Chapter 7
Fuming with rage I stumbled along behind Fog and this Noch guy. I mumbled curses under my breath that would have had my mother and sister's faces burning scarlet and my father beaming with pride. Not that the lumbering Neanderthal in the front ever looked like he heard me.
Momma and Puhppa... A stinging sensation crept up my throat and in my nose, prickling wetness stung the corners of my eyes. NO! I will not cry! Not yet. Nelia is waiting for me! I'll cry after I find her. With determination I pressed on through the thick underbrush, lengthening my stride and marching onward. My legs burned, my throat was parched, my ribs ached and the tender skin kept rubbing against my still dirty dress.
Once all this was over, I could clean up, I could relax, I could cry, but not a second sooner.
I breathed hard as I tried to stay in the same pace as the two tall men. Gulping air I asked, "Why didn't we take horses? Wouldn't it have been faster?"
I saw Noch's head quirk to one side like he was either exasperated or didn't think of that at first. He didn't answer me however but Fog did.
He turned and smiled at me, "Yes horses would have been a good idea." He said leering a look at Noch, then he continued. "But the horses don't like the forest much, especially as we go in deeper. This forest has a mind of its own sometimes."
My head tilted as I tried to digest this information. A habit I had when I didn't quite understand something. "So... this forest, is alive? Like a beast?"
Fog considered that for a moment. "I suppose you could put it that way. Paths sometimes disappear never to be found again, voices whisper to you from the leaves, sometimes it sounds like you are followed by another person walking behind you, but when you turn around to look, there is nothing there. Many mortals call this forest cursed, which is fortunate for us."
"Mortals? And why is it fortunate?" I asked next, really starting to get interested in this topic.
"Oh, mortals are those that are born null, as in to say they have no witch ability of any sort and are not able to sense the energies flowing around them, and most of whom don't get reborn into new lifetimes. It is fortunate for us because we are basically in the middle of the forest, which means we never get any outside visitors." He said with a smile that spoke of mischief.
I nodded slowly in understanding. I barely noticed the walking when we talked until I tripped over a root I hadn't noticed till the last minute. I started tumbling forward, my face about to make close acquaintance with the musty earth when someone caught me.
I looked up and saw Fog frowning at me with concern. "Are you okay?" He asked.
"Yes, I'm fine." I said winded when he helped me back on my feet.
"Leave the wench be Fog, no need to trouble yourself with someone as feisty as her." Noch said from the front. My anger started rising from the pit of my stomach. Would it kill the daft man to show a smidgen of kindness?! It's not like I would run him through with the scythe the first chance I got when he finally did discover kindness, but right now, right now I wanted to slice that smug look on his face in half and dance on his ashes. After I burn a pyre for him of course.
"Oh come now Noch, she just came out of the forest a few hours ago, and I know you healed her but that does not mean that she has miraculously fully recovered. Now how about you take the scythe and she can ride on my back." Fog said tugging the scythe out of my hands without any trouble at all and tossed it to Noch who caught it and I saw the runes flare to life in his hand as his fingers strategically wrapped around the shaft and pressed into certain specific runes.
"You old fart, she is fine enough to keep up. She does not need babying, just let her struggle along on her own. Hopefully she'll turn back to the castle, stay there and give me some peace." Noch said in an indignant tone like he regretted finding me in the forest.
Alright... Forget about building a pyre. I would dance on his blood drenched mutilated corpse before I toss him onto a rickety pyre which would only be a pile of twigs and then I'll dance on his ashes as well. Yes, that sounded like a much better plan indeed.
"Oh now now, what did I say a little while back?" Fog asked shooting Noch a look that I was really glad he wasn't shooting my way.
Noch just grumbled something then sat the silver gleaming scythe over his one shoulder and carried on marching. Fog bent back down to me. "Come now young one, up you go." He said turning his back to me and kneeling on the ground.
I sputtered and felt my face go hot. I've only ever been on my father's back, and that had been not too long ago. "B-but I can't possibly-" I started but he cut me off.
"No buts young lady, you are still hurt and tired. Now get on my back so we can catch up with that blockhead." Fog said shooting me a grin over his shoulder. If he didn't have the beard he would have looked young and playful I assumed.
I resigned myself to being carried. I clambered onto his back and wrapped my arms around his throat.
"Comfortable?" He asked after he stood up and we started walking.
I couldn't get words to come out of my mouth through my tight throat so I simply nodded against his back. Fog's shoulders were a little wider than my father's but he still had the same warmth. Tears started prickling my eyes again and I burrowed my head between Fog's shoulder blades and relaxed. My aching legs swayed with his fast movements and before I knew it, we had caught up with Noch. My eyes stayed unfocused with unshed tears while my cheek stayed rested between Fog's shoulder blades. I was happy to ignore Noch and just soak up the feeling of being cared for, Fog's nature really reminded me of my father and I was going to accept his warmth or be damned if I didn't.