I'll be back


"PRINCESS you aren't concentrating" I refocused my gaze on Cyrus as I narrowly managed to dodge another swing to my face.

"Mother fuckin friggin' ass****" lets just censor the others words yeah?. Okay so this really wasn't my best moment, I wasn't proud of it either.

"I have to say Bethel you have some really interesting vocabularies up there, mind teaching me?" I glared at the Angel/spirit/god being in front of me.

"Fuck off"

"Aw is the princess mad because I beat her five times in a roll" okay yeah, that happened, I mean what did you expect, he was the god of war for crying out loud, war!! I say, he was obviously going to whoop my ass more times than I could count.

"I really hate you" I said putting enough emphasis on 'really'.

"We both know that is a big fat lie darling" He replied with a playful wink. I finally gave in and laughed.

"Whatever" was my weak ass reply.

"Ah she finally laughs!! there we go, there is the Bethel we all know and love" Cyrus said with a wide grin. I rolled my eyes and gave a small smile in response.

"You know I've been wondering what's been eating you up recently. Since yesterday you've been a little bit up tight. Randuff said the same thing, that you've not been concentrating much when you guys do your mental training" I exhaled softly, I've been expecting this question. I mean why wouldn't I, even I know I've been behaving like a grade A Bitch recently. And it's all 'he's' fault.

"Soo spill, what's up?" he finished.

"Seker" was the only word I said no more words were needed.

"Ahh I see, my magnûs fratér, I assume he is still avoiding you, yeah?"

"What do you think Sherlock" I rolled my eyes. Shit not again.

"Sorry" I apologized. I really needed to keep my mood under control. Cyrus didn't need to be on the receiving end of my mood swings.

"It's quite okay Bethel, if I were you I'd be pissed to" I really liked that about Cyrus he was a really understanding person or would i say god. I know I've only known him for like 5 days but he really was one. Though he is playful and a real pain in my rare area, he was still a good..let me use the word.. friend.

I gave him a grateful smile in return.

"And to answer your question, yes, Seker is still avoiding me" I said feeling really down all of a sudden.

After Seker had told me I was his Soulmate, which was like a bomb to me I was really shocked. Remember that time I said nothing else could beat me finding out about My boss being the Angel of death, well let's just say I was soo wrong, me being the soulmate to the Angel of death beats everything else.

I didn't still know the meaning of the other things he had said, it was obviously not English 'Donum meum'. As soon as Seker had finished telling me the unbelievable news guess what I did people, I. Fainted. Yup you heard that right I Bethel Yohanna George who has never fainted in her entire 23 years of being on planet Earth Fainted.

I really couldn't Blame myself though, I mean from finding out that Angels, gods basically biblical creatures actually do exist, to getting to know you're the soulmate of one. Give a girl a break will you.

When I woke up on my bed in my aunt's house after supposedly fainting, I was surprised I was on my bed because the very last memory I had was of me having a very crazy conversation with three brothers who were apparently Ancient gods. I began to doubt if what I recalled really did happen, but all my doubts were pushing aside when Cyrus suddenly poofed up in my room uninvited, informing me that Seker apparently ordered him to guard me for the night, whatever that meant.

I won't lie I was hurt by the fact that it wasn't Seker that came to watch over me, rather he sent his brother, I don't want to sound ungrateful or anything but I really just wanted it to be Seker. I was quite pissed he didn't take it upon himself to explain the 'Soulmate' thing to me, I mean I was only human there was soo much I didn't know or understand yet.

After that day, thinking I would see Seker at work and he would explain everything explainable to me, nope he did the complete opposite, he avoided me like I was the plague. He sent one of his staffs to inform me that I was no longer needed to be his temporary assistant, which I won't lie, took me by surprise. Like couldn't he have had the fuckin decency to inform me of that personally, he actions made me feel like I was nothing to him.

You know what I don't even know why I even care. Fuck him.

I looked back at Cyrus who was still standing in front of me. I remember the day I started my training. After I came back from work I was greeted with the presence of the god of war on my Queen sized bed, he was bouncing on it like the small child he was. At first I refused to go anywhere with him to go and train, but it was the words he spoke that made me reconsider. I remember it like it was yesterday.

'Do it for Him Bethel, do it for the both of you. You have to learn how to defend yourself against Lucifer, unless all the work Seker has put in trying to keep you safe would all be in vain'.

I've got to say, the son of a gun really did have a way with words. And me starting to care for the Angel of death added to his success of convincing me.

"speak of the devil" the sound of Cyrus voice drew me out of my thoughts. I noticed Cyrus had changed the direction of his attention from me to something else. Curious to what he was looking at, I also changed the direction of my gaze.

"Ah Brother you finally graced us with your presence after so many past days, to what do we owe this pleasure" The glee in Cyrus voice could be noted yet skepticism was also present.

I looked... okay more like glared at the tall figure of my supposedly 'soulmate' as all kind of thoughts ran through my mind.

But the most prominent one was of who was the chick was, standing next to him, clinging unto him like a leech.

My glare intensified, an unfamiliar feeling growing in the pit of my stomach. No it can't be, am I... jealous? The lady was one of the most beautiful woman i have ever seen, and trust me i have seen a lot. After all i did live in New York city. But aside that, the woman looked somehow lost, like she was trying to figure out what was presently happening.

Seeker licks his lips before talking.

"I came to see Bethel" A scoffed automatically left my mouth. Was this man for real? After avoiding me and pretending like I didn't exist for days now, he thinks he could just waltz in and demand my audience like that, not to forget with another girl in his arms- okay so I might be a thinzy winzy jealous -Well this god doesn't know what's coming.

Redirecting my gaze back to Cyrus I spoke

"I need to use the restroom I'll be back" Cyrus gave me a knowing look. We both knew I actually didn't want to use the bloody restroom. I just wanted to do anything that will avoid me talking to Seker right now. I was angry.

Purposely avoiding to meet Seker's eyes, I walked to the opposite side of the room where the convenience was located.

"Amica mea wait" his rough velvety voice called. But I ignored him completely. Since he's been ignoring me for more than four days now, it was only fair I did the same right?

"Damn you really messed up big time bro" I heard Cyrus voice say as I turned through the corner.

I heard a soft 'I know' as I then finally entered the restroom.

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