Chapter 4
I've been irritated before, but nothing like this. I have been poked and prodded and have had enough. I want to see my husband. When my nurse leaves after her third attempt at putting my IV in, the two detectives that spoke to me earlier, walk in. I'm getting sick of these two. We have been at the hospital for hours and all they keep telling me about Jared's health, is that he is resting. Well this time they can shove it up their ass. I want to see him. I don't know what he wants me say to everyone that keeps asking me questions.
It was obvious those men knew him, I just don't know if should say anything. Detective Stephanson walks up first. He reminds me of one of my college professors. His long legs but larger belly is almost laughable. He has shaggy blonde hair and looks like he hasn't showered in days, but I do prefer him over Andrews. When I woke up a few hours ago I had been told that Jared and I were on two different wings of the hospital. I wasn't stupid, I knew when they examined me they saw some old damage. I have only ever had to go to the hospital for what Jared has put me through once. I always treated myself. When they saw my back I just knew they were going to separate us. I couldn't have that. I needed Jared. Needed him to tell me what to do. I didn't want to get into trouble.
Stephanson walks up to me and stops at the foot of my bed. I don't have to guess who he saw and why he looks upset, Jared can be very ill-mannered toward people of authority.
"Mrs. Cole, there is something we need to tell you. We are sorry for the delay, but we had to be sure of the circumstances before we tell you anything." He explains.
I narrow my eyes because this is not sounding good so far. I'm not liking the way this conversation is headed.
"Jared is awake and asking for you. We are far from done with the investigation of your break in, and will keep you updated with all we uncover but for now, you can see your husband." He says.
I don't miss the way he says, break in but I let it slide so I can see Jared. I'm a little upset with myself that I didn't come up with something better than we had a break in but when I woke up it was the only thing I can come up with.
"Thank you, detective, I'm ready to see him now."
I try getting out of the bed but detective Andrews stops me and leers down on me with a look I have grown to hate. Sympathy. It's the same look I have been given since they questioned me about my back. I gave them the whole I fell excuse. It wasn't entirely a lie.
"Ma'am let us get the nurse so she can take you over to see him with a wheelchair. We wouldn't want you to hurt yourself further." He says.
This is why I prefer detective Stephanson. I know they suspect something more happened last night and to me in general, but I won't tell them anything more than the typical I got hurt falling down the stairs routine. Andrews hates it. I know he does. Which is why I prefer Stephanson. I hate lying, especially when it's obvious, but what goes on between me and my husband is our business. Jared taught me that.
"Before we do that, I wanted to tell you something." Stephanson says still standing in the same spot.
I give him my full attention. Maybe it's about Jared, and how I may need to know how to care for him when we get home.
"Laynie, he has amnesia." He says in a gentle tone.
My whole axis shifts. There is no way he doesn't know who he is. He is Jared Nicholas Cole. He knows everything. He is everything.
"He doesn't know who he is?" I say with fear trembling down my body.
This can't be happening.
"No ma'am, he knows who he is, he just has short term memory loss. It may come back in a few days, months or even years. But for now, this past year is missing for him. He believed he was Minneapolis and that you guys were still dating." He states.
Oh my God. I can't believe this. He is missing a year of us together? Wait, that means that he doesn't remember ever hurting me. It started as soon as we moved here, as soon as we were married. His whole demeanor changed and I never knew why. I am not sure what to do with this information. I barely recall saying thank-you to the detectives or the nurse coming in to take me to his room in the wheelchair.
By the time my thought process is a little steadier, we are outside his room. Another nurse walks out. She is stunning. She has a very petite body and is at least 5'10. She looks like a model. Next to her, my 5'4 frame with lots more hips and ass than I would like, looks like a troll doll. Especially in my current state where my face is bandaged and I'm sure my hair needed a brush two days ago.
"Melissa, hey thanks for bringing her, but Jared just fell asleep." Nurse beautiful says.
Melissa, my nurse who never introduced herself, looks at me than at nurse beautiful, shrugs and walks away. What the hell? Nurse beautiful shakes her head and closes her eyes at the direction of Melissa. I'm glad I'm not the only one.
"Hi there Laynie, I'm Candice. Jared has been asking for you. I'm glad your both okay. He is currently sleeping. He wanted to stay up for you but the pain was too much so I gave him something to let him rest. I'm sure the detectives told you about his condition?" she says in a calm matter.
God, even her voice sounds like she is pleading for world peace. I notice everyone calls us by our surname except her. I briefly wonder why that is, then put it in the back of my mind. I look at her and nod, eager to see Jared. It feels like we have been separated for months. She smiles a sweet smile, then opens the door for me while I wheel myself in. His state is worse than I thought. He looks so small on the bed that I have to hold back my tears. He needs me strong right now. His face is completely swollen and red. His body is covered by a blanket so I can't see any further damage, but I know his torso and back got the just of the attack. I wheel closer than look back to nurse Candice.
"When will he wake up?" I ask.
My question has a lot of fear in it because part of me is not sure I want him to. I don't know who he will be once he wakes up.
"I just recently gave him some pain medicine, so it might be a while. He just needs rest. He may wake when he feels pain again too. When that happens press that call button and I'll come by and give him something. We will be moving you into this room too since your husband and wife so a bed will be in shortly for you. From that point on, I'll be your nurse as well. You don't have to worry about Melissa anymore." She adds that last part in with a whisper and a wink.
She heads for the door but before exiting looks back at Jared and me.
"You know, once he found out that you two were married, he got this look, like he couldn't believe he was lucky enough to have you. It seems even in his state of unsureness, he found you as his rock."
With that she walks out. I stare at the door for a few minutes trying to grasp what she meant. When I look back at Jared the tears I was holding in since last night come rushing down. I hold his hand gently in mine and cry.