HIde out
I woke up with the sun, and made my way downstairs, I thanked the nice woman, and left to shop. I found some night clothes, some food to put in my backpack, and some soap for my clothes.
I knew I had to keep moving, so I asked about the carriage driver, and they pointed me to him. He was a green skinned man with tusks and a gruff face. “Good morning” I greeted cheerfully.
“Where do you want to go?” he said sternly.
“The best place to start a new life” I said the same way.
“Temple City it is, were humans and fae alike can live without too much fear of the king.” He said with a half-smile. “I’d be careful if I were you girly, you fit the description of the fugitive woman.” I nodded and pulled the hood of the mage cloak over my head. “They didn’t say shit about a reward, so I’m not breaking my neck for that tyrant.” He mumbled, and got the horses to go as soon as I got in.
The road was bumpy, and the plain wood seat was killing me, but if it meant that I wasn’t with the dragon king, so be it. He wasn’t charming like I thought he’d be, he was just a mean old monster. He almost killed me because I was teleported… that was beyond my control! He would just have to find someone else for his fantasy…. I sighed.
I had made it to Temple City, named for the ancient temple in the middle of it. It was dedicated to the centaur god. This town was filled with magical people and creatures, from elves, talking cats, birds and the like. “I could start over here” I mumble to myself. The carriage had only charged me 2 gold, and there I was, in a large sprawling city.
I noticed my face on a poster! No, I screamed to myself. I scampered through town, I figured if I hid in a tavern and came out at night, that maybe people wouldn’t recognize me. The guards were massive centaurs and tigers that stood like men. They were massive, and all of them looked so serious.
“Papers.” said a giant tiger-man in front of me. I rummaged through my bag, and found the identification that was already in there. “You humans all look the same, carry on.” he said angrily, and I let out a big sigh.
I shook off how rude that guy was and found a tavern called the Tickled Pickle. I laughed and thought about how if it was named that at home it would probably be a strip club…… It was a strip club. Pig women and wolf women belly danced with as little clothing as possible.
“I need a room for myself” I said to an elf at the counter.
He was beautiful with golden skin and blue hair, I wondered why he worked here, but I was also trying to avoid seeing all the people grinding on each other.
“20 silver.” He said looking at my mage’s clothes.
I didn’t even haggle, I just gave it to him. All this probably wouldn’t be allowed where I’m from, but here, it seemed like they could practically just take each other on the tables. Of all the places I found a brothel, but at least they won’t ask questions.
They didn’t even ask for papers or anything.
He gave me a room in the back of the first floor, and there was hot water already prepared, I was so ready to get all the stink of horse and brothel off me.