Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter Three


Ruby scurried back to the house, and I followed a few minutes later. I recognized the patrol cars that were parked outside, so I stayed hidden among the bushes beneath the sitting-room window.

“No, ma’am. I know it’s hard, but I need you to remain calm. Kids do this a lot, and there’s every chance she hasn’t gone far. Can you give me a description of your daughter?” the officer instructed.

She was a pack soldier, whom to any human resident, looked like a law enforcement officer. Ruby and her mother were not the only humans here in Lakewood. There were around half a dozen, but most were elderly and had lived here for decades. This also meant that Ruby would be the only human child at her school. As far as I knew, we rarely advertised our rental properties beyond pack boundaries. So maybe this was fate’s way of crossing our paths.

“Yes, officer. Here’s a recent photo of her. Her red coat is missing and I think she may have—” There was a momentary pause before the woman spoke again, this time with relief. “Oh my God, she’s here!” she exclaimed in a frantic voice.

That must be her mom.

Voices merged as they bombarded Ruby with questions. Her disappearing act hadn’t gone unnoticed as I thought. Her mom must’ve realized that she was missing, then contacted who she assumed was the cops. Pity we couldn’t link while in human form or else they would’ve known to expect her straight home.

“Hey there, Ruby, you gave your mommy quite a scare. You can’t be going off on your own like that. I want you to promise me you won’t ever do that again,” the officer explained to her, in a stern but gentle voice.

“I won’t, I promise. I’m sorry I broke your photo frame, Mommy. I didn’t mean it. I just couldn’t remember Daddy’s face anymore. I’m sorry. Don’t cry, Mommy. I’m really sorry,” I heard Ruby explain things, apologizing in between sobs.

Her mom sobbed as she listened. “I thought I’d lost you, too. Baby, I’m not crying because I’m mad at you. You scared me, is all. I don’t know what I’d do without you,” her mom told her.

It was hard to listen to. It sounded as though they had been through such an awful lot already. Her mother seemed like a friendly person, and I could tell by the relief in her voice that Ruby meant the world to her.

I heard her talking to the cops, explaining to them about Ruby’s dad. That he died at work during a construction accident, and that Ruby had been having a hard time dealing with it. They had moved from North Carolina to Michigan, and they didn’t know a soul.

Ruby has had to deal with many changes, more than most kids her age go through. First, her dad died, then they lost their house, which meant it forced them to move to Lakewood.

“Thank you, officers, for coming out like this,” her mom mentioned.

“That’s no trouble, ma’am. We’re just glad little Ruby is home safe and sound. It’s late and I’m sure you’ll want to put her off to bed, so we’ll get going now. You two take care, alright?” he replied, as they made their way outside.

“Goodbye.” Her mom waved them off before closing the door.

I hankered low, hanging around for a few moments more. It was rude to eavesdrop, but I couldn’t help myself. Ruby’s mom was telling her how much she loved her. She told her she was going to make a scrapbook filled with all the memories of her dad and include some of them as a family.

I walked away as the lights went out. Then took a slow walk home. I couldn’t shake the heavy feeling I felt in my heart for my Little Ruby Red and how it must suck so badly to go through all of that at six years of age.

The only friend she felt she had was a wolf that she found in the forest.

Damn . . . poor kid.

The journey back took minutes. I was dreading the reception I was likely to get from my mother. But on the bright side, all the guests had gone.

The front door was unlocked, and the entrance hall was in darkness. It didn’t look like there had been a party here. Everything had been cleared away, leaving the house in its usual pristine condition, once again.

A deathly silence filled the void as I crept through the entrance hall. This was too good to be true. The plan was to make it to my room without running into my mom. If I could achieve this, it would be the perfect ending to an eventful evening. I must have tempted fate because the hallway flooded with light.

“And just where the hell have you been?” My mother was standing in her dressing gown and slippers with a thunderous look etched across her face.

This would not be pleasant. I fidgeted awkwardly, staring up at her in nothing but my skin. My bare feet had splattered a trail of mud across the marble floor tiles. I covered my modesty with my dirty hands, cringing sheepishly.

She moved at wolf speed, vanishing and re-emerging on the landing to throw a pair of sweatpants at my feet.

“Here, put those on. Your father and I want to talk to you in the study,” she spoke, her voice as cold as ice.

She turned, sauntering off along the corridor towards my father’s office. The clock in the entrance hall chimed twice to show that it was two a.m.

What was so important that it couldn't wait until later?

I pulled on the sweatpants and trudged upstairs. A strange, unsettling feeling manifested inside my chest, concerned with what repercussions I was likely to face. I’d gone AWOL during my coming-of-age party. I’d never made a scene before, so I was confused about why they were making a huge song and dance over the one time I had.

They had left the door to the study ajar, spilling a slither of yellow light along the darkened corridor. Their heated exchange of hushed whispers provoked my anger.

Just as I feared, they were discussing the fact that I may or may not find my soulmate and that they would choose a suitable mate for me.

“We should intervene, Claire. What about the Miller girl? What’s her face? Rebecca? Rene?” Dad muttered in his gruff tone. He wasn’t good at keeping his voice down. And to add insult to injury, he had as much subtly as a brick.

Mom tutted. “Her name is Rachel. Seriously, James? I swear you never listen to a word I say,” Mom replied, sounding frustrated.

Having heard enough at that point, I stormed through the door in irritation. My parents were not as considerate as Ruby’s mother. My mother and father were formal. They only cared about their status and reputation. My feelings didn’t seem to count.

“What’s going on here?” I asked in an accusatory manner.

“Watch your mouth, boy,” my dad growled.

“We were just saying that since you haven’t found your mate, that given time we would find a suitable Luna to help you when you become Alpha of the pack,” my mother mentioned.

I watched as she admired her manicured nails with more interest than she had ever shown me over these past few years.

If only she knew how Rachel had been the pack boys' coming of age welcoming committee, she wouldn’t be so quick to suggest I consider her as a potential Luna.

It wasn’t personal. She just wasn’t who I envisioned spending the rest of my life with, that’s all.

“That won’t be necessary,” I replied, flatly.

My father pinched the bridge of his nose in agitation. “It’s not up for debate, Caleb. You will do as your mother and I say. And now that you’ve finished school, you are to come and work with me.”

Not only was my dad the alpha of our pack, but he was also the CEO of a business: Grant Enterprises. It was a multinational company that manufactured outdoor recreational equipment and clothing.

Working with Dad was tolerable. However, my parents interfering in my love life wasn’t happening—period.

“Guess what? I found my mate tonight at the party. I stepped out to get some air and there she was,” I told them the half-truth.

My father’s eyebrows raised in surprise. “Oh, you have? Well, that’s wonderful news, son. What’s her name?” he asked. His dark-brown eyes were fixed upon me, awaiting further details.

I looked away as I spoke. I had never lied before. Not about anything major, anyway. The look of guilt must have been clear as it crept across my face in the form of a furious blush.

“Her name is Ruby,” I replied without making direct eye contact.

This was my first mistake. My father wasn’t fooled. Being Alpha meant that he could detect a lie right away.

My mother gasped with elation. “Oh, what a lovely name. Is she pretty?”

I cringed, feeling myself shrink to about two inches tall under their intense gaze. This must be how it feels to be placed under a microscope and analyzed.

“Yeah, she’s a cutie,” I gave an awkward response, scratching the back of my neck.

My mom’s eyes grew wide now that I had got her attention for the first time.

“So,” Dad announced with a clap. “When do we get to meet her?”

All that escaped my lips was a dumbfounded groan.

Okay, perhaps I should have seen that one coming.

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