
"I'll be right back. I'm just going to tell him we're leaving." He spoke against my hair, making sure I could hear him over the blaring music. I nodded, crossing back to our original table for my handbag and phone. I opened up my wallet, dropping a twenty on the table for the drinks, before turning back to face where Joel and the others were standing. Both girls were smiling at me, seeming to approve of my change of dick for the night. Honestly, those two were too much. I was sure at least one of them would have a story about their wild time with Isaac. Hell, maybe they both would.

Speaking of, Isaac seemed to be whispering something in Joel's ear, to which Joel shot him a glare. I turned away, not wanting to invade his privacy.

My satchel drooped from my shoulder and I started subtly swinging it while I waited. Was this really a good idea? I mean, I knew he said it was all just an excuse to get away, but I couldn't deny the sexual tension that persisted post make-out session.

Besides, I wouldn't ever see him again. So if I wanted something, tonight would be the night, right?


"Ready as I'll ever be."

With his long legs, I was glad I didn't wear heels. I was at a brisk walk to keep up with his casual pace, padding against the sidewalk as he searched for his car. I was impressed that he even owned one, to be honest. Not many students did, since parking passes were expensive as hell. But I guess if he could afford it…

"That's your car?" I asked, my jaw dropping. A shiny red Camaro lit up beside us and he crossed to the driver side, throwing the door open.

"Yup." He grinned, a man with his toy at its finest. I climbed in beside him, thankful he didn't open the door for me. We weren't exactly in the type of relationship to support such an act of chivalry. The smell of the leather seats was intoxicating, and I hummed when the engine roared to life.

"It's beautiful." I purred, sounding more sensual than I had all night, and I was talking about a car. He chuckled, placing his hand on the gearshift and using the other to roll down the windows.

"Where to?" He asked, but before I could answer, he continued. "Please tell me it isn't a dorm." The angst in his voice was humorous, and I giggled.

"No, I live in an apartment off 6th."

"Thank God." He mumbled under his breath, shaking his head. Why did he want to know if I was in a dorm? Was he planning on doing something after all?

Nerves tried to grip me, but they were quickly drowned out by the radio. It played classic rock, specifically ACDC's Highway to Hell. I hummed along to the familiar tune, drumming my fingers on my leg.

My dad would listen to classic rock on the radio every time he worked on his cars, so I was well acquainted.

Joel took notice, smirking at my miniature concert.

"You are just full of surprises, aren't you?" He uttered in pleased disbelief. I turned to him, smiling sweetly.

"And you thought I was boring." He shook his head, glancing down at the accelerator and back to the road.

"No, I thought you were intriguing. That's why I brought you a glass of water." I froze, cocking my head.

"You said Danny sent you."

"I lied." He shrugged, and I gasped, crossing my arms in disapproval.


"Just like you lied about it being your birthday."

"That is… irrelevant. That wasn't my lie, it was theirs. And how did you even know it was a lie?" He lifted a brow, flashing his devilish dimples.

"You didn't correct them. And, please. It was obvious. You aren't exactly subtle when it comes to lying, or anything for that matter. You're an open book, Jennifer." This was the second time he had called me by my full name, and it was losing its charm.

He was doing it again, testing my patience. I hated how insightful he was, and it only made me want to prove him wrong.

"I thought you said I was intriguing. How can I be predictable and intriguing at the same time? You also said I was full of surprises, but earlier said I wasn't adventurous enough to screw your friend. You're contradicting yourself. You know what I think, Mr. Mind-reader?" I paused for effect, leaning forward as the car came to a halt. "I think you are purposefully pissing me off. I think you point out other people's insecurities so they don't notice yours. And I think you're just a lonely-"

I was promptly cut off by his lips smashing against mine, his hands gripping my head firmly and tangling into my long hair. I let out an involuntary moan, unbuckling as quickly as possible so I could lean into him.

His tongue dove deep into my mouth, and at that point I had realized that he had disposed of his gum, leaving only the remnants of flavor behind. I was thankful for it, knowing that I could search his mouth freely now that it was clear. And I did, pulling myself over the console to straddle his lap.

He growled, pushing my hips down onto his hardened cock, grinding against me and creating sweet friction that had me dripping. My fingers moved to his shirt, undoing the top two buttons clumsily, eager to feel the skin underneath.

God, this man was sexy.

He lifted his hands back to my cheeks, pulling away reluctantly and eyeing me hungrily, looking far more dangerous than he did mere minutes ago. But I wasn't afraid. I was excited.

