Chapter 3
Blaze leaned casually against the body of his jet, his arms crossed effortlessly across his chest as he waited for the arrival of his 'girlfriend.' She wasn't late by any means at all, but if he was honest with himself; and he was, he was harboring a tiny speck of fear that Juliette might have changed her mind. Maybe he shouldn't have told her that the raise she was being given was something long probing his mind. Normally Blaze wouldn't give a second thought to whether or not a woman was going to stand him up. It's never been done, but with the ice queen, Juliette, anything was possible.
He couldn't say he wanted her to like him, frankly, he was glad she didn't because he knew he could never be attracted to someone so....severe. He shook off his thoughts, not quite caring for the direction it began to travel. Blaze, raised his hand to stare pointedly at his wristwatch, take off was soon; where was she?
Blaze looked up from his watch to spot a woman walking in his direction, his brain on red alert, every nerve stood on end, even from afar she was beautiful and he was certain that once she was in touching distance of him, his interest would increase. She was simple, not at all the like the women he dated; sorry bedded was more appropriate. She was short, her hair fell close to her elbow in black, soft curls. Blaze couldn't help it, he stared.
She got closer and closer and recognition hit him as if he'd knowingly ran head on to a brick wall!
"Juliette?" Blaze spoke unsurely as the woman stood a few inches in front of him, her hazel eyes sparkling brightly in the sunlight; she wasn't wearing any glasses and he was able to register how beautiful her eyes really were before he thought they were nondescript, now he was regretting ever even having thought it!
Juliette smiled at Blaze, a smile that was natural to her and it felt good to be her natural self. She did feel a bit uneasy seeing him looking at her as if she were an imposter and almost regretted not adapting her work facade.
"Surprised I showed up huh?" Juliette continued smiling and saw Blaze's reaction from stunned turned to unreadable.
"That's not what I'm surprised about." He countered, looking at her steadily, and Blaze thought that he saw her tense, he knew she was about to reply because her lips parted slightly but the pilot interrupted.
"Sir, are you ready? It's time." The man was polite.
"We are." Blaze replied barely looking at the man and bent closer to Juliette, their eyes locking before he bent all the way down to help her with her luggage.
Juliette was relieved that she'd opted for a blue summer dress and fell at her knees with a white sweater that draped across her shoulders; she really hated feeling exposed in any way. She finished the casual look with flat loafers. This was comforting as Blaze also chose to dress simply in jeans and a black shirt, which he rolled up on each arm to his elbows.
Juliette never saw him so, casual and it filled her with a small amount of happiness that she was able to.
Blaze and Juliette sat down on opposite sides to each other, both silent. Juliette wasn't looking at Blaze but she could feel his heated gaze on her. She turned her head in his direction, her eyes lighting up and crinkling at the corners.
"Is something wrong?" Juliette asked. She knew that her personality was puzzling him but what could she do, this was the real Juliette, and she was not going to be strict and rigorous. It was tiring enough to be that way at work because her job called for it, but she had no reason to pretend anymore.
"No, I was just wondering whether Juliette has a twin sister," Blaze spoke.