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2. The Alpha You May Know


Past - two years ago

A rich growl echoes through the woods under the moon-bathed forest as I watched Max leaping around from one place to the other. His cinnamon fur almost glowed like wild embers under the silver beam as he played around the light and shadows. It was the twelve-year old’s third full moon and by now he has finally mastered the art of shifting. The first two times were always painful, unable to control the pain, emotions, heat or the spirit.

But after that, it’s always peaceful to be in your wolf form. It helped us to think, act and communicate in the most natural way we know, and our human form merely becomes a reflection of us. It was like a totem we carried in our spirits, guiding and reminding us in a myriad of ways that we were, after all, wolves.

That few seconds when we shift from the human form to our wolf, every cell is altercated. And with that, every facet of us is transformed from human to wolf - an animal of loyalty and incredible strength with a heart so robust that we felt every emotion as acutely as possible.

Be it rage, love or honour - we uphold everything with our lives.

A low grunt resonated as my wolf turned to find my brother, Blaize, joining me in the darkness. This was the perfect place for us up on the small cliff. It gave us an overview of the young ones as well as the tranquility of a full moon night when we shifted. We watched in silence, feeling the breeze ruffle through our furs while the hunt went on.

A little far away where a cloud of smoke circled up high in the sky, the rest of the pack celebrated with dancing and drinking. It wasn’t uncommon for us, werewolves, to find an occasion—any occasion for that matter—to have a party.

We lived, hunted, mated and celebrated.

Not exactly in that order though.

The darkness finally started to drift away and even though the sun was hidden somewhere, the sanguine already painted the sky. So I got up on four legs, leaped from the cliff and shifted back to my human form. Pulling up my pants, I bundled up the t-shirt and walked back to the cabin house bare-chested.

Since it was quite a night, I grabbed the coffee jar and proceeded to brew myself a cup before the sharp click of the door penetrated my heightened senses. Two more steps, and I already recognised the gait.

It was dad, and he was back home after shifting. And by the manner my wolf communicated with him, he doesn’t seem too happy as well.

By the time he sauntered into the kitchen isle and pulled the wooden stools, I placed the steaming cups of caffeine before him. Silently, he took a long swig before breaking the ice. “So, what have you decided about it?”

“About what?” I played along.

“You know what I am talking about,” he almost growled out in frustration. “Do not play coy with me.”

Our heightened senses and telepathy worked excellently when we are in our wolf form which only diminishes once we shift back. But it has nothing to do with blood relations. With parents, brothers in blood and mates—the communications were always accurate.

“In that case, you know I haven’t, dad,” I replied, bringing the mug to my lips.

“Damn it, Xander, this is not a joke.” As if I didn’t know. “If you don't do this, your position would be questioned every day once you become an alpha. And I am tired of dealing with the rebels anyway.”

Like in every family, my pack has a bunch of rebels who are willingly to do anything to snap the unity. And that’s where your dominance comes out to play as the alpha. My father, Keiran, has done this too many times, but he always hated dealing with them.

“I am a fire blood, just like you are,” I reminded him. “I will remain an alpha whether it pleases anyone or not.”

“Then behave like an alpha,” he retorted vehemently. “A leader is not a bloody whimsical wolf.”

I took in a sharp breath and controlled the surge. Being a born alpha, it wasn't easy to accept a decision, no matter where it came from. It just wasn’t my nature. “An alpha is supposed to be a responsible one. One who doesn’t think before taking such a big leap. Fates! We are talking about a luna of the pack here.”

“You are twenty-seven, Xander. Most of the alphas already choose a mate for themselves by the time they are sixteen. And by your age, they consolidate their position beyond reach.”

What he was saying was true to the words.

Every clan, every pack has a luna, and sometimes, even an arranged mate by the time the alpha comes of age. In my case, it didn’t. In every full moon, I ran, hunted and mingled but not once did I come across a female or she-wolf that attracted me. And trust me, when a wolf feels the heat, the need to mark his female goes beyond lust and temptation. There would be no force in the world strong enough to prevent him.

“I know, dad.” I slowly nodded. “But I cannot take a mate just for the sake of claiming my place in the pack. Our pack, we already have an alpha. It’s you. Until I find her, I am not claiming just about anyone else.”

A wrong mate or Luna could just be obnoxiously harmful to an alpha or the pack, and it would take centuries to reverse the damage. There was no way I was going to expose the danger to my pack whom I have the responsibility to protect and care for.

“And what message exactly are you trying to send when you are leaving us and getting to settle somewhere else?” He asked in a miffed tone that I clearly missed to read this in his head.

“I am not leaving, dad. I will never leave you or this pack,” I vowed. “I am just trying to find my place as a human—or whatever little part of human left inside of me.”

“What about your brothers?” he queried.

“They are just going to help me to set the business and run it smoothly. I may be an alpha, but I will always need my pack, my family.”

My father looked at me with a stony gaze and completely shut me off his mind for a long second. “Are you coming back…I mean, are you ever going to?”

“Dad, I told you already. I am simply staying a bit far away, and that's it. I will never leave. Ask me and I could swear by the Holy Goddess that I will never leave.” I didn’t know what changes were about to come for me when I was moving to Prescott town, but deep down, it was my calling.

“Okay, Xander, if that’s what you want.” He sighed. “But know this, I will not be here forever. So you have to choose a mate for yourself - a worthy Luna for ‘The Night Pride’ - one who is strong and able enough to know her duties and strengthen us.”

I nodded sincerely. “I wish the Goddess would make it easy for me. But the truth is, I never felt the heat, the pull or sensation around any female and I have been with many. Nobody feels to be the right one.”

A silvery glint came and dulled in his eyes. "What if nobody ever feels to be the right one for you?”

“Then I will consider your options,” I replied. And his options meant, an arranged luna - a daughter of some alpha of another pack. In some centuries ago, it was considered a tradition to join packs, strengthen the army and consolidate lands. But with evolution and the need to hide our identities, all these ceased to exist.

“Okay.” He downs the rest of the coffee in one long swig, mindless of the stream, coming from it and placed down the mug. “Do you have everything you need for moving out?” he asked as he abandoned the wooden seat.

“Garrett and Carter have already made the arrangements. A mover has been hired as well.”

“That’s good.” He almost turned to walk away but paused and whirled. “Ewan is also going with you. He needed a break from here and his expertise could be helpful.”

And with that, he simply up and left. Even without my heightened senses, I could tell that my father was smiling on his way out as I frowned ahead.

This conversation…the whole choosing a mate…was an excuse.

He simply wanted to drop the news that he was sending his omega with us…most probably to keep an eye on us. Just great!

Hey my beautiful readers, thank you so much for your support. I am so happy you are enjoying the story so far.

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