-Indy POV-
Fiona? I really can’t walk anymore.. I’m hungry and my feet hurt. Can we have a break?
I know it’s easier for Fiona to walk, she’s fit and has an excellent stamina. And I can drink water from my bottle in my backpack. But we’ve walked for hours!
... can we sit for a moment, pleeeaasee?? I whine at Fiona through our mindlink.
I see how Fiona looks over her shoulder, irritated, and she rolls her eyes. Fine! she says silently, using lip movements.
We stopped walking, and I put down the two backpacks. I carefully sit down on a fallen tree and I kick out my boots. Ooof, my feet are really swollen. I rub my ankles with my hands, trying to comfort the stiff feeling.
Fiona reaches for her backpack, grabs something and throws me a piece of bread. I thank her with a smile. I’m so hungry! I quickly start eating, before Fiona starts to whine about hiking again. We’re sitting here for five minutes, in silence, when Fiona starts whispering.
“I’m so sorry we have to walk this far, this year. But there’s not much in this area that isn’t discovered, yet. You know it’s risky when we are staying somewhere twice, especially in a row.”
“I know… But it’s tough for me, you know. I’m not as… fit as you.” I whisper back. “By the way, are you sure it’s safe to whisper?”
Fiona smiles. “Yes, it’s safe. I haven’t smelled a scent in an hour or two.”
“Whaaaat?” I ask, surprised. “You’re telling me that we’re staying silent the last two hours, for nothing??”
“Ssshhhh.. You still can’t be using your normal voice, Indy!” Fiona warns me. “But no, you know we have to walk at least 30 minutes without a scent before we can talk again.” Then she chuckles: “But I have to say, it was nice and quiet the last hour..”
Oh, the nerve! But as soon as I look at her face, I smile back. Fiona’s smile is contagious. We’re sitting here for another 5 minutes or so, when she says: “It’s better to start walking, again. It’s not that far anymore.” I nod. With a last touch on my ankles, I put my feet back in my boots. I can tell they’re healing again, but I needed at least another 30 minutes to heal fully. I stand up and put the backpacks in place. “Ready.” I whisper at her.
We started walking again, and I can feel the break did good on me. I’ve the energy to look around and indeed, I haven’t been here before. I know for sure, because I have a photographic memory. But this place is new to me. What wonders me the most, is that sometimes I see leaves on the trees. As if it’s almost spring already. But we’ve walked not far enough to be in an area with another climate. The trees in our village are all still in winter-mode, that’s logical, because it’s still early february. But here: it’s different.
Fiona holds still and puts a finger on her lips as a sign I can’t talk right now. I watch her face, she’s sniffing the air and her ears are making little movements, as if she hears something. I try to focus as well, to use my senses, but I can’t notice anything differently.
Then, I see the shock in her eyes, and she pulls me over behind some rocks and trees.
Fiona! What’s wrong?
But she isn’t linking back. Instead, she hurries to get her backpack off her chest as silent as possible. Then, she opens it and grabs her bottle with spray. As fast as she can, she sprays the fluid all over her face, neck and hands. Although she never put some on me before, she is doing now. I close my eyes to make sure the spray isn’t entering my eyes. And when I open them again, I stare in the shocked face of Fiona.
What? I ask her, again. I’m starting to get nervous. This isn’t the Fiona I know!
There’s someone close, Indy. I’m afraid he smelled me. I forgot to use the spray after I didn’t sense any scents of others.
I feel how my body freezes in place. But, how can you overlook this scent then? It’s nothing for Fiona to be reckless.
I don’t know! Honestly!
It seems like Fiona is close to hyperventilating and I do the only thing I could think of. I put her down on the ground and cover her body with mine. I know they can’t sense or smell me, I don’t have a scent. I hope my body is able to cover hers.
I’ve no idea how long we layed here. I don’t dare to move. But I know my body can use some exercise, some movement. After a while, I mindlink Fiona, again. Fi? Is everything OK? Is it safe to move?
I - I don’t know anymore, Indy. I’m not sure of anything right now.
Because I’ve no idea how to react, I sit up and immediately start to stretch some of my sore muscles. I look to my side, and I see Fiona still laying there, in a foetus posture. Poor Fiona.
I touch her cheek and ask again: Are you OK, Fiona? I’m worried about you..
She opens her eyes and gives me a small smile. I think so, Indy. I hope so. But for now it’s better if we only use our mindlinks, OK? Just to make sure.
I nod at her, and I help her sit up. I give her my water bottle, and she takes a few sips. Indy, I’m not sure why, but I could only smell his presence when he was too close already. I’m so sorry…
HIS? I ask, confused.
Yes, I smelled the scent of a male-wolve. We are not alone..