Chapter 4
"Not, that I am aware of but I do believe she has a brother," Juliette replied to him, amusement radiating from her eyes which seem to shift color slightly due to the lighting. Blaze smiled then.
"Why the change?" He was forthright, and Juliette realized that he was using his business-like tone when he wanted an employee to tell him the truth because he was certain he would be able to spot even an attempt at deception. Most grown men feared Blaze and with good cause too, but Juliette wasn't afraid of him, she was doing him a favor!
"It's not a change, this is what I usually appear to be." She calmly replied.
"And why am I now aware of this 'usual' appearance?" He was genuinely curious.
"Because I don't associate my personal life with my work life. If I was to be me do you think anyone would take me seriously? No. They'd try to stomp over me." She truthfully replied.
Blaze studied Juliette and knew that she was right, her strong work ethic and strength of character is what got the job done. If she was this sweet and carefree then the workers would slack off.
"I see. One last question though, do you just wear glasses to complete your facade or do you really need them?"
"I do need them, I'm not legally blind but, I need them to read and I usually have a lot of typing and filing to do." She smiled.
Blaze sat back in his seat and continued to stare at her, this was not what he had expected, but it was better. He was worried if she would be awkward around him, but seeing what she was like, his worries vanished completely.
Juliette sat up straight in her seat, lips slightly parted, eyes wondering and alarmed. Blaze noted this change. "What's wrong?"
Avoiding his gaze she replied softly, "I just realized that I- that we know nothing about the other, how are we to answer the questions your family ask?"
When Blaze looked at her as if she'd lost all her sanity she delved into specifics, "For instance, what do we say if they ask us how we met?"
Blaze stared blankly at Juliette, shrugging his shoulders he replied, "We'll simply say we began dating after you started working for me."
"How are so calm about this lie?" panic was clear in Juliette's voice. The corners of Blake's cheeks rose in a slow secretive smile and Juliette knew; of course, he wasn't bothered, she'd almost forgot that she was speaking to one of most dishonest men in existence.
He saw her flustered expression and tried to ease her mind, "Don't worry about it, just the fact that I'm in a serious relationship will be enough for them."
Juliette let the silence engulf the space between them and drifted away within herself, fearing the inevitable meeting with Blaze's family. If he was this proud and sure of himself, what would they be like? Her stomach tingled and she was glad that she'd skipped breakfast or else she would be delivering it to Blaze's jet as an early anniversary present.
Juliette wasn't aware that she'd fallen asleep and was being enticed by an angel's smooth, velvety voice as she felt the most gentlest of touches. Her eyes fluttered open; clouded by the remembrance of sleep, her vision cleared to accommodate the male specimen her dream had forced her to consider an angel.
She stared at him, dumbfounded, "We're here my sleeping princess." his eyes filled with amusement. Juliette stood up and took a few deep breaths. She'd stayed up late the night before and hadn't realized how little sleep she'd gotten.
Both Blaze and Juliette exited the jet and stood outside. When Blaze said that his family was here, Juliette looked up; in the distance, she saw three women and a lone male figure. Anxiety sweeping over her once more, Juliette rested the palm of her hand lightly on Blaze's arm just as he was about to walk forward, stopping him. He gazed upon her and saw her pale.
"What if they don't like me?" Her voice was uncertain and small.
"That's what you're worried about?" his voice equally soft and comforting. Although his gaze was still on her features, hers was focused on the growing figures gliding towards them.
"Don't worry about that, I am sure they'll like you." his voice persuading.
"How can you be sure?" Her voice was pleading.
"Well this is just a guess but, since they have never approved of the women I normally date, and you are nothing like those women, I am sure they'll approve of you." They held each other's gaze, unspoken words of encouragement, and then they were face to face with Blaze's family.