Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 6

**Lucas POV **

Gio and Lexi finally came back from their honeymoon this morning. They had decided to stay a bit longer in Venice, hence, I had to be in charge of Gio's business affairs and the family for almost a month now. I always loved responsibilities but I couldn't say that I wasn't glad that they were now back. This means that Gio could take back over handling his business and I'll just stick to my job as right hand man.

"So how was the honeymoon?" I decided to try and make conversation with Lexi.

I was over at their house since Gio had requested I came there the minute he had landed. He was annoying and bossy like that. The guy couldn't even wait to settle in properly first before he started hounding me.

"Do you really want me to tell you how much sex Gio and I had?" Lexi asked me in a sarcastic tone, though I can't really tell with her when she's being sarcastic or not. "Because that's basically the whole point and what a honeymoon entails. So if you want I could give you details on..."

"That's okay," I stopped her holding up a hand. "I take it you guys enjoyed yourselves."

"Good," Lexi said sarcastically with a fake smile. "If you want to know how our honeymoon was, ask Gio. You’re his friend not mind." Lexi rolled her eyes.

I guess she still hated my guts even though she tried to be civil with me most times for Gio's sake.

"When are you two ever going to stop hating each other?" Gio asked as he returned to the living room and went beside Lexi.

"Probably never." Lexi commented before starting to kiss him.

It was unbelievable to see Gio like this today- so whipped. I know the whole making out thing now was Lexi's spiteful way of trying to make me uncomfortable someway by having to stand there and watching them.

"Did you call me all the way over here so I could watch you guys make out?" I asked clearing my throat to get back Gio's attention.

"How is everything running?" Gio asked after pulling away from his wife. "Any new issues?"

"So far everything is running just as smoothly. Shipments are regular and everyone is seemingly still loyal. The last issue we had was Alfredo. Of course I took care of that." I told him.

"Not even a day back and you're already getting ready to slump in work." Lexi said shaking her head before leaving us alone.

"Speaking of which, what did you do with the girl?" Gio asked me.

"Amy? She's at my apartment, I got Ankell to flush out her system. She's no longer having withdrawal symptoms-she's clean now." I told him.

"You're on first name basis with her?" Gio asked raising a brow.

"What name do you want me to be on with her? Of course I know her name. Do you expect that I should have her in my apartment and not know her name?" I asked back.

"That's not what I'm saying, I'm just curious about the relationship you have with her." Gio said to me.

"What relationship? The girl is just there because I didn't think I should kill her too after what happened. You know if you want me to I can just go back and take care of her if you just give me the order." I said to him fed up of what I believe he was insinuating.

"That is not what I want." Gio said seriously. "I want to meet the girl—have a word or two with her. Bring her by the club tonight. We need to have a little chat."

Getting ready and looking decent wasn't something hard to do on my own. I had enough experience in getting ready; fixing my own hair and makeup. Somehow Lucas had gotten some of my things from my apartment brought here for me; some clothes, few shoes, my makeup, hair products and so on. According to him, the rest of my stuff were trash, as is my apartment. Whoever cleaned it out and gotten rid of my old things handled them since I no longer owned that apartment.

Fortunately, I didn't have anything sentimental at that apartment which he left behind. Sure some of my old clothes and jewelry which I always loved were left behind. Maybe it was a good thing getting rid of them as not having them could help me to start over fresh without remembering events attached to them.

The bag that Lucas brought me earlier had a simple sleeveless black straight dress- which rested a few inches down my thigh with a split up one leg, a black strappy heels and a purse. Don't ask me how Lucas knew my feet size in order to get these shoes but both the dress and heels fit me perfectly. I remembered Lucas said that it was his boss who wanted to meet me and I was to be ready by seven. So I wasted no time in doing just that. I was extremely nervous to meet however this boss was. I had a feeling that this meeting wasn't a friendly one. If Lucas was this serious and scary, what would his boss be like?

