva took a silent breathe before saying "Member 001, Quando finisce la partita il re ed il pedone finiscono nella stressa scatola."
His password didn't make sense to me so I looked at Silva with a questioning look. "In the end no matter who or what you were in this life, you all end up in the same place," he explained.
I pondered over what he said before nodding my head and walk behind him. It was true, no matter what role you played on earth, in the end, we all die and end up in a box underground. We walk down a tunnel with cameras and Flat Screen TVs.
Every now and again a few Gang members would walk past us and nodded their head to Silva in respect. We walked 10 minutes until we came to a big entry. There was a receptionist on the phone, security walking with either handguns or rifles and gang members in suits.
We turned left into another long, dark tunnel when Silva held up his hand to stop me. He took a quick step forward before moving back. Arrows went flying from right to left and left to right and then fire blew out from all angles.
Silva moved again and moved his hand to let me know I have to move with him. We stopped at a door and he turned around, "When I push this button you have 3 seconds before the door flies open and a Chainsaw comes flying your way. Duck or be beheaded."
Before I could say anything he pressed the button and I fell to the ground and just when I dropped a Chainsaw came through the door. Mother pucker that was so close, way too close. I glared at Silva in frustration and he smirked. "I warned you." was all he said.
We stop in front of the door and Silva pointed to one of the tiles "That tile is just a piece of paper with hidden spikes under it. Don't step on it, I don't have the energy to clean the blood up right now." I stepped over the 'tile' and walked down the tunnel.
We walked into his office where he walked around the table and I sat down on one of his expensive white leather chairs.
He sat behind a large wooden table, all scary looking and looked at me. He was studying me and I did not like it. Before I could say anything so he would stop staring at me he stopped me and starting first.
"Here are your keys to your bikes, cars, and house. The limo will take you to your house and the butler will show you everything inside the house but you must walk around outside on your own." He handed me a keychain with keys on.
He swirled in his chair to reach the end of his desk where a shiny red button laid. Without warning, he pressed a button. Great of course he would press the RED button. I heard a sound that sounded like a trap door opening.
Now let me try and explain what happened next. For those of you who have watched 'Phineas and Ferb' would understand. You know when Perry randomly opened a part of a wall or tree or even the trash can and he jumps in, it kind of looks like a slide? Well, imagine me falling through one of those things.
So before I knew what was happening I slip off my chair and into a dark hole! It was truly terrifying and I tried not to scream by biting my lip. Finally, after what felt like five minutes I suddenly came to a stop, landing on a soft fluffy beanbag.
Slowly standing up and dusting my butt off I walked to the door against the wall and pulled it open. I realized that I was in front of the wine cellar door where we began.
Okay, a random slide -all the way- from the office back here is awesome because that means I wouldn't have to walk that far again or do any of those dangerous things outside of Silva's door.
I mean who needed that many traps? It was a freaking Mafia Headquarters; nobody was just going to walk in there. I walked through the cellar door that was halfway open and up the stairs that lead to the kitchen in the restaurant.
There I saw Grace, so I waved goodbye and said, "Goodbye Grace thanks for everything. See you soon okay?" She nodded absentmindedly because she couldn't say goodbye as since she was busy with a customer making an order to feed a bloody army from what I can hear.
I wasn't one to show emotion but ever since I met Grace I knew that she wanted to be a restaurant owner and finally her dream has come true. I was proud that Silva made her dream come true. Grace deserved to be happy.
Walking out the door, there stood a Black limo waiting for me just like Silva said. I climbed into the open door nodding my head at the driver that held the door open.
The limo started driving and about 20 minutes later it came to a stop. I opened my black tinted window so I could see where we were. In front of me was a very beautiful mansion, hidden behind fancy looking black gates.
The first thing that went through my mind was, 'Hell Yeah, I can't wait to through my first party in this house'. Looking around I saw that the houses next to mine looked blurry so far the rest of the houses were from mine.
The Limo door was opened by the same man dress to kill in a black and white 3 piece suit. His face was emotionless like most of Silva's drivers. Climbing out the limo I fixed my shirt and walked a few steps away from the car.
Copyright © 2018 by Grace Write