

The microwave hummed in my tiny dorm. I had gotten lucky, seeing as how I was the only one in it without having to share anymore, Stacy moved back home, leaving me with the room to myself. But it was lonely. As loud and obnoxious as she was, she was interaction. I didn’t party, I wanted to get my biology degree, so that I could become a vet.

The ting of the last of the pizza rolls had summoned me, its aroma filling in the small studio. I had everything I needed, a kitchen, a room, and a bathroom all in one space. That had been my life for the past 3 years. I plopped on the couch in the small living room and put on the tv for noise. It was Thursday, and I was going to work on documenting the dreams I’d been fantasizing on for the past 3 months now.

They were vivid, as if the place I kept dreaming about was real…. I grabbed my pen, my notebook, and a glass of water.

Dream 52, I wrote.

King Nathaniel slammed his toned arm on the war table, looking at the maps of all the territories that he had investigated. After all, as strong as he was, as powerful and magical of a dragon that he was… he was still without a Queen.

This had gone on for Years now, and his frustration intimidated his generals.

“Does she not exist?” he said with a panting grunt of frustration, sending his cabinet of men into a nervous silence. “General Tanner, What of the East?” His ocean blue eyes focused on a dark tan, built man, about 6’5 with crimson hair and hazel eyes.

“The Glowing Sands region show their allegiance but assure us that they have not seen a mate suitable for you, my Dragon King.”

“The west?” he growled, his thunderous voice filling the room, clenching his chiseled jaw.

“My Lord, all the females we have brought are incompatible.” Said a man with honey blond hair, covered in tribal tattoos.

“…The south?” He rubbed his hands through his shoulder length dark crimson hair, his eyes now the color of the sunset on a clear day.

“I presented your scent to all the females I could find, yet none were found to be correct.” Said an older gentleman, his gray hair in a curly mess.

He sighed, “I need my Mate like I need my flame, she is the one meant to be with me and I her. I must keep searching, I will never stop.” His 6’6 frame hunched over his maps, steam coming out his nose.

He was the ruler of the entire northern continent, the largest territory held by one dragon. It was the harshest, but most beautiful of all the lands of Fenocia. He stood up and went to his private study at the top of his mansion, poured himself a glass of wine in a deep bronze chalice, looking at the magnificent mountain range in the distance in unrest.

Winter would be harsh this year, the snow was already on the peaks, and the chill of the wind could be felt down the valley. It would be cold, but it would be colder without his mate. His lands were already searched, and there was no lack of women who wished to be with him, but he wanted his one and only. He wanted his mate.

“If only I had someone to share this with” he mumbled to himself, leaning against the wall, not venturing too far out the heavy brass and wood double doors. His palace was gloriously massive and gothic, complete with every embellishment fit for the ruler of man and dragon alike that he was.

BEEP BEEP BEEP went the sound of my phone alarm.

I had been writing and I didn’t even notice that time had slipped by. It was already 9pm.

I got off the couch, and immediately slipped dropping everything and cut my hand on my coffee mug. It wasn’t bad, so I got it up. Then I picked up my notebook and plates and cleaned up my mess.

“Damnit.” I grumble, putting my dark cinnamon skin under the water. It stung, but it needed to be clean. I took out my trash, and went to take a shower to wash my back length curly hair, and to get some rest. It was getting close to finals and I wanted to be up and early. I set my now slightly blood covered notebook on the floor and went to sleep.

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