I didn't want to be late and get on Lucas's bad side, therefore after showering, I started working on getting ready immediately. I had opted to wear my hair in a tight high ponytail, I didn't know what the night's meeting meant for me so I decided on doing a light makeup; which was just some face powder, eyeliner, mascara and pink lip-gloss. The only jewelry I had on was a pair of small fake diamond stud earrings. If I was going to be killed tonight or something, I don't believe my appearance would matter. Looking at myself in the mirror, I thought I looked alright. Taking a deep breath, I decided to leave the room and see if Lucas was ready to leave.

The minute Lucas spotted me, he gave me an appreciative look before telling me to come along. Lucas held on to my upper arm as we walked towards the elevator, it was like he still believed that I was going to try make a run for it or something.

"You don't have to keep holding on to me every time we're not inside your apartment you know." I said to him as we entered the elevator. " I'm not going to run okay? "

"That would've been a stupid choice too if you tried that." Lucas said before moving his jacket aside to let me see the gun tucked into his waist.

"W-would you actually shoot me?" I managed to ask despite being so nervous.

"Don't be too eager to find out." Lucas warned.

I decided not to say anything else and provoke him further into actually using that gun on me. Lucas led me through the lobby and to his car. I tried to remain quiet as he drove off. I peeped at him from sideways when he wasn't looking. He was really handsome now that I took the time to notice it. How on earth could a guy this good looking be so scary and I don't know- ruthless?

"What?" I heard Lucas asked causing me to snap out of my thoughts.

"N-nothing." I stuttered hanging my head.

"You were staring." he replied.

"I know; I was just...Never mind." I sighed.

"Just ask." Lucas said as he kept his eyes on the road.

"Ask what?" I asked him confused.

"You've been staring at me for the past couple of minutes, I assume you have something that you want to know?" Lucas responded.

"Uhm...where are we going exactly?" I decided to ask him.

"I told you the boss wants to meet you." was Lucas's only respond.

"Yeah but boss of what exactly? I'm clueless to everything." I told him.

"You'll know all you need to know when we get there." Lucas replied.

"Where?" I asked once again.

Why can't this guy give me a straight answer?

"His club-INFERNO." Lucas replied.

Oh god no.

I just got out of working at an indecent strip club and now Lucas is taking me to his boss at another club? Was I being pawned off at another indecent club to be owned and controlled by another despicable boss? Was this the whole point of getting me clean and me dressing up to come here tonight?

"Uhm...Am I..." I started asking but Lucas cut me off.

"It’s not a strip club. No, you're not being sold back into that life." Lucas answered before I finished asking.

"Oh," I sighed relief. "How did you know I was going to ask that?"

"Your whole attitude and demeanor just changed the minute I mentioned a club. It wasn’t hard to figure out where your thoughts went." Lucas responded.

"Oh." I replied slouching in the seat.

"Your boss owns this club?" I asked Lucas as we got out of the car.

"I said that already didn't I?" Lucas responded.

"I know, it’s just that... What am I to expect when I go in?" I asked nervously.

"I don't think it’s anything to worry much about. Anything that's going to happen, I'm sure you've experienced worst." Lucas said with a serious expression. "Now come on."

"That makes me feel so much better." I muttered to myself sarcastically.

Lucas put a hand on the small of my back as he led me inside the club. One would think that an act of such was an intimate one or for someone who cares about you but I knew better. I knew that the only reason that his hand was there was because he didn't want me to run away and he probably knew that him dragging me by the arm would look really suspicious.

I was amazed by the interior of the club but I had no time to really admire the surrounding because I was too nervous about what was going to happen next. Lucas led me to a stairway which I'm guessing obviously led upstairs to maybe some private area or VIP area. After reaching the top, Lucas and I made our way to a lounge. I guess this was really a VIP area because up there was less crowded and mostly had guys dressed in expensive looking suit. There wasn't a lot of them but at different areas you could see them lounging around, chatting, some playing games and others had females on their arm. It didn't look bad as Lollipop Tease had been. In all honesty, it had a different aura about the place. I wasn't sure how to feel being there but something about this room just emit power, authority, danger amongst others.

