I will have to perform a full-body search

“Come on, let’s get out of here! Hurry up!” Seth grabbed Anton’s arm and pulled him as far from the pub as possible. She ignored the temptation to look back - the Alpha might be there, casually strolling after them, watching his prey.

Her heart pounded against her ribcage so violently that she couldn’t hear her own thoughts anymore.

The sound of the raging organ was so loud, it made everything else disappear. Now, Seth understood why many drug addicts spoke of tasting colors or seeing sounds, because she felt like she was close to a state like that.

But the fear and the feeling in the pit of her stomach weren’t the worst things of all. The very thought of that man she left behind couldn’t be silenced even by the sound of her heart.

“Slow down; why the hell are you running as if your pants were on fire? We’re out, safe; you got away from him.” Anton tried to hold his friend back. They were a good two or three blocks away from the club; if that man didn’t follow them as soon as they left - he wouldn’t now.

“As if you wouldn’t know why I am trying to get as far as I can. God damn it, Anton, can you poke that big brain of yours a little? He was a fucking Alpha; those beasts don’t stop until the day when they get what they wanted. And now, my ass is under his radar." Seth groaned, throwing her hands up.

From what Anton saw, they seemed rather comfortable together, yet he knew that such things wouldn't happen. For some odd reasons, Seth looked content with the position both ended up in, and the Alpha gladly put his dirty claws on her. If Anton didn't know better - he would think that Seth would end up following him back to his place.

Anton watched his best friend - he had known Seth for years, and the stress levels she was showing weren't ones she would have on regular days. She dug in her purse and grabbed a pack of cigarettes, instantly capturing one between her lips.

Her hands shook, yet she managed to light the cigarette and inhale the awful scented smoke. Seth finally relaxed a little, leaning her back against the nearest wall.

"You look like a hooker," Anton chuckled, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively. Little did he know that she suddenly came up with a plan that might turn their life upside down on the spot.

"Well, I'll gladly take the compliment; it was my intention in the first place. Listen, I have an idea - you won't like it." Seth pushed herself away from the cold brick wall and stepped closer to her friend, blowing smoke in his face.

"Spit it out," Anton offered her his hand, and Seth gladly took it. Hand in hand, both walked back towards their apartment complex. Anton focused his attention on the sidewalk, making sure she wouldn't trip over anything.

He decided to keep quiet; his best friend would always need extra time to voice her thoughts or ideas. Sometimes, silence was better than millions of words.

"Alright," Seth breathed out, dropping the half-smoked cigarette on the concrete and stepping onto it. She licked her lips and squeezed Anton's hand before any word would escape her mouth.

"Listen, I need to leave tonight. I didn't have anything to drink except that wine, and I'm pretty sure it faded as soon as that motherfucker approached me. Damn it! Anyway, I'll change, grab a couple of necessities and drive to that damn city. I can easily stop at any motel to have some rest, and even then, I'll get there on time. Please, don't get angry at me; I just feel like it's better if I do. If I'm not around - that fucker won't look for me, and by the time I come home, he will forget about me."

Seth never thought of how hard it would be to leave Anton behind. This would be the first time in twenty years for them to be apart for so long.

"I don't like this idea," Anton sighed, being as honest as he could. Aside from that, he understood that he had no right to be so selfish - everyone knew that the day would come.

Sooner or later, he would have to let go of his friend, the same as Seth would have to. "But I understand; perhaps, you're right. As long as you promise me to come back - I will support any of your decisions." Anton froze on the spot, making Seth stop.

Seth laughed, nodded her head, and gladly gave him the most sacred promise. With wide smiles on their lips and laughter filling the empty streets - both finally reached the apartment complex.

After almost an hour, she watched how Anton placed her bag in the back seat of her car, closed the door, and instantly pulled her into a tight hug. He held her for a good ten minutes until he was finally ready to let go.

