Chapter 10
"There's really nothing to tell, I am certain that Blaze told you everything."
"Blaze is very private, he would never tell us anything about his relationship." Emma supplemented.
Juliette knew she would pay for this but, "What do you wanna know?"
"How did you meet?" Mrs. Matthew was the first to ask and Juliette thought of meeting him for the first time and opted that the truth in this sense was the best option. "I went in for an interview to work at his company."
"How did you guys get--you know so close." Mary's tone was suggestive, and even though Juliette knew that she and Blaze hadn't even touched each other, her cheeks flamed at the thought of being intimate with--with him. "I am his secretary so we worked closely on a variety of projects; we are in each other's presence every day. I guess we sort of bonded."
"What else is one to do during late night sex at the office?" Juliette instantly began to cough as soon as the words left Emma's mouth. She didn't know what to be more surprised at, the fact that the family thought she was sleeping with Blaze or that Emma was the one to say it? Juliette hardly heard the giggles or saw Mrs. Mathew's appalled expression.
"You, I-- Blaze and I-" Juliette stammered trying to correct what they all suspected, but the devil himself made an appearance. "What's going on here?" He stood in the middle of the room all muscle and although Juliette knew she would get in trouble with a thought like this, he was perfect, carved from the hands of Aphrodite herself and he was alone.
"We are chatting with your biggest and best accomplishment ever, I have no idea how you were able to woo this one into liking, "Mary twisted her face in mockery and breathed out the last word, "you."
"That is my concern, you talking to her, God knows what lies you're telling." His tone was dry but his eyes spoke of humor and adoration.
"No lies, I swear, but where are the others?" Emma inquired.
"Still out, but I needed to ensure Juliette was safe, besides it's late and I heard we are having a busy day tomorrow so I think we may head off to bed." His eyes found Juliette and she nodded, rose from her seat, muttered her good night, and left with Blaze, not missing the suggestive look Mary directed at her. Why did people assume she was sleeping with this man?
Oh, God! She was! The day passed by so quickly and with so much for Juliette to process that she forgot that they had to share a bed!
The door closed behind them and Juliette froze, what was she going to do?
"You can take the bed, I'm supposed to have a spare mattress, I'll sleep on that." Blaze's voice cut through her thoughts. She couldn't allow him to sleep on the floor. "You can take the bed, I don't mind using the mattress." She turned towards him but his gaze was annoyed. How did that happen? Did he hate her spending time with his family this much?
"No Juliette, the mattress isn't the most comfortable, you'll wake up with more sores than me if you sleep on it." He spoke roughly. Blaze knew he was not being the nicest person right now but something about being in a room, under the cover of night with Juliette, stirred Blaze's very aware male body, he was not made of stone. This feeling of attraction and the inability to please his desire made him grumpy.
"Listen, I don't know why you're angry with me right now, but-" Juliette was on a roll tonight, this is another time in which she was about to do something she knew would haunt her, "we can share the bed, I wouldn't want you to be in pain because of me."
She thought he was angry with her? No, he was angry at himself! "Juliette-" He was about the refuse but she stopped him, "If you dare sleep on that uncomfortable mattress I will kick your ass." Her voice softened, she didn't know why but he infuriated her, "Please do not make me feel responsible for making you uncomfortable in your home." Her eyes pleaded with him and he couldn't refuse.
"You wanted to kick my ass? You have a mean streak, huh I hadn't a clue." and for the first time, Juliette heard the humor in his voice and saw it in his eyes and experienced it with his laughter. "I do and it would do you good to remember that." She spoke playfully.
The room was in full darkness when he heard the door to the bathroom open and close, and then within seconds, he was aware of Juliette getting into bed. He didn't know what she wore and found himself wondering what it would be, for himself he usually slept in the nude but right now he was confined by boxers.
Blaze couldn't sleep, whenever he felt the bed stir he would think that the mattress wouldn't have been this painful, she was mere inches away from him, but what was worse and guaranteed a restless night was the action of a sleeping Juliette, shifting and causing her leg to fall over and between Blaze's, her bare skin touched his and he longed for a cold shower.