"Take me to your fucking apartment, now." He demanded, his voice deep and dripping with lust. I ignored the sirens going off at his sexual aggression, nodding eagerly and throwing the door open. I stumbled onto the asphalt, barely keeping myself standing on my trembling legs.

6th street was pretty short, and we were only one building away from my apartment complex.

I rushed to the front steps, hearing his slower steps following closely behind me. To anyone else it probably would've looked like I was in trouble. Hell, maybe I was. I had never invited a random man over to fuck before.

As soon as we arrived at my front door, I reached into my bag for my keys. I managed to pull them out okay, but the feeling of unfamiliar foil caught me by surprise, making me drop them to the concrete.

Oh my God, the girls gave me condoms.

I hadn't even thought about that, and unless this guy was used to these kinds of run-ins, I doubted he had either. Coffee was definitely on me tomorrow.

By the time I touched back down to reality, Joel had picked up my keys and unlocked the door, pushing it open with confidence, as if he'd been here a million times. I scurried after him, barely getting through the door by the time he slammed it shut. I yelped, jumping to the side, but he didn't give me much time to worry about nearly losing my life to the heavy steel.

In a flash, he had me pushed up against the wall, his mouth back on mine. His hands traveled down to my ass, and I jumped, letting him lift me so I could wrap my legs around his hips. I let him kiss down my neck as I worked on undressing him, tugging anxiously on his buttons until they came undone. As soon as it came loose, I pushed it off his shoulders. He used the wall to help support me enough to free his arms from the shirt, letting it flutter to my entryway floor.

"Where's your room?" He asked urgently, his hair mussed and wild as he broke away from my skin, still holding me.

"Down the hall, first door on the left." He nodded, taking careful steps while I took the time to admire his physique.

The intricate designs were scattered along his toned pecks, with parts of untouched skin peeking through. He was like an incomplete canvas, a piece of art in progress, waiting for all the blank space to be made into a masterpiece. I had never been one to be attracted to the type, but I found myself drawn to him.

It went beyond his beautiful body, though that was perfect, too. His wit hooked me, and his clever brain reeled me in. He was charming in a way words couldn't express, and I felt that his ink spoke on behalf of him.

Within seconds, I was tossed onto my bed, with Joel atop me, trailing hot kisses across my collarbone. Whether he was a god or the devil, I was no longer sure, but I knew that I wanted him. Desperately.

I pulled myself up, removing the strap to my bag and taking out a condom before discarding it to the floor. He took the time I was sitting to unzip the back of my dress. I shivered at the way his fingertips grazed my skin, my nerves coming to life in a way they never had before.

Was this what sex was supposed to be? Passionate, all-consuming, addicting. I had never experienced it this way before, and we hadn't even started yet.

He pulled my dress down to my waist, pushing me onto my back so he could get it down my body. I lifted my hips in aid, resisting the urge to cover my exposed skin. It wasn't like it was anything special, but by the way he eyed me made me think he disagreed.

Gaining confidence in his gaze, I unhooked my bra, tossing it off the side of the bed where he threw my dress.

"Fuck, you're beautiful." He breathed, kicking off his shoes and crawling back over me to take my breast in his mouth. I arched my back, gripping the sheets for support as his tongue swirled around my nipple, flicking it occasionally.

My ex never did this sort of thing. He would kiss me, but never anywhere but my lips. This was so much more personal, more intimate.

It felt as if he were eager to taste me.

He confirmed this by trailing his wet lips lower, approaching where my panties hugged my hips tightly. I flinched instinctively, making him freeze and look up at me.

"You okay? Do you want me to stop?" I shook my head.

"No, I've just never been kissed there. Or really touched there. You know, except for sex." I admitted bashfully. His eyes widened in disbelief, before squinting with mischief.

"If you haven't, then you haven't had real sex. It's about more than penetration, baby." His casual use of a pet-name had me giddy, and I tangled my hands back in his hair, eager to touch him any way I could. I offered him an encouraging smile and he returned it with a grin, tugging at the top of my pink cotton panties with his teeth.

"Oh God." I moaned, lifting my hips as he tugged them down my sensitive flesh. Every single touch felt electric, and I was already panting in anticipation. But he stood, worrying me for a moment, until I saw his hand go to the front of his jeans. He was finishing what I'd started and I got a front row seat.

I leaned up on my elbows, pulling my lip between my teeth.

Holy fuck.

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