Anton kissed her forehead, wished her good luck, and ran back into the building. It was the easiest way for them to bid their goodbyes without tearing up or breaking down, at least.

Seth got in the car, waved a weak goodbye to the building, and started her car, driving away without taking a glance back. She knew that a long road was ahead of her, but she didn't care - she had to get out of there before it was too late.


For the sake of your sanity - stop reading here if you're not into steamy, detailed sexy scenes.

After an hour of driving, Seth felt as if she had made the wrong turn. All she could see ahead and around was a deep forest - she was supposed to get to the next town by now.

To make matters worse, police lights appeared out of nowhere, obviously following her. Her car was the only one on the road, of course - who else might the fucker follow.

"Great, just fucking great. Not that my night could get any damn better." She cursed under her breath, stopping her car by the side of the road.

Seth leaned to her back seat, grabbing her purse with the driver's license. She took a deep breath, reminding herself that she hasn't committed a crime, and this was another regular checkup.

Seth eyed the huge man slowly approaching her car and unknowingly bit onto her lower lip. "Fuck, I'd commit a crime with such a nice piece of meat." She thought to herself, instantly regretting the dirty thoughts. She had a thing for men in uniforms, especially police officers.

Now, Seth had to deal not only with the man, who would demand her registration and driver's license but also with the possibility of him being a shifter.

If that fucker was one of hers - he would scent her arousal. And again, the thought of getting caught and probably cuffed to his bed ran through her mind. "Damn it, I knew I had to get laid first!"

A knock on the driver's window startled her. Seth yelped and averted her gaze, slowly rolling down the window. "Good evening sir, is there a problem?" She instantly spoke up, making sure that she sounded like an innocent, clueless girl.

The huge male chuckled, she couldn't notice his face because of his height, nor did she dare to look up. "Your license and registration, Miss. And no, there isn't a problem - just the regular. We don't see anyone driving through these forests usually, so I’m just making sure that the drivers would have their paperwork. You might be surprised to see how many underaged children drive around here."

As the man spoke, Seth felt how a wave of cold shiver ran down her spine. For some reason, her body heated up, excited to hear the voice. What made her overthink the situation was how familiar it sounded.

She couldn't put her mind onto where she heard it, but she had before - that was a fact.

Seth handed him the paperwork, still averting her gaze, hoping that he hadn't caught on the scent of her arousal or her, at that.

The large man chuckled again, this time sounding more amused than before. "I will need you to step out of the car, Miss." He announced in a rather cheerful manner.

Seth didn't dare to speak back - first of all, he was a cop. Second of all - she couldn't waste the whole night asking stupid questions and arguing with law enforcement.

She opened the car door and carefully got out of the car, looking down at her feet. The man didn't step aside, nor did he bother to get back to his car to check her license or registration.

"You might call this a coincidence; I call this fate, little mouse. You're much cuter when you aren't trying to spit venom at me."

Her eyes widened, now she finally understood where she had heard the voice. How could she forget it after a couple of hours? Seth gasped and looked up, meeting a pair of intense, dark green eyes.

She gave herself some time to take in his features since, technically, she faced the man for the first time.

The proximity between their bodies was too close for her liking, but Seth decided to ignore it, at least until she noticed every little detail about him. Aside from the piercing eyes - the man could easily make Aldonis pale in front of his beauty.

His sharp jawline took her breath away; the perfectly sculpted nose and full lips would be a view Seth could drool over for ages.

"I'm definitely going to imagine his face whenever I masturbate." As the thought snuck into her mind, Seth groaned in annoyance.

She wasn't supposed to admit how damn good looking he was, not even to herself. The man furrowed his brows, wondering what had made her act like a toddler, throwing a tantrum.

He leaned in, placing one hand on the car, over her shoulder, and throwing her documents into it through the half-opened window.

"I will have to perform a full-body search, little mouse. You seem rather suspicious. What are you hiding?" He whispered in her ear, the words alone sent explosive tingles down to her core.

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