Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 6: Cemetery Talk


I was beyond livid when Nikola blatantly disclosed, he tapped my link, while my mystery beast called out to me. I did not even care my food was left behind. I had to get away from Nikola before I did something stupid that I would never be able to take back.

Walking through the Old French Quarter taking in the vibrant colored houses with their beautifully manicured yards, large container plants of vivid hues of blues, reds, purples, and whites.

“You know he was only being a brother.” Sky purred gently as she laid in the shadows as I quietly took in the picturesque Old N’ Orleans neighborhood, finding myself standing in front of Layfette Cemetery.

“It still does not give him the right to invade my personal link.” I huffed annoyed as I walked, gently through the “Oldest Cemetery” the placard said on the rod-iron fencing.

Feeling like I was treading on a thin veil of privacy to the Realm of the Dead as I took in the old weathered Tombs of hand-carved stone with the various names of families. Fading away with the harsh reality of age. Stopping in front of a tomb with an entire family listed, the youngest a newborn girl, surviving a day.

Sky stirred anxiously as I felt the hot tears roll, freely down my cheeks as I gently traced the fading lettering of the little girl “Lyla”.

“I thought I would find you here.” A familiar voice caught my attention as Lady Morgan stepped around a decaying monument with a massive hand-carved moss covered Angel at top.

Her silvery hair braided, decorated with beautiful flowers of vivid colors as it laid gently against her Silver velvet dress. Her beautiful iridescent eyes sparkled in the setting hues of the sun as she held her ivory embossed design hand out to me as she gently led me through the eerily calm serenity of the cemetery.

“How did you know I would be here?” I asked softly, feeling like I would disturb the souls that peacefully laid in these silent tombs.

“The spirits spoke to me.” She smiled brightly as Uncle Damian appeared setting up a ceremonial alter with sage, and other herbs, dressed in white cotton pants, shirtless exposing his tanned muscular chest to the glistening sunset.

“Lea.” He spoke proudly as he embraced me in a massive hug, smelling heavily of sage and sandalwood.

“Hey Uncle Damian.” I replied lowly as I pulled away to breathe again from his suffocating hug.

Watching as he went back to work, preparing for the Covens annual Ceremony to celebrate their ancestral lineage as Mardi Gras officially started at midnight. Morgan and Damian smiled lovingly at one another as she led me into a large tomb with white candles, casting their seductive dance against the cold weathered stone.

“Come let me show you something.” She spoke softly as she led me further into the back, revealing a natural spring that gently bubbled up into a large stone basin, dusted with different herbs and flowers.

Sky hummed quietly as Morgan, motioned for me to sit down next to it. She trailed her finger gently across the surface, watching as the herbs and flowers swirled in a mystifying dance as everything turned white, except for the basin that glowed a soft hue of red.

Images of my mystery beast, flipped through my thoughts like a projector. Then scenes of our sexual encounters, sending my body into a rage of ecstasy. Morgan quickly swiped the water surface, grabbing my face in her damp hands as she looked into my eyes with an intensity.

“What?” I asked scared at the way she looked at me with a questioning look.

“Listen carefully Lea.” She paused briefly as I gently nodded to her that I understood.

“Selene said your powers would present themselves in the future, to your mother after your father passed and they took care of that monster Alexi. We knew that your father’s soul was reborn into you, but there is something you need to understand. Under no circumstance, do you break the vow of virginity before your eighteenth birthday.” Morgan spoke sternly as she cupped my face harder.

“Why?” I asked curious and scared at the same time.

“Darkness my child. Great Darkness will consume everything you love.” She spoke as she captured my eyes with a loving embrace.

Sky paced slowly as she listened.

“Mom said that my visions were no harm to me.” I spoke with an angered tone as Morgan pursed her lips as she thought for a moment.

“They are not, but do not let temptation lead you to break your resolve.” Morgan spoke as she held her hand out to me, drawing a sacred symbol meaning “Purity” in my palm.

Chanting softly as it began to burn slightly, glowing red, then disappearing.

“If you ever get close to breaking that veil of purity, this will pull you out of the haze. A warning so to speak.” She smiled as we stood slowly as I examined my palm, seeing no sign of the symbol that was just visible a second ago.

“Four months until your eighteenth.” She spoke softly as she turned to an alter covered in vines and beautiful purple irises.

“You can continue to self-pleasure, but nothing more.” She turned quickly on her heel as she brushed the juices of the crushed irises against my forehead.

“What was that?” I asked weirdly as I rubbed my forehead.

“To help ease the throbbing.” She smiled as she trailed her finger down my stomach stopping just above my panty line.

I stepped back feeling a little weird that she was so close to my sex, covering my stomach with my arms as she laughed softly.

“Now! go enjoy the festivities. Your siblings are here.” She hummed as she gently slid her hands down her body, changing into a white cotton gown, barely covering her curvaceous body as the light peeked through the thin material.

“What exactly do you do at these ceremonies?” I asked curiously as she smiled brightly at me, running her hands seductively down her chest as she gently cupped her sex, moaning gently.

“We connect body, soul, and mind to our ancestors.” She smiled with a smirk of sexual intent.

“Oh my God a Giant Orgy!.” I silently shouted as Sky roared in laughter as I felt my face erupt into a fiery crimson.

“Okay! I will leave you to it then.” I laughed weirdly as I emerged from the ceremonial tomb, unable to face my Uncle as images of them fucking, began to fill my head of him and Morgan grinding wildly in the middle of a cemetery with hundreds of Coven witches.

“Lea!” Akai shouted as they rounded the corner of the mossy covered Coven monument.

“Damn it! You had us worried when we did not find you back at the Hotel.” Nikola stated as he scooped me into his large brotherly arms.

“I am so sorry.” He linked as he held me tightly shaking.

“Just don’t do that again. It hurt.” I replied calmly as he pulled away from me with bright, glowing blue eyes.

Nodding in agreement as we all waved “Goodbye” as the coven Witches began to appear like ghosts in the cemetery, placing flowers at Tombs of their family, lighting candles as the sun had already began to disappear in the horizon.

“Come on. Let’s go change cloths and hit the Street.” Celia laughed darkly as she rubbed her hands together like a greedy gambler.

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