
What took maybe ten seconds to cross, felt like years. I was a lamb headed to the slaughter, being held out on a silver platter to a ravenous wolf. I gulped, tugging my dress down as if it were betraying my modesty.

"Here she is, the one we were telling you about." Danny stepped back, releasing me and giving me a gentle shove closer to the blonde.

"Ah, the birthday girl." His smooth voice purred.


I shot Isabelle a look, but she only smiled, raising her brows and nodding like a psychopath.

"Si, birthday girl." I narrowed my eyes into a glare, finally turning back to face him. Before landing back on the demon, my gaze was caught by the man beside him, who looked shocked to see me again. He must've also been counting on me to make my escape after our awkward collision.

I must've lingered too long, because his friend took notice, leaning back to look at the god, then back at me.

"Do you know her?" He whispered, as if we weren't standing right next to them. He shook his head, eyeing me up and down in curiosity. I shifted on my feet, feeling more insecure than ever. "Well, I'm Isaac. And your name is Jen, right?"

Shit, I forgot I was in the middle of an introduction. I nodded awkwardly, holding my hand out to shake. His eyes flashed with amusement as he took in my trembling fingers. Thankfully, he followed through with my embarrassing gesture, gripping my clammy hand as if I were his job candidate, not his potential pussy for the night. I pulled back as quickly as possible, making him chuckle. I could hear Isabelle's groan and Danny facepalming.

"I think I'm going to get some air." I finally announced, starting to feel the effects of my second drink, making it harder to stand and no easier to socialize. Danny caught my arm on the way out, looking at me with concern. "Hey, you okay? If you're too nervous, we can go somewhere else." Her offer warmed me, but I didn't want to spoil their fun. We never went out together and I wouldn't ruin it because I couldn't handle a handsome man. I shook my head, smiling gently.

"It's okay, I'm fine. I just need to relax a little more before, well," I gestured to the men whispering to one another. "that."

"He is a little intense, isn't he?" She giggled, and I joined her. What an understatement. "His friend looks a little nicer though, don't you think?" She added, clearly assessing my reaction.

I was an open book, of course, blushing and tugging at my sleeves. She gave me a cheeky grin, nodding to the door to the balcony.

"Go ahead, girl. Get some air. And when you come back, try not to think about what to say or do. Just be you."

I snorted. Easy to say when the 'you' is confident and beautiful. But I nodded my acceptance, slipping through the doorway carefully. The last thing I wanted was to trip and fall on my face while I was supposed to be calming myself.

The crisp late-summer air was refreshing, lifting the skirt of my dress just a tad as I leaned against the wrought iron railing. The city truly was beautiful at night. The lights flickered from vehicles four stories below, keeping it alive despite the late hour. That was a college town, for you.

Students never slept, or so it seemed, especially the night before classes were to begin. Everywhere I looked there were flyers for back-to-school events and parties that were sure to make students miss the first day of class. What a time to be alive.

"Hey, Jen?" I jumped, gripping the railing for dear life at the sudden voice speaking to me. "Shit, sorry. I didn't mean to scare you."

I looked over to see the nameless one, approaching me with an apologetic smile and glass of something clear. I clutched onto my chest, waving off his apology.

"No, it's okay. I just didn't hear you come out here. It's my fault." He stepped closer to me, carrying with him the sweet but masculine scent of his cologne. Even his scent was godly. Sweet glory, I would melt before the night was over.

"Ah. Well, I brought you some water." He held it out for me, and I eyed it skeptically. He was a stranger at a bar. Wasn't I supposed to be wary of this? "It's not drugged, if that's what you're worried about." He added with a chuckle. I raised a challenging brow.

"Would you tell me if it was?" He chewed on his bottom lip, fighting a laugh.

"No, I guess I wouldn't." He admitted with a shrug. "But your friend gave it to me to bring to you. So you might want to pass your caution onto them." I glanced inside where Danny was grinning ear to ear, giving me a thumbs up.

"Oh, God." I grumbled, taking the water and holding it up for her to see. I then held it over the edge of the balcony, turning my wrist and allowing the possibly contaminated liquid to pour onto the sidewalk below. Her jaw fell open, eyes wide in surprise.

The mystery man couldn't contain his laughter at my blatant act of defiance, clutching onto his stomach in his fit. His laugh was contagious, and I soon found myself joining in, nearly dropping the glass overboard.

"Shit!" I cursed, pulling it in and setting it down before I could accidentally break it.

"You're a funny one." He mused, his laughter finally receding. I grinned, crossing my arms and rocking back on my heels.

"I still don't know your name." I was tired of referring to him in my head as 'the god'. He cocked his head slightly, pulling a pack of gum from his back pocket.

"Joel. Joel Becker." He answered, popping a white square from the packet and tossing it into his mouth. Why did his name sound so familiar to me?

I couldn't focus much on it, because I finally had a name to go with his glorious face.

