Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 5: Invasion of Privacy


Silently laughing as Akai and Micah humped the air as they held on to the island, while the girls walked around in the beautiful garden patio. Lea was always into the bright colored flowers, especially irises.

“Will you two behave.” Dad laughed as he caught Akai and Micah in the middle of dry humping the dark granite island top, laughing uncontrollably as Dad rubbed his face with a crooked smirk.

“Well knowing this family, it has already been defiled.” I laughed darkly as Dad shot me a perked brow with that evil smirk of his.

“Lunch?” The girls chirped as Dad kissed each one on the forehead.

“We knew you brats would be dropping by, so we made reservations at a restaurant not too far from here.” Mom huffed annoyed as she slipped on a pair of black flats to go with her black leggings and deep purple blouse that hung gently off her shoulder, exposing her bullet wound.

“Well we’re starving so let’s get moving.” Lea stated as the girls nodded in agreement.

Mom flashed us her classic “Oh really” look with that evil smirk as she scooped the girls up in her arms, sauntering out the front door. Dad and DM both looked at us with raised eyebrows as they followed behind, locking up the house as we walked a few paces behind the girls and Mom laughing lightly.

“What are you not telling us Nikola?” Dad linked as DM slid up next to me, side glancing as Micah and Akai par-cored over a few benches, jumping up like they we were pumped for a fight.

“Apparently, the girls almost got mugged last...” Before I could finish both my Dad’s gripped my shoulder, growling lowly as I felt their firm grips squeezing my bones.

“Where were you three, huh?” Dad asked as DM held a stern glare at me as Micah and Akai sensed what was happening.

“We gave the girls some money, before we split up to go to the Billiards Hall down from the Hotel. The “guys” saw Akai hand them a decent wad of cash.” I hissed lowly as Dad’s expression turned dark and DM growled darkly as they blocked Micah and Akai behind, crossing their arms over their well-defined chests.

“You are to protect them, not leave them alone, especially in this city during the biggest drunken party of the year.” DM huffed as Micah cleared his throat.

“You have something you want to add?” Dad snapped his eyes to Micah as we side glanced one another.

“I guess Lea bumped into a guy at the “Saints and Sinners” while we started our night, then the same guy showed up during the mugging, making sure the girls got back to the Hotel safely.” Micah spoke with a low hitch in his voice.

“A stranger?” Both Dad’s asked side glancing each other.

We nodded as we recounted what the girls told us this morning, but I had this weird urge to tell Dad what I felt and heard before showing up.

“Dad.” I linked both.

“It gets a little weirder.” I spoke catching their death stares as Micah and Akai slunk back some.

“On the way here, Lea kept looking over her shoulder for something, so I tapped her link feeling extreme euphoria and a dark husky voice saying, “Soon.” I swear she knew this voice cause her body language was very relaxed and sexually charged.” I finished watching as they snapped weird looks between one another.

“Lets finish this later.” Dad spoke as we followed behind as they had a silent conversation.

“Great! Now we have the overbearing parents to worry about.” Akai linked as Micah snorted in our link.

“We learned a long time ago, not to keep things from them.” I replied as Micah and Akai both nodded in agreement.

Reaching the rustic French Quarter restaurant, quickly finding the girls on the patio with their Sweet Teas looking at the Menus.

“About time. I was fixing to send the search party for you.” Mom laughed darkly as Dad and DM kissed her forehead as they took their seats, while we found ourselves on the opposite side of the girls.

Receiving a swift kick to the shin as my eyes snapped to Lea, glaring at me.

“You told them!” She linked as she looked over the edge of her menu.

“Had no choice. You know how good they read us.” I replied as she gave me a questioning brow.

“Lea be honest with me. Is their something you need to talk about?” I asked concerned as a brother.

Her expression went from shocked to extremely angry as she took a sip of her tea. Side glancing everyone laughing as the waitress approached, taking our orders, and refilling our drinks.

“If I did, why would I talk about it with you?” Lea responded looking down the cobblestone alley street as she propped her head on her fist.

“Lea this isn’t you, if you are being followed…” She cut me off with her deadly glare as she shifted her head towards me.

“What happens with me is my business. You, Micah, and Akai don’t tell us everything, so what makes this any different?” She replied with a venom to her tone I never heard from her.

“Lea, I heard the voice and felt the sexual euphoria.” I replied knowing this was going to cause a problem.

“YOU TAPPED MY LINK!!” She screamed as she shot up from the table, taking off towards the Central Quarter fuming pissed.

“LEA!!” Mom shouted concerned as she shot me a stern glare.

“What did you do Nikola?” Mom asked hissing darkly as Dad and DM grabbed her arms, keeping her from going Nuclear.

“I tapped her link earlier, because she has been acting weird.” I spoke lowly as I dropped my eyes to the table.

Mom was the one person I did not want to disrespect, and I did just that by invading Lea’s personal link. Mom released a dark growling breath as she leaned back.

“Nikola honey. I understand as a brother you want to protect her, but what she is experiencing is her destined path. Ask your Father’s about the day I almost murdered Uncle Damian, because Uncle Lexi found his mate, who happened to be his sister.” Mom spoke with a dark laughter as she dropped her head back taking a deep breath in before capturing my sight.

“If I felt she was in trouble, I would have done something. I do not pry into you and your brother’s sexual lives, so let her be. Kyou and Moon are my inside advisors.” Mom linked as she gave me a small smile, motioning for me to come to her.

I stood up walking over to her, kneeling beside her as she cupped my cheek smiling brightly.

“You are so much like me; it scares me sometimes. Trust in your sibling bond, Okay?” Mom spoke gently as she kissed my cheek, standing to take my seat, receiving curious stares.

“I will fill you in later.” I linked to the curious stares as our food arrived, having them box Lea’s Eggs Benedict for later.

“So, what are you kids planning today?” Mom asked as she mouth fucked her fluffy pancakes covered in fresh strawberries and cream.

“We were actually thinking about stopping in to see Lady Morgan and Uncle Damian at the High Coven.” Astoria smiled as we laughed silently knowing what tonight was for the coven.

“ORGY!!” Esca and Bryok howled in a weird growling sound.

“Aww, yes! the night before Mardi Gras kicks off so they have a Coven gathering. I totally forgot. Give them my love.” Mom laughed darkly as she dipped her finger in cream, swiping it across Dad’s nose as they went full on make-out at the table.

“Okay! That’s our cue to “Get the Fuck out!” Micah laughed darkly as we hissed in discomfort of the open display of sexual arousal of our parents.

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