Chapter 5: The Attraction

Violet took a detour, trying to avoid meeting that man. She could never let that encounter happen.

She looked back to see if he was still behind her, but couldn’t find him anymore.

She exhaled strongly despite still feeling that weird sensation inside her.

As she walked down the hallway, searching for a safe place to hide for a while and think of her next step, she saw a door slightly open on a side room.

Maybe she could hide there for a few minutes.

She looked back one more time to make sure nobody was seeing her, and went inside.

She closed the door and tried to adapt to the dark space in front of her.

It took a while to realize she was inside a small library, full of bookshelves and dusty papers.

“Oh, God! What is that?” she murmured to herself, trying to breath deeply.

Her heart was pounding excessively and didn’t seem to want to stop so soon.

She heard steps on the other side of the door and her inner wolf snapped to attention.

Despite the fact that she shouldn’t draw too much attention to herself and that she couldn’t bond with her mate, Violet had to worry about her uncontrollable wolf part.

Things could go totally bad if she let that side of her show up like that, without anyone to help controlling it.

As the footsteps got louder, she went behind one of the shelves and stood there, frozen.

As she waited for the noise outside to fade away, Violet remembered of the moment she became aware of the bonding restriction.

She had never quite understood the concept of mate, but could have a superficial idea from the stories she heard secretively.

One night, when she was really young and simply couldn’t sleep, she decided to take a walk around the palace and heard some women from the pack talking in the kitchen.

They were actually whispering, which made Violet even more curious to know what was the subject of that late night conversation.

“Honestly, I don’t understand. How do they expect us to procreate and form a family if we can't bond with our mates?” one of the women asked frustrated.

She sounded very mad and sad at the same time, but the other one hushed her quickly.

“Don't say these things. Rules are rules and you know that. We will marry whoever they say it’s best for us. They know what we need, it’s not up to us to decide that.”

At the time, Violet couldn’t understand what that meant, and as she got older, it made even less sense to her.

But it wasn’t her place to question the rules of the Diamond Pack. She only had to obey them. That woman was probably right.

Everyone seemed happily married and satisfied with their lives and the partners chose for them. They had plenty to eat, they always had parties held by their leader, and he was always very generous.

That’s why she couldn’t let that man get close to her.

She was strictly forbidden to bond with him. She could never be with him in her entire life, she was totally aware of that.

So why allow herself to meet him if she would have to leave?

That would probably only make her suffer.

When Violet thought that whoever was outside was gone, a click on the door told her otherwise.

She was doomed.

Her head was almost exploding from thinking too much.

And as she sensed the person getting closer, surprisingly, her body started to feel calmer somehow.

“I don’t get why you would hide from me.” a low manly voice came from one of her sides and Violet looked up in awe.

His voice was like a spell.

It was so beautiful, captivating and intriguing.

Like all she wanted to do was to listen to him talking for hours.

And even though it was still very dark inside the room, it was like it had lit up in a sort of way.

She couldn’t see him clearly, but as he got near, she could examine his features more meticulously.

His face was so symmetrical and perfect. His lips were tempting, his smile was teasing, but his eyes spread a calm and peaceful wave through Violet’s body, something she had never felt before.

Not that she wasn’t still feeling weird things inside, but it was like a very nice and warm self was trying to come out from her.

But she couldn’t let that out.

“What do you want?” Violet asked.

The man looked at her with those piercing eyes, and for a second she forgot how to breath.

“I just wanted to talk to you.”

“I have nothing to say to you. So can you leave, please?”

“Honestly, from the way you’re talking, it looks like I’m doing something terrible to you. It kind of offends me, you know?”

Violet got a little embarrassed from her stupid scene. She was acting like an idiot and was very aware of that.

But she was so overwhelmed with her thoughts, that she couldn’t let him be a distraction.

“I… It’s not what I meant, it’s just… Please, just leave!”

He raised his brows, puzzled and curious at the same time.


The man took a few more steps forward, making Violet retreat and bump into a bookshelf.

“Stay away from me!” she yelled at him, nervous for being trapped. “I know who you are… And I told you to stay away!” Violet said, as he stood in front of her.

Very close.

Too close for her own good.

“Who am I?” he asked with a mocking smile, seeing how nervous she was.

“Don’t make stupid questions. You are probably feeling the same thing as I am.” she replied angrily.

Mostly angry at herself, for not being able to get out of there and leave him behind.

Why couldn’t her legs respond to her command?

Why wasn’t she walking away from him?

“I obviously am. I’m very surprised actually, I didn’t expect to find you here.”

“Were you expecting to find me at all?” Violet was shocked.

“Of course I was. Why wouldn’t I? You’re my mate. We are destined to find each other.” he said, putting one of his hands on Violet’s waist.

That tiny action made Violet’s muscles tingle.

Her head was spinning and she couldn’t think clearly.

Seeing that she didn’t move, the man took another step forward, bringing their bodies together.

He was embracing Violet’s waist completely now and the other hand was leaning on the shelf behind her.

“What do you want?” Violet asked, but her eyes were staring at his lips the whole time.

His scent was intoxicating and blocking the reasoning line left on her mind.

She wanted to kiss him so badly that it hurt.

“You can feel that too, right?” his lips moved and that looked incredibly sexy on her eyes.

And his eyes…

Violet looked up for a brief second and got immersed inside those green shining globes. Or were they gray?

It really was an enigma.

Or maybe her head was playing tricks on her.

“Yes… But, please, I can’t…”

“You can’t what?” he asked surprised.

“I can’t do… Whatever this is.” Violet tried to explain, but her lack of words were making it very hard to express herself.

But he couldn’t know that it was something forbidden to her. He didn’t know who she was, where she came from or the rules of her pack.

So how could she even begin to explain something like that to him?

The mysterious man was staring at her with a very serious expression now, like he was contemplating what to do next.

The hand that was leaning against the shelf before, was now on the back of her neck.

“I honestly don’t know how you can want to run away from this.” he whispered before pulling her head against him and claiming her mouth with his.

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