The Hunt
He walked to me like he had a purpose, one of lust and desire that I was not sure I was ready for… but I had always wanted to try. He was acting like a dragon: dominant, and confident, and I wasn’t used to it, so I backed away, but it made him walk faster.
Sure, it was fun writing about it, but I never thought he would be real! I closed my eyes and flinched when he put me in a warm embrace. My body felt like it was on fire, and he made me feel like I had been missing out my entire life for something I didn’t know was possible.
“My Queen… for so long I’ve waited for this moment… to hold you, touch you.” He leaned in to kiss me, and I closed my eyes tightly…. I’d never been kissed before!
But no kiss came…. I was looking at the gothic castle. I was on a cobblestone road that led into the forest.
A cold breeze whipped around me, making me shiver uncontrollably. It was so cold. I heard a roar, and an explosion. I look up, seeing a giant dark crimson red dragon black out the sky. I screamed, and I ran into the forest, where the dragon began to breathe fire on the trees! It couldn’t be the king! Could it? I remember writing about his temper, he is a red dragon… I just ran.
It was the best thing to do given the situation! The last time I checked I wasn’t fireproof.
All I could hear were roars and all I could see were flames as I ran down the stone path barefoot. He was just like in my writings, but I never thought I would be in the danger zone! Those sweet nothings and velvet voice were a farce. I felt a bit betrayed actually; I had invested so much energy, time and love into that book… It was my only hobby being so busy, but now my only hobby is track and field.
I tripped, hitting my hands on something wood and smooth. It was an old staff. It had an orange orb, and inside it was a carved red something. It looked like a scale. It glowed slightly. I felt compelled to hold it, and it stopped glowing. I felt like I was connected to it somehow, but I was shocked as to who it belonged to!
I squealed and got up to see I had fallen next to a skeleton. It looked like a mage, a big black leather book, and a black quill pen. Then I remembered writing about this guy, he was Eugene the Bold, he had challenged the King because he was so evil to humans, and lost, being thrown to the ground by Nathaniel as his dragon.
Screw it, he’s dead, I think to myself. I took all the stuff he had, even the clothes. I was half naked in the forest being hunted by the biggest dragon in the north. There was no way I could pass this blessing up.
It felt better to have on shoes and a baggy grey robe instead of freezing in the woods. Honestly, it felt like a cozy blanket, but I couldn’t think about that too much, because I heard the gallop of horses, and I immediately jumped off the road and ran deep as I could into the forest. I began to get tired with all the extra things on me, so I walked, using the staff as a walking stick.
I didn’t understand what made him catch the forest on fire. I thought he called me his Queen? I don’t think I wanted to be a queen…. I wanted to be a veterinarian. I wanted to learn medicine. I wanted to watch TV, eat pizza and be in my dorm.
But all that sounds so dull now… This is a whole new world with new possibilities! There’s magic, magical creatures, people, and ….mates. I was his mate. Me. But how? Maybe that’s why my wish got granted…. But by who?!
I stumbled in the dark, trying to walk.
The forest was kind of creepy and cold, and I needed fire. If I was going to be safe from any monsters, I had to use what I had, but if I lit one, it might raise the interest of the dragon. I took the time in the fading light to look through the heavy book that I stole. It was so neatly written and with a table of contents. The title read, Intermediate and Advanced Magic for the Gifted of Flame. There was also a backpack that had some gold coins, ID, and some dusty notes on spells.
No wonder he lost; he was using fire magic on a dragon…... I read the detailed instructions on how to make a fireball. With the flame of it, I should have fire. I found 3 big flat rocks that met to make a tent, and I put some leaves down for a bed. I made some sticks into a tiny triangle shape and surrounded it with rocks like you see on survival shows.
And I said it. “Flamia” I commanded, and out my hand came a large fireball that dramatically exploded my neatly stacked logs everywhere, but they were on fire! “Yes” I whisper shouted to myself.
I was a fire mage! Or at least I stole all the stuff to be one.