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Chapter 4: Blood Moon Pack

Kayden's POV:

My father called for an emergency meeting at my office at 5:30 in the fucking morning! When I turned 21 my father, the previous Alpha ceded his position as Alpha of The Blood Moon Pack, even though I had found no Mate. He wanted me to start getting more leadership experience while him and my mother took a back seat, I had them close for advice and counsel, good thing, too. I have learned so much in these past three years with their guidance... support from Marcus, my Beta and younger brother, Avis, my Gamma and my Pack. For him to be calling this meeting at such an early hour in the morning was extremely surprising. He wanted the top leadership of the pack ASAP.

"Damnit dad where is the fire!?" Alpha Keaton scoffed at me like I had just said a joke in poor taste and put a very solemn face.

"Actually, it's in Karaya Island!" He said annoyed while demanding coffee.

"Are they being attacked?!" It was well known throughout the werewolf world that attacking Karaya Island was suicide, they were too well prepared for attacks and it's not like it was simple to attack an island when its border was the ocean. I had heard of their preparedness against attacks from the sea, I had heard the prowess for technology how they made sure to study the planet and to make sure to have the correct defenses against any being whether it be Supernatural or not. They also boasted some of the most powerful warriors in the werewolf world, their ways of training were unconventional to regular packs and the way they gathered intelligence from all over the globe was astounding. We only know because we are allies with them. The last great warewolf war when my father was about my age, Alpha Gúarionex saved his life.

"No, a literal fire, their dormant volcano decided to become active! They are evacuating the island as we speak, some are coming in planes and other in boats, those who are in planes will take around three hours to get here, we need to be ready for them.

"So you're saying we're taking in the refugees? How many?"  I had heard that they were a very large pack.

"Their Alpha told me the last time that they did a count they were around 10,800 wolves."

"10,800! Don't you think this biting off more than we can chew?!" I asked astonished from those numbers! While I look to Marcus, his eyes wide. I never imagined a pack that size! We were among the top three packs of the United States and we only have about two thousand wolves. No wonder no one attacks them, it is extremely ironic that this is the way that they are destroyed.

"Son, that was the last time I spoke with Alpha Gúarionex, their island is being consumed by a volcano and they're evacuating women and pups first, only the Goddess knows how many of them will be left when and if they get here, besides, Alpha Marius from the Blue Moon has offered his assistance as well, he owes The Osupa a Blood Oath as well as us. A Blood Oath is not to be unpaid unless you wish the Moon Goddess take away her Blessings." My Father says woefully it was a deep frown in his face, I could clearly see that he was extremely worried. Making me feel a bit ashamed, it's true. By the time the volcano has done it's deed, and with the little time that apparently they how to evacuate, Goddess only knows how many survived. If it weren't for their Alpha, I would not be alive today, it was after the Great War that my father met my mother.

"I'm sorry Father, you just caught me off guard, I did not expect the pack of that size, but if it is as cataclysmic as you say, I can only imagine how many will actually survive." I say as solemn as the face my father has, and in that moment my sulking stops. I become focused on what I have to do as a leader to maintain the safety of my pack and to grant aid to the refugees.

At this moment my brother decides to ask something: "Has the High Council been informed?" He mind links me 'Kayden, they may be in trouble, but they can most probably outnumber us and Marius is a wild card... sure he and Blue Moon are allies, but how much do you trust him?' I sigh... 'Not much.' I answer while side glancing him.

My father pinches the bridge of his nose..."Osupa have always refrained from being under the jurisdiction of the High Council, they only submit themselves to Avalon directly, they have a Priestess and High Priestess, but I can only imagine if they actually survived it, it's their duty to try to appease any threats that are brought on by the planet itself!" My father says quickly looking at my mother.

"Are you talking about Ayato's girl?" My mother is quick to ask.

"Yes..." My father answers above a whisper.

"She's only a girl, she only completed her Priestess training and then returned, I remember Isla telling me last we spoke she is only just turned 19 and I am sure Yaya assisted."  I could already see the wheels turning in my mother's head, my mother had once been a High Priestess of the Goddess, but she did something to displease her and had her powers stripped and her Mark taken from her. I noticed how she looks at her forearm, like expecting the Mark to come back if she looks hard enough. My father notices this as well and goes to her, it puts one arm around her waist and the other holding her chin to make her look at him.

"What you are thinking is in the past my love,  what happened, happened long ago and it's long forgiven, you received punishment enough for it, stop punishing yourself for it, I swear to you I would no longer be angry for it, and the Goddess punished you enough." I see as my mother rubs her temples and closes her eyes. I never knew my mother was punished by the Moon Goddess.

"Alright enough of this then, Marcus, Avis, go send Warriors to find a proper place where their planes can land as safely as possible, start making sure that the medical staff is ready for them. Gabriel, stay by my father and let me know what Marius's plans are. When Blue Moon has their plan we will be able to coordinate better. Make sure he knows I would like to meet."  I tell my Delta while I looked at my father, my Father knows my opinions of Alpha Marius.

Don't get me wrong, he's a wild animal at parties and a regular Casanova, I'm not saying I'm a saint, but I have never impregnated a She Wolf, and much less turned my back on her and her pup to the point where she eventually ended herself. He hasn't found his mate as well, and he doesn't intend to give the position of Luna to anyone other than his mate. Which I completely respect, I have had my fun with plenty of women, I will name no such woman my Luna until I have at least tried every option to find my mate, I even considered such a thing once with Delilah, but every time I would fuck her it just felt so wrong afterwards even though it felt so right in the meantime.

She would sometimes walk up to me and snake her arms around my neck asking "Tonight?" Seductively in my ear, after a while it became quite repulsive and not fun anymore. She did not take the rejection well, not that I blame her, I hear that rejection can be quite difficult. Then I considered Hazel, but she was to selfish and power hungry, The Pack already was rejecting her, which made it more easy to give her the boot.

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