Cyrus and Randuff


Bethel's POV:

"W-IN-GS?" As soon as the word left my lips Seker moved his gaze down to me. A smirk played on his plum lips.

"Wings?" I repeated much clearer this time "Are they real?" At the moment it didn't really dawn on me that my question was indeed incredibly stupid. But of bloody course he had wings, he couldn't bear the title of an angel and not have wings. That's like Santa Claus without a pot belly and a beard, that just didn't sit right.

"Yes Amica mea they are" he said with amusement dancing in his mesmerizing eyes. The more I looked at them the more I got blown away by the unearthly colors they possessed.

Seker's wings were beautiful in every sense. So it seems that all those stories concerning the color of an angels wings were true after all. It was pure white in color, only that the edges of the wings were black adding to it's beauty.

"They are beautiful" I said voicing out my initial thoughts.

"Thank you" he gave me a small smile.

After few seconds I realized the position we were currently in, I blushed scarlet as I saw I was still in his arms, with him holding my waist. I then asked him a question so he wouldn't notice how red I had turned.

"Right you said you wanted to take me somewhere, where exactly do you have in mind?" I gave myself a mental pat on the back for not shuttering as I asked the question.

"It's a secret" A bemused look played on his face. "you can only know when we reach there" I frowned upon hearing his words. I for one hated surprises, so I didn't really like the idea of him keeping the location of where we were going a secret. For all I know he might be taking me to a place to end my very existence. It still amazes me that I'm willing to go with him to wherever the hell he was taking me. Was this some kind of voodoo shit?

"I would never put you in harm's way, Amica mea" his voice interrupted my train of thought shocking me with his words. 'wait can he hear my thoughts?'.

He sounded almost as if he was offended when he voiced out those words, like he couldn't even begin to imagine himself placing me before any form of danger whatsoever.

"I know" my lips whispered working on their own before I could even register what I had said. And truly yes I did believe he wouldn't harm me in anyway, as weird as that may seem, I mean come on I don't even know the man that well and yet for some unknown reason I trust him with my life, something had to be definitely wrong with me.

Seker then gave me a strange look, like a look of recognition. But I didn't have much time to decipher it because all of a sudden black smoke engulfed us scaring the shit out of me. Which made me tighten the hold I had on Seker's arms. His well tailored Armani suit couldn't even hide the fact that his arms were incredibly sturdy. 'Damn he probably works out a lot'.

"You can open your eyes now Amica Mae"

As funny as it may seem I didn't even realize my eyes were closed. Trying to be as cautious as possible I opened one eye first then the other followed, and let me tell you I didn't expect the 'secret' place that Seker talked about to be what I was currently seeing.

In my sight were rolls and rolls of books arranged neatly on wooden shelves. I released my hold on Seker and stood on my own, the loss of the hold I had on him before making me feel somehow on the inside.

"A library? Really?" I asked in a dull tone. "You made it sound like it was a top secret place or something" anyone could make out the confusion in my voice.

"Patience Amica Mae, what you see might not always be what it really seems" I noted the amusement lacing in his voice. But before I could even get another word out of my mouth to ask what he meant, Seker stretched out his left hand and snapped his fingers.

And as if following his command the rolls of books flew out of their shelves and started levitating in the air moving very fast in a circular manner, their movements brought about a rush of wind that blow my hair out of proportion. 'Aw come on it took me an awful lot of time to mane my unruly hair, now a wind just had to come ruin it'.

I stared in awe at what was happening before my very eyes. With my mouth wide open I still managed to utter a single word "Woah".

Then suddenly a bright white light came out of nowhere blinding my view. I covered my eyes with my hand to shield my poor eyes. After that everything went deadly silent. Removing my hands from eyes I noticed everywhere and I mean everywhere was cloaked with darkness, I couldn't see anything and most importantly I couldn't see him.

Feeling fear creeping into me I called out his name into the darkness.

"Seker!?" I called out almost like a plea but no response came. I hated the dark and I was indeed very scared of it, I've always been scared of the dark since I was little, you don't know what lurked in it. And like I said before I hated surprises.

I was about to once again call out Seker's name but a deep velvety voice beat me to it.

"I'm here Amica mea, no need to fright" I breathed out a sigh of relief. Just hearing his voice instantly calmed my raging heart.

"Where? I can't see you. Or anything else" I added.

Suddenly I felt sparks on my right hand. Then next I felt rough big hands holding my own.

"Here" a voice whispered softly in my ear. I shivered slightly not expecting Seker to suddenly appear at my back. I unconsciously tightened my hold on his hand, still very aware of the sparks I was feeling from our joint hands.

"Seker, why is everywhere so dark and where exactly are we?" I gulped. I really didn't like the dark. Though everywhere was still very dark Seker's presence made it bearable for me.

As if answering my questions, I heard a clicking sound like someone had just snapped their fingers. Then immediately the darkness vanished and I found myself facing the direction of two incredibly handsome men who were at the far corner of the very spacious looking basement we suddenly appeared in.

One of the men had blonde hair which looked almost gold. He had a well sculptured face with enticing bright Ruby eyes. The other had brown hair which was in a neatly packed bun but some stubborn strands which escaped from the bun graced his chiseled face adding to his unearthly features. His green eyes shun intensely making it impossible not to notice them. Just looking at his eyes made me feel like mine was way too dull.

Breaking me from my somewhat kind of trans Seker spoke.

"Bethel meet my brothers Cyrus and Randuff, they will be training you from henceforth" I allowed his words to sink in before I realized what he had just said.

Firstly, the names Cyrus and Randuff sounded incredible familiar to me. I couldn't just place my fingers on where I had heard those names.

And secondly, did he just saying training? What the hell am I bloody training for?

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