
Princess Serenity

“30,000 and one pure hearted soul, take it or leave it!” Squealed Grenadine, the black-market dealer. She twirled her curly purple hair in her blue skinned fingers. She was the most skilled in my territory on dealings of magic, but she wasn’t cheap… She dealed in only the finest and most rare of artifacts, and I needed this, but I wasn’t about to fork over so much for one ritual.

“Skip the souls.” I growl snorting steam. This was a shakedown, and we both knew it.

“Then how would I get more? These things are already so rare and hard to make that I know you won’t find them anywhere else. This is the cheapest you’re going to get missy.” She snapped, annoyed at my bargaining.

I finally grunted, and shoved it on the counter, and snatched the 3 wish papers from her grubbly little counter. I seethed at the fact that I had to go into enemy territory, just to get this stupid item, but my plans would never work without it. I will have my wish granted damnit, and my love will not be unnoticed!

I flew home, and thankfully no one noticed me come in through the window.

I had done everything perfectly. There was nothing to stop me from fulfilling me and my father’s wishes, and uniting the North and West territories. Through me, the two strongest territories would be united, and everyone would benefit. I would marry the Northern King, and be his bride. That way, nothing would stop us from taking over the other lands, while my father’s would be protected.

There was already murmuring about the black and blue drakes of the east and south cavorting to attempt to overthrow the king. There would be no such thing to happen. What a joke, He’s two times the size of King Helion of the South, and thrice as strong as King Rangree of the East. I would have my mate, and I wasn’t below turning to the dark arts to have what I wished.

I put the salt and green glowing candles on either side of the offering plate, and lit my wish on fire. I had memorized it already, so all I needed to do was to say the magic words to send it to be done.

“With this paper, I make my wish. With this item, I wish King Nathaniel, Dragon King of the North, to no longer feel the icy chill of loneliness. I summon his mate to him. Let me embrace his scales, let me soothe his heart.” I say loudly within my chambers. I knew my family heard, or at least a servant, but it didn’t matter, because when I awake, I will be in the King’s arms. All I needed to do was to take a nap.

But I awoke in my own. I didn’t understand it! I did everything right! Why was I not in the King’s chambers! I threw the plate that had the sacrifice of my burned wish against the wall. I am a silver dragon dammit! All the things I’ve learned to do myself was for nothing, but I felt drained, so there had to be something wrong!

I ran to my magic mirror and said the magic words, the connection would only work if my spell had reached his castle, and it did!

If my wish didn’t work, I’d still have the paper on the plate… but there was a Whore in his arms Ruining my plans!

She was right there in his arms about to be kissed! Some random sorceress, but I’ll be damned if I let another take my position from me! I grabbed another wish paper, leaving one left. “I wish that bitch out of his arms. I want her out of his castle!” I scream. She disappears, and I see him turn into his drake form.

She looked human… There was no Way a human would be a dragon’s mate. It was impossible… But if she was, it should be easy enough to kill her. That throne held too much power for something like That to sit on it.

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