Lucas walked passed some of the guys who immediately started looking at me weirdly which made me extremely uncomfortable under their scrutiny. If I wasn't wrong, I was pretty sure that some of them seemed quite amused with seeing me with Lucas while some gave him a respectful or acknowledging nod. It was like Lucas knew most of these guys or something. I couldn't quite figure out what on earth was up. Lucas led us to an area where there was this long sofa type chair and in that chair there was this guy and a female making out.

You couldn't see their faces since she was in his lap and her head and hair were blocking their faces, but it was obvious. I twitched uncomfortably when Lucas stopped right there. Seriously, if we were going to be waiting on his boss, couldn’t we wait at another sofa? Why did he choose to stop at this one where this couple was here displaying all the PDA? I was aware that it was weird that I felt uncomfortable seeing others display this much PDA, considering I was practically living in a club which demanded it.

"Can you two stop eating each other's faces for a couple of minutes?" Lucas said after clearing his throat to get their attention.

"Great it’s Lucas... Of course, why am I not surprise?" The girl said irritated rolling her eyes as she pulled back from kissing the guy.

"I'd say you have the worst timing ever. If I didn't know any better, I'd think your job is to be a cockblocker- you're always ruining intimate moments." the guy said seriously as he positioned the woman on his lap so that he could look at Lucas properly. I immediately noticed that he had a deep accent which meant he wasn't exactly American. He was extremely good looking and hot- not to mention his female partner who was also extremely gorgeous.

"How am I cockblocking? Were you two about to get it on right here in the lounge in public?" Lucas fired back.

"I'll hurt you." the guy said seriously. I couldn't tell if he was playing or actually being serious.

"You said you wanted to meet the girl, well here she is." Lucas said as he pulled me forward. "This is Amy."

What!? I was in shock. Was this guy Lucas's boss? Seriously?

He was young, he didn't even look much older than Lucas. Even though I wasn't aware of Lucas's age I guessed he was in his late 20’s. Which meant that his boss was probably in his late 20’s as well or even early 30’s. When Lucas said his boss wanted to meet me I was thinking of some old guy with a pot belly or something, not a young hot male like himself. I was sure that shock and surprise was written all over my face.

"So you're Amy." The guy said seriously as he looked directly in my face.

"Y-yeah, I... I am." I stuttered nervously before clearing my throat to get rid of the squeakiness that just came out.

"Why don't you sit down Amy? I'm sure you and I have a lot to talk about." he said once more.

"Okay." I nodded nervously turning to look at Lucas before slowly making my way to sit on one end of the sofa.

If I had thought that Lucas was scary before, I was definitely wrong. For some reason, I'd rather be around Lucas than his boss. There was just something about him that made him seemed really scary to me. And the fact that when he talked he gave away no expressions as to how he felt, scared me even more.

"Baby you're scaring the girl." the woman in his lap said nudging him gently.

"No I'm not," he said to her before turning to look at me. "I'm not that scary am I?"

"Uh...I think...uhm..." I stumbled over my words unsure of what to say.

I didn't want to offend this guy and telling him yes he was scary, might’ve been offensive. But I was also scared that if I told him he wasn't scary to me he'd know that I was lying still and be even more mean to me. It wasn't like I had any idea why I was here tonight.

"Don't answer that," the girl smiled at me friendly as she got up from his lap and sat on the sofa closer to me. "He's just trying to get you all riled up. I'm Lexi by the way."

"Oh, I'm Amy." I smiled back slightly as I shook her outstretched hand.

"Nice meeting you Amy. So how is it living with the ass?" She said pointing at Lucas -who at some point had also taken a seat-without even batting a lash.

My eyes were wide at hearing her said that about Lucas. Here I was afraid of even looking at the guy, and here she just dissed him openly and unafraid. I looked at Lucas to see his reaction and found him glaring at her. I guessed that Lexi was probably more important to his boss so he choose not to disrespect her by responding.

"Quit it baby, that's enough." the guy said to her, though I could see he found this amusing.

"My name is Giovanni Cavelli." he said to me. "Now let's just get straight to the point of why you're here."

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