"Joel." I tested aloud. He raised a brow, smirking humorously.

"Jen." He answered in kind, making me realize just how ridiculous I had sounded. I covered my face with my hands, leaning back against the iron bars and sliding to my ass.

"I'm really bad at this." I mumbled through my palms. He let out a hmph as he lowered himself beside me, resting his tattooed arms on his raised knees. I hadn't expected him to join me down there. I was just wallowing in my self-pity.

"I'd have to say, you don't seem like the kind of woman to elicit sex from strangers in bars." My hands shot to my sides, my eyes like saucers.

"What? Where-? Why-?"

"That's what you wanted, right? Or was that what your friends wanted for you?"

I glanced inside, where all three of our friends were drinking and watching us like we were a fucking exhibition at a zoo.

"Let's just say it's been awhile and my friends were getting worried." I answered simply. If it weren't for the alcohol, I was sure I would've dropped dead talking to this man about my sex life. But it, combined with his incredibly comforting presence, were making me brave.

"Ah. And they chose Isaac of all people." He whistled, shaking his head.

"He's that bad?" I asked, straightening my legs in front of me.

"Well, I can't speak from experience, obviously, but he has a different story every week about some new conquest of his. They were tossing you into the lions den." Oh God. Just as I'd feared.

"Thanks for the warning." I offered sincerely. He shrugged, leaning his head back and looking up at the stars above, barely visible through the city lights.

"Your friends sound pretty adventurous. I'm sure they could handle him. Not you, though. You don't look like you even want to be here." I wasn't sure why, but his words really irked me.

Even if it was true, he was acting like I was some helpless deer surrounded by hunters. I could be adventurous, too. Hell, I was being adventurous by even coming out tonight! I shaved my legs for this!

"I also wanted to fuck a stranger tonight, you know!" I blurted, probably louder than necessary. He looked taken back at my outburst, his dimples showing his amusement.

"Really?" He challenged, crossing his arms over his chest and his legs out in front of him. I curled mine in, clambering to my knees to face him with my hands on my hips.

"Yes. I did. I'm not as innocent as I look." I responded curtly, glaring at him. He brought his tongue between his teeth, his stormy blue eyes dancing in the darkness.

"Have you ever had a one night stand before?" I opened my mouth to speak, but clamped it shut again, which he took as my answer. "That's what I thought." He sniggered, and I thought I would combust in fury.

How dare this asshole laugh at me for my lack of experience! So what if I hadn't done it before? I wasn't too old to try!

In an act of uncharacteristic spontaneity, I swung my leg over his lap, lifting his face just enough for me to crash my lips against his.

His arms uncrossed, and he grunted in surprise. His gum made his mouth taste like mint with a hint of beer, and his facial hair scratched lightly at my face, but his lips were soft as silk. After a moment of stunned paralysis, his hands landed on my hips, pulling me in until our chests were nearly touching.

His mouth opened slightly, allowing my tongue better access to glide across his.

I was kissing a stranger, a man I had barely spoken to for five minutes, and I loved it. It was hot, erotic, and I could feel myself getting wet, soaking my cotton panties in my arousal.

My hands tangled in his hair, tugging gently and eliciting a groan from deep in his chest. His erection was pressing against me, filling the space between my legs fully. God, he was huge.

I had no intention of stopping, fully prepared to surrender myself right then and there, but thankfully he was rational, pulling away before things could go any further. I was a panting mess, dropping my arms to the tops of his broad shoulders. His chest was rising and falling just as hard, but he appeared much more put together, his eyes twinkling with the light shining through the glass.

"I'd love to continue this, Jennifer, but not with an audience." He nodded to the door, and I was horrified to see each of our friends frozen in place, their jaws practically on the floor. I turned back around with a jolt, letting my forehead drop to his shoulder.

"I'll never hear the end of this."

"Neither will I." He laughed, pushing my hair out of my face. It was such an oddly affectionate gesture that it almost felt misplaced. Not that it made me feel any less special. I was on cloud nine, even though I knew I would be in for it when I saw the girls tomorrow. "Do you want me to take you home?" He offered with that naturally sensual voice of his.

I stiffened, clenching his shirt in my fists.


"We don't have to do anything. I'm asking because you seem ready for some rest, and to be honest, so am I. I have a long day tomorrow." I peered up at him curiously. Was he a student? He looked a little old to be a student, but he could be grad.

"The university, I'm guessing?" He nodded, smiling tiredly. "So, you're proposing an escape plan?" He nodded again, peeking over my shoulder at the crowd gathered and grimacing.

"I figure if they see us leave together, they won't harass either of us until at least tomorrow. That way we can get some restful sleep."

He was a clever one, which only made him sexier. I gripped his shoulders to stand, and he helped me, guiding my hips off of his lap carefully.

"Alright." I clapped my hands as he stood, retrieving the glass I had set down. "Take me home."

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