He raised his wings up, and in one mighty beat, we were miles high in the sky. He had a good grip on me, but that didn’t stop me from screaming like an idiot. He let out a roar that made me hold my ears and almost drop my stuff, and he dived down.
I opened my eyes to see a beautiful river, forest, magical glowing blue trees and mountains. I think he was trying to show me the kingdom, and it was beautiful. I saw the castle, and he landed at the gate, being about the same height as the castle, and turned into a naked man. I looked away, and I could hear him scoff amused.
“Look all you like mate, there is no need to be shy.”
I blushed. When I turned around, he had put on some black trousers, boots, a shirt that exposed his muscular chest, and had put his hair into a ponytail.
I followed him down the perfectly cleaned and polished statues and vaulted ceilings. The stone palace was warm despite how chilly it was outside; torches and sconces were to be seen everywhere. The carpets were the richest reds and purples, and the throne had a smaller one next to it, and honestly, I kind of wanted to sit on it. I followed him still past all this to a grand room that had a large, long table. It looked like a conference room, with large windows to allow light with the white sheer curtains.
“Sit” he stated, I sat in a chair by a window. I could see where we flew over from here. It was breathtaking. “Why did you leave?” He asked confused.
“You acted like you were about to eat me.” I lie, I knew what he was up to…
“You are my Queen; I would never do such a thing. Now come to my chambers. Allow me to claim you.” he said bluntly.
“No thank you….” I say politely. His expression changed from resting to slightly agitated.
“You are my mate; bonding is what we are meant to do.” He stated plainly.
“I’m not that kind of mage.” I turn my head the other direction, I was playing with proverbial fire. His eyes were turning orange.
“So you reject me?” he asked.
It looked like the next thing I said would be my last if I said ‘yes’. I wouldn’t. That wasn’t what I wanted, but I would speak my mind.
He snorts steam out his nose. If I remember right, no one has ever told him no, because he’s the king. He will hear it this day. “Look, King Nathaniel, I was just a regular girl, going to school to help sick animals, and I was teleported here magically. I don’t know you; I don’t know your culture or your people. I just can’t be the mate you imagined, because I’m real.” He leaned over and put his hand on his chin, resting his elbow on the armchair and nodded.
“So, you didn’t reject me?” he questioned.
“Were you listening?!” I throw my hands up.
“I will make a deal with you mortal, let me win your heart, and if not you can reject me, and I can send you back to Temple City with enough gold to live happy.” He stated.
I didn’t know what to make of this deal. I didn’t want to go home anymore; I can throw fireballs out my hands! There are talking animals. Magic forests and even enchanted pools. I could explore all that.
“Deal.” I blurt.
“Let the games begin.” He chuckles sinisterly.