Chapter 4
Completely dumbstruck, I just stood there not knowing what to say or do. She wielded my heaviest and most complex weapon like it was a children's play-thing...
I opened my mouth to say something but I was at a loss for words by how this strange, bratty, snobby child could handle the rune reaper. I must be seeing things or this girl is part ogre mage. Even if she does have the foul attitude to match one toe to toe, she lacks the disgusting appearances of one. (Shudder)
In a quick, soundless and seamless movement I got behind her and sniffed at her hair. No foul stench, which proves she's not part ogre mage. This girl is a mystery on her own, but she has piqued my curiosity.
I moved back just as quickly but noticed the look of disgust and repulsed horror on her face. I had to do my best not grin like a mad man, because that expression on such a small face was absolutely irreplaceable.
"You're no ogre, little girl, but you wield my heaviest weapon with ogre strength... unless..." I looked her over to be sure my mind hadn't left me yet. All was still the same.
Which meant then that she must have been able to read and activate the runes somehow. I smiled slightly and said. "Fine, I am a witch of my word so you may come along. Fair warning though young one, slow us down and I will leave you behind for the real ogres. We'll leave in a few moments, prepare yourself accordingly." Without giving her time to retaliate, I reached into my energy and then into the tiled ground to make myself part of the building. I effortlessly shifted through the tiles, wood, mud, rock and cement and had a moment of freefall before I slammed sideways into a bed on my back.
It was a good thing I had every inch of this blasted castle memorized. The first few attempts in doing this in the past landed me in some pretty awkward and painful situations.
"Gods be damned!" I barked. Still utterly amazed at how the young girl could wield that weapon, thoughts were rushing through my head, trying to see how on earth a normal little (albeit absurdly temperamental) girl could have the strength or know how to wield the RUNE REAPER. "The last time I checked, I was not losing my mind. So how in Tartarus did she do it?!"
From out of nowhere a voice echoed softly through the room. "Maybe she's not telling you something?"
I sighed and smiled, tuning my head to the empty foot of the bed. "Nice to see you too, Strider. How much of that did you see?"
A Maine Coon materialized at the end of the bed, his grey tipped bottle brush tail swished lazily from side to side and his piercing green eyes regarded me sleepily. Strider is my oldest friend and cat familiar. Although familiars don't normally speak, mine does.
A long time ago, Strider and I were the best team out there, a force like no other. I had the power and he brought stealth and tactical knowledge. We shared an empathy link back then, that was how we communicated. Primitive, sure, but we understood each other.
Sadly, during a war, we got into a heated battle with a witch who matched me in power. One thing led to another and Strider took a hit from a massive fireball for me. The witch escaped and I was alone with my dying cat, soon to be completely alone in this world...
In an emotional panic and an act of pure selfishness, I tore off a part of my soul and energy and melded them with him in the hopes of saving him. It was a failure, or so I'd thought. His body died but his soul stayed. The first thing I noticed was my own energy radiating from the soul of my fallen cat, then the empathy link faded, then Strider spoke ... It was a huge shock to see the spirit of my cat talk to me as a person would, but I was also relieved.
It took us some time to adjust and get a better understanding of what had happened. Several years later and we're once again a force to be reckoned with, along with extra perks.
Strider became more than just a familiar that day, he became a half witch. So now my beloved familiar can cast spells like a witch, talk to us, change his shape into that of a human, and have the movements of a ghost.
"I saw enough to know that the girl scared the life out of you." He mocked whipping his tail in glee. It wasn't every day he saw something, anything, make me react like that.
"Aye, she did. And from your annoyingly arrogant tone, I get the feeling you know something that I don't. Or that you noticed something I clearly didn't." I glared over at him.
"It depends..."
"On what?!" I snarled out.
He smirked, turning his head to the window's side, his eyes slanting like he was smiling to himself. "Time is catching up with you old man." He teetered, whiskers bristling in amusement.
"Coming from a Rodent, that's a compliment." I sneered and sat up. "So tell me what you know or I might forget to bring back an Elk for you"
His tail stopped mid swish and he turned his head slowly to me showing those striking emerald eyes of his. "You wouldn't..." His tone changed a little into one of challenge. Elk has always been his favourite food. A spirit that still eats... madness but I find it amusing.
"Try me..." I grinned right back at him looming closer to his fluffed face.
"Fine. Only because I'm starving." He relented grudgingly pushing his big front paws underneath his chest so he can sit. "The girl is natural born, but her potential has clearly not awoken yet. I caught a glimpse of her power when she flicked the runes on that ghastly weapon."
Once again, I was dumbstruck and at a loss for words. She flicked the runes? But that would mean she activated them intentionally, knowing their properties! And THAT would mean that it wasn't strength that allowed her to wield it so effortlessly, but the fact that she knew the runes and activated them with her own energy.
Instead of asking questions, I let Strider continue because as always there's forever more to say with him. "You would do well to keep her in your ranks. I'm not sure what I saw but it was old, something that we haven't laid eyes on in a very, very long time..." He added sagely.
I listened intently to his words, mulling them over in my head, and said "Thank you, old friend. You've earned your meal and several more for the future. I had best get ready and go find that curiosity in a mortal's skin's sister." I nodded at him and he blinked at me.
"Sister?" He asked incredulously.
"Apparently yes. She must still be in the forest somewhere. I will see you soon old friend." Strider returned the nod then faded away again. Right, let's go find this brat's sister... I do hope she has a sweeter tongue than this snarky young hag.