Chapter 4

The second I get out of the bathroom I get about pounced on by Bentley in his wolf form. I scream in fright at the sudden intrusion of my space. In an accidental quick defence reaction from having this happen way too many times with un-friendly wolves. I kick him where the sun doesn't shine. But then come to realization as I’m running away from the wolf that it was Bentley the alpha and my mate. I hear him howl in pain and now know I’m in for it.

I turn around to see Bentley running after me full speed. I try to get out of the way before he pounces. But I am pounced on. Thankfully he put his paw behind my head so I didn't hit the hardwood floor.

“What was all that about little mate?”

“I-I Uh it's hard to explain. I have just been in a situation like that way too many times. I guess it’s trained in me to do that in case of a surprise attack now. I didn’t mean to kick your wolfie, you know what I’m sorry.”

“No need to apologize to my little mate, it only stunned me.”

“Only stunned? You howled so loud that almost every window has your warriors posted at it. I bet god himself heard you.”

My response is a very deep but somehow sexy growl that comes from Bentley’s wolf. His eyes suddenly change from deep ocean blue with gold flecks around the pupil; to pure gold.

“U-uh, Bentley what's wrong with your eyes?”

“We haven’t met yet my precious flower. I am Chase. Bentley’s inner wolf. He hasn’t let me out to meet you yet. He thinks I’ll mark and mate with you before you are ready. But I assure you that I won’t.”

“Well it’s nice to meet you.”

“You’re not human Layla are you?”

“I guess I’m something called a Charm Denyer or something.”

Chase suddenly comes really close to my neck and I fear he’s going to end up marking me, but he just takes a big sniff of me and then he seems to be in a daze before speaking to me.

“No That's not it Layla you are a hybrid.”

“What if anything the charm denyer is all that's special about me trust me.”

“No Layla you have witch and somehow I am sensing enchanceon  blood. The Enchanceon were an ancient tribe of magic welders; said to be so powerful that the reason they went extinct was the jealousy of the other supernatural creatures. The only weakness to an Enchanceon is a werewolf bite. But you're mated to a werewolf which has only happened once and you can be marked but that's it. If you're bitten with intent to kill, you'll die.

But before you get scared. Me and Bentley will rip off anyone's head who dare hurt you.  Your witch blood is very powerful. That's how you are most likely able to teleport so many times without dying because to teleport is to take strength from yourself, although your Enchanseon blood is strong too so that also explains why you didn't feel fazed at all by your teleportation. Your human blood is there too but all of your bloods seem to all flow together and work with one another.”

"Okay sorry for the history lesson. I'll give Bentley back his body. You have vampires to meet with."

Suddenly his eyes went their natural blue with gold specks.

He just looks at me and scratches his neck and says sorry. That he didn't want to.

I just look at him like he's the stupidest person alive.

"You didn't want to what?"

"Mark you. You weren't ready."

"You didn't mark me. What are you talking about?"

"Wh- that bastard tricked me."

I just sigh and wait for him to tell me.

"My inner wolf Chase told me that he was taking control to mark you. I freaked and didn't have enough time. He took full control of me I couldn't do anything but wait."

"Well he didn't mark me. Neither did you. But he seems to be very cool. And collected. I wander if you get your good ideas from him."

Suddenly his eyes flick gold for a second and he laughs in Chase's voice before Bentley is back.

Suddenly Bentley is holding me bridal style.

"Chase really loves you. You know."

"Seems like both of you are in love with this mess called Layla."

I suddenly hear and feel a powerful growl come from Bentley's chest. That startles me and I jump out of his arms on accident. I look up to see his left eye gold and his right eye blue.

I start walking away. But then I hear something that brings the child back in me.

"Ooh Layla wants to run. Thank god this wolf loves a great chase for his lunch."

"What!" I squeal and run down the hall."

I make it to the door. And look behind me to not see him. I then look back at the glass door to see him in wolf form. But since I looked out. I find myself outside. And before I could register I am pounced on. And he starts to lick me over and over. He then nibbles on my collarbone. And if I remember anything about werewolves. That's where they mark each other.

"Eew that's so gross bad wolfie. Get off!"

Only reply I get is a sadly sexy growl and him putting a lot of weight on me, keeping me in place. I then start to freak out a bit. And I can't think straight. I then feel my bones start cracking. I thought he broke one of my bones but he then gets off and looks very scared. He then morphs into a human right there in his birthday suit. But I can't care right now. My bones feel like they are alive and moving and shifting.

I scream due to not knowing what's going on.

"Layla don't resist it. You are shifting into my wolf. You've seen him and were in a stressed situation and its a defence tactic please listen to me!"

I decide to listen due to him being the expert.

I then feel everything hurt badly one last time before it stops.

I open my eyes to see Bentley looking at me with a confused look. That's when I realise I've shifted into a white and brown wolf. Not his. And am the size of a wolf pup. I start to freak out but am stopped when I'm picked up by a very naked Bentley. I hear him tell me to calm down. I try replying to him, asking how I can turn back and how I'm so small. But I can't talk. But he suddenly answers me.

"I'm not sure Layla. It might have to do with your Enchanseon abilities. Enchanseon's are a master of hiding and didn't grow to be more then 5'5 male or female. And I advise against trying to change back into human form. It'll be very tiring for you. And you'll be out awhile. And we have to see those vampires still. I'll get umm. Dressed. But I'll have to bring you with me. Don't try walking its weird at first. I can change you back. With my alpha abilities. But I won't for awhile. You've teased me. I'm not going to tease you. But Chase wants to cuddle with you. Plus it seems your not teleporting right now so we'll be off to see the vampires. But for now. I'm getting dressed."

He then walks with me to the house and brings me to his room and sets me on his bed and gets dressed. I just turn around not wanting to see anything else.

"Alright come on." He says and picks me up. Causing me to yelp a bit."

He just looks at me and coos at me. Causing me to bare my teeth.

He then does the same but in human form and his canine teeth elongate along with his other teeth.

I just snort and speak in my mind. Knowing he's listening to it.

"It looks like your parents are half shark half wolf. Those teeth are way to pointy."

He then starts laughing so hard he has to put me back on the bed.

"No wander Chase loves you. You've got some fire to you Layla."

Suddenly in my raging thoughts every candle in the room lights. Causing both me and him to jump in surprise.

"Okay sparky lets go."

I just roll my eyes at the new pet name. And curl into his arms and get comfortable as he walks with me. Last thing I hear him say is that he'll wake me up when I'm needed. You talk to the vampires.

I didn't understand why he said he'd wake me up. Suddenly I felt a strong but soothing rumble come from his chest. Almost like a purr. But the arora that came with it. Knocked me out within seconds.

I give a loud humph sound before I am fully asleep.

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