Chapter 4: Meet the Family
Fact: Only one sibling can run the family business at a time. This is so the business itself does not crumble or split apart into a weaker gang.
James and Tommy sat at the station being questioned by a constable. James answered every question “truthfully” until another constable, Harmon, told them they were free to go.
“Don’t worry constable, I understand that mistakes happen.” James locked eyes, as the other officer released him from his restraints. “You’re just doing your job and that’s what matters.” he put a hand on his shoulder. Before the constable could get a hold of him, Harmon quickly spoke up.
“Before you go, Mr. Brooks, the commissioner would like to see you.”
“Of course,” James followed the officer. Tommy sat down and stayed quiet as the constable continued his tangent.
James entered the office and took his seat. “Sorry to cause you trouble tonight, Riley. I think your men were a bit bore-” James stopped in his tracks. What was normally a bear-like man in his late 40’s sitting in a leather chair, was now replaced by a much younger man with dark blond hair and a slender figure. His dark brown eyes were daggers as James slowly took his seat.
“You’re not Riley,” James spoke carefully.
“If you’re referring to Mr. Dalton, I’m afraid he’s taken an early retirement,” his tone was harsh. James looked down at a rather large file with his name written on the front.
“And what’s the file?” James looked up.
“That, Mr. Brooks, is your entire criminal record. Surprisingly, there are good men in this building that write down all of the work you’ve done,” said the commissioner. He opened the file and James could feel the air growing more hostile. On top of that, his eyes looked familiar.
“There shouldn’t be anything to write down. Every time I’m arrested, there’s been a misunderstanding.” his voice was stiff.
“About that. I noticed there are a lot of ‘misunderstood’ charges.”
“People tend to make mistakes,” said James. His jaw tightened.
There was a knock on the door and the commissioner shouted, “Enter.”
James looked back and let out a muttered curse. Penelope smiled as she went straight to the desk and peeked at the file.
“That’s a lot of charges you’ve got there. And nice to see you again James. I see you’ve met my brother Rory.” she gestured to the commissioner, making James’ expression harden. That’s why his eyes were familiar, they were also hers.
“Can’t say I’ve had the pleasure,” said James, letting out a seething tone.
“That’s a shame. Because he’s our new commissioner, and rest assured he’s here to stay,” she leaned in close to him, whispering in his ear, “Just like my shop,” she giggled. There was tension between them and Rory cleared his throat.
“Here’s how it works, Mr. Brooks,” Rory interrupted, “If you personally touch my sister’s shop again, then I personally charge you myself with the crime, and maybe give an award to the constable who gives you a hard punch in the face. I intend to clean up the streets so my sister can operate business safely. I don’t know about you, but I think that seems fair.” he gave a half-smile.
“Hardly. And if you think I haven't fought with Scotland Yard, rest assured that I’ve won every fight and will continue to do so,” he turned to Penelope, “And you may have Scotland Yard, but I have the press. Try anything and I release whatever I want into the papers.” his tone was more tender with her, but she could still see he was fuming.
“That’s sweet, he’s threatening to expose me.” Penelope cooed.
‘Not as much as I did last night,” James retorted
“I’m sorry, what was that?” Rory chimed.
“Nothing.” Penelope hissed.
“The point is, I can expose you, but I never said I had to tell the truth. Just keep that in mind,” he said. James stood up to leave, “How old are you, Penelope?”
“23,” she answered.
“So you know as well as I do, what’s coming up.” he fixed his collar.
“The sugar trials. A competition that I’ll be winning with ease,” she crossed her arms.
“Keep saying that, love,” James’ hand was now on the door handle. “But last time I checked we both know how much you enjoyed my lollipop.” he winked, making Penelope’s amusement slip and her face scarlet.
“Fuck this, I’m punching him myself.” Rory stood, but Penelope quickly held him back.
“I’m sure you’d love to, but if you’ll excuse me, I have the best selling product to make,” said James, giving his most arrogant expression. He shut the door behind him and it was just Rory and Penelope until James poked his head back in, “By the way, I slept with your sister. Just thought I’d clarify that,” and then left before Rory could get to the door. Outside of the office, Tommy followed James out and the officers watched with resentment. Back in the office, Rory paced back and forth fuming, while Penelope sat in his chair.
“So,” Penelope spoke up, “How’s the new job-”
“Don’t change the subject,” Rory hissed.
“Oh come on, I’m not a kid you know?” Penelope rolled her eyes.
“That’s not the issue Penny. What’s concerning, is that he’s a grade-A asshole.”
“Oh like you haven’t had your fair share of bad apples.”
“He’s looking more like a wanker than a bad apple, but sure.” Rory threw his hands up in frustration. He sat down and took a deep breath, “And what the hell is he talking about tasting his lollipop? If that’s another dirty thing I’m shooting him on sight.” he scowled.
“No, he gave me a lollipop the day we met. He’s the one that makes the best lollipops in all of Europe. You know the ones father loved.”
“So what’s the plan then?” Rory leaned back.
“I’m not sure. It’s going to be tough to beat. We may have to open some of the “family recipes” and go from there.” she clasped her hands.
“Those were highly concentrated and lethal. Don’t you think that’s a bit of a risk?”
“A risk is what we’ll have to take. You want to beat him don’t you?” She prodded him. Rory crossed his arms and chewed his tongue.
“Not as much as you do,” he remarked, his tone chagrin.
‘What’s that supposed to mean?” her brow furrowed.
“Oh come on Penny, you were about to eat his face right in front of me. Your shite taste in men is why I’m even in this line of work,” he exacerbated.
“That’s not remotely true.”
“It’s a little true. The point is, be more careful. It’s clear you really like him. I haven’t seen someone else make you smile since you bludgeoned someone to death. Just, cut off whatever feelings you have now so you don’t get hurt later.”
Penelope smiled. She got up and kissed her brother’s forehead. ‘I love you too. I’m headed out, It’s another late night and I haven’t slept.”
“Oh? What were you doing last night?”
“Sleeping with the asshole,” she said, sticking her tongue out in a childish manner.
Rory was quiet as she reached for the door, “Penny?”
Penelope stopped and looked back. “Yes, Rory?”
“You're going to get your heart broken again, are you really okay with that?” he asked, his expression was bleak.
Penelope tightened her grip on the door “I'll be fine."
Rory took a deep breath, “You said that last time. Right before we moved to London. Before I had to hunt down every last paper with our last name on them.” he sighed.
“I said it will be fine,” she refuted. "We're still alive. Aren't we?”