Donum meum


THE silence that followed was unnerving. A pin could be dropped and we would all clearly hear it.

"Oh my Go..." Seker was interrupted.

"Careful 'Magnus frater', remember you and Dad aren't really on speaking terms and all, so I think it would be wise not to utter his name Soo carelessly" If looks could kill Cyrus would have definitely faded from existence. Rolling his eyes Seker used his free hand to pinch the bridge of his nose clear frustration written all over his perfect face.

"I could give less fucks about what Father thinks at the moment, but you on the other hand 'frater minor', need to be taught on the essence of keeping your fuckin mouth shut" Seker intensified his glare on his brother.

"I second that" called out Randuff.

"Urhh, you both talk like that wasn't the only option, I just saved us from complicating things further" Cyrus countered. This was the first time I've seen him serious in the whole few minutes I've come to know him. I could see why God appointed him as the spirit of war, his playful nature was far gone and a warriors Expression took it's place on his face.

"That 'wasn't' the only option Cyrus" The death angel beside me stressed out.

"Yes it was, and even though you might try to deny it you know it too, deep inside you do. You can't protect her forever Seker, she will have to protect herself at some point" Cyrus wasn't backing down.

"I sure as hell can" And neither was Seker.

Sekers aura suddenly went dark making me nervous in the process. And even though Cyrus tried to hide it, he too was nervous also, but he tried very well to put up a tough front, I'll give him an A+ for effort.

Curiosity slowly blazed in me, I mean for Seker to be able to make his brother the god of war sweat, just how powerful must he be?

Putting those thoughts aside I remembered I had three ancient beings in front of me that needed to answer questions concerning my well being.

I cleared my throat loudly gaining all their attention. Finally feeling satisfied that they were all looking at me I spoke.

"Now boys, you are all going to tell me what. The. Hell is going on" I clinched my teeth drawing out my words slowly. At the moment I didn't really care that I was talking to three powers beings and not mere humans. I was that pissed.

"Damn I like her" Cryus once again voiced out. In response I gave him a dirty look.

"Oh, I 'really' like her" the war god smirked clearly unaffected with the look I was giving him.

"Sadly I don't feel the same about you, now would you please bloody tell me what you meant when you said I was in danger" I sighed. I could feel a headache coming.

"Ouch princessa you hurt my immortal feelings" I once again gave him a dirty look.

"Ok ok, fine I'll explain, jeez no need to get your panties in a twist" he said raising his hands in defense. Finally.

"Like I said you are indeed in immense danger Bethel, the reason being that..." He stopped, looking in Seker's direction.

I hit Seker's arms lightly, he moved his attention to me.

"No! you don't get to do that, Now stop glaring at your brother. He is the only one here actually willing to tell me something" I frowned up at him. I didn't know where the sudden confidence boost came from, but I freaking loved it.

Seker then did something shocking the hell out of me and probably his brothers also. With a frown still on his well chiseled face, he then proceeded to poke his lips out... Wait was he... pouting?? The Angel of Death was pouting?! As insanely cute as he looked I didn't bulged.

"Cough. cough. Whipped" Seker glared at Randuff. I was surprised that it was Randuff that spoke, usually he was extremely quite not saying much. I could even count the number of sentences he had spoken since we all started talking. Ignoring Randuff's words I once again spoke.

"Enough joking. Cyrus you were saying?"

"Right" he beamed "As I was saying I said the reason why you're in danger is because... of.... Lucifer" I frowned, what the actual heck.

"Lucifer?" I asked.

"Yup" At Cyrus reply Seker drawled out a sigh beside me. He really wanted to kill his brother at this point.

"As in Satan Lucifer?" I asked once more.

"Yup" once again pooping his p Cyrus answered.

"Like the ruler of the underworld Lucifer?" I just for absolute clarification asked again.

"Yes Amica mea the one and only Devil himself" you could hear the anger in Seker's voice, but since it wasn't directed at me I wasn't really frightened.

"Okkkkk" I stretched out trying to take a minute to come to terms with everything I just heard.

"Soo let me get this straight" I rose my finger signalling for them to give me a minute. "So I'm in danger?"

"Uh huh"

"Because of Lucifer?"

"Exactly" with an award winning smile Cyrus replied.

"Ok now that we've got that one all covered, I just have one more burning question to ask" I continued surprisingly calm for a person that just heard the devil was after her.

"And that would be?" Cyrus was really enjoying this. If his wide ass grin wasn't enough to give that away, then his teasing tone was more than enough. The asshole!, this was my fuckin life we were talking about for Christ sake. I really hoped this was all some sick twisted joke.

"What on Earth does the Prince of darkness want with me, a mere human?" I asked really curious for the answer.

"Now isn't that the million dollar question" Cyrus said turning his gaze to Seker with a knowing look plastered all over his face. Seker being Seker only glared in response. Typical.

"His problem isn't with you little one, but with someone else" Randuff said with a calm facade.

"What?" My now confused self asked. Even though they spoke in English, it felt like the three gods were speaking in parables. I could feel frustrated tears gathering in my eyes. They should fuckin stop playing with me, they may be far knowledgeable and powerful than I was, but I still knew how to kick in the nuts. And trust me they really don't want to know how it feels to be kicked in the northern area.

"Me, he means me Amica mea, I'm the one that the bastard wants to destroy, not you" hearing the words of the Angel standing beside me I frowned, and something like a fire began to build in me once I heard the words destroy and Seker in the same sentence, it felt like I could kill anyone who thought of hurting Seker in anyway without a second thought. Weird, when did I become so protective or unnecessarily angry for him.

The Sparks I have been feeling since our hands have been joined intensified startling me.

"Ok if it's you he wants, how does that relate to me in anyway?" I asked Seker cocking my head to the side still highly confused.

"Lucifer has tried on multiple occasions to end my very existence, but since you see me standing still very much alive before you it shows his attempts weren't successful, as he failed on those several occasions" even though I wasn't still understanding I nodded my head gesturing him to continue.

"But now he has found a way to hurt me, to kill me" Seker paused. My eyes widened on their own accord. 'Lucifer found a way to kill him? How do you even kill an immortal to begin with'.

"Really?" I asked the fear and shock strongly emitted in my tone. The fear was for me scared of Seker dying which was an absurd thought to have. I didn't even know anything about the man expect he was the Angel of death and here I was, scared for his safety. I really needed to see a professional asap.

"Yes, Through you Bethel" Seker said, the sigh he released told me he really didn't want to disclose to me that particular information.

With a frown creeping back unto my face I asked. "Me?!, How, what why?" I didn't even know what I was saying anymore.

"But I'm just a human, how does he plan on using me to destroy you who is practically a god, and plus I can't even begin to muster the thought of hurting you" I didn't know when the last words slipped out of my mouth. I blushed trying to look at everywhere but at him. 'Way to go Bethel, why don't you tell him you have dreams about him also while you're at it'.

With a dazzling smile gracing his face he softly used his free hand to raise my chin up so I'd be looking at him directly.

"You'd be amazed if you knew the amount of control you have over me, Amica mea" though still blushing I managed to give him a questioning look. What exactly did he mean. Me having control over him?, Ha fat chance.

"Because of what you are to me, he will stop at nothing to get you in his clutches" gulping nervously I asked him a daring question.

"What am I too you?" I questioned softly. The two other gods with us were at the far back of my mind at this point. My entire attention was focused solely on the tall dark and handsome Angel in front of me.

With a soft look of his own he responded.

"Donum meum. My eternal Soulmate"

'End of flashback.....'


(Magnus frater is Latin for; Big brother,

frater minor is Latin for; Little brother,


Donum meum is Latin for; My gift,)

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