Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 6: Unexpected Encounter

I can’t wait.

Those three words echoed inside of my head as I rode the bus to work. My foot tapped relentlessly on the floor as I dug my fingers onto my sweaty palms. I was ecstatic and nervous at the same time. It was a feeling that I definitely missed and I am glad that I got the chance to feel it once again. I held onto the railing as the bus rocked me from side to side. The chattering voices that blended together somewhat comforted me and eased my nervousness.

I tucked a lock of hair behind my ear as I looked at my reflection on the window. My makeup today was soft and subtle and my hair was nice and wavy. I just wanted to look presentable and not too over the top. First impressions matter the most, after all.

The abrupt stop of the bus interrupted my thoughts. I quickly picked up my bag from the floor and rushed out.

My jaw dropped to the floor the moment I stepped out of the bus. I can’t believe I’m going to be working here now.

The building is curved-shape and its exterior is black and shiny. From below, I could already see see from the large windows that the entire interior floor and walls are made of very high-quality tiles. It had an elegant and chic look to it that definitely made it stand out from the rest.

I swallowed the lump in my throat as I walked towards the building. I’ve noticed that there was also a large terrace in the mid-section of the building. It was hanging separately from the front side to serve as a place for people to relax. I took a mental note of that area. I definitely want to check that out once I’ve fully settled in.

The moment they opened the doors for me, my skin was met with the cool air from the air-conditioning. I gaped at my surroundings and observed the beautiful and classic interior design. The first thing that caught my attention was definitely the chandelier that shone brightly in the middle of the room.

“May I help you?” My thoughts were cut short by a voice that I could not recognize. I snapped my head towards the sound of the voice to see one of the other employees. He had this rugged look to him because of his strong and dominant features. He had a commanding bone structure, a square even brow and a nose that appeared to end in a blunt plane rather than a point.

“This is my first day actually. I am the new events coordinator!” I said with a small yet excited smile.

He gave me a small closed lip smile. “Ah, I see.” He mumbled as he eyed me from top to bottom. “I’m Matthew, by the way. It’s nice to meet you.” He reached his hand out for me to shake it.

“I’m Sandra.” I said, reciprocating the gesture.

After the brief introduction, he proceeded to talk about the company while walking towards the elevator. I listened intently to what he was saying, taking note of every important detail. As we reached the lift, he mentioned that we’re on our way to meet the current CEO. As soon as the doors opened, I felt a bit nervous stepping inside. I broke into a cold sweat as the doors finally closed.

“Before we go to our boss’ office, I’ll show you where you’ll be working.” Matthew said as we stepped out. I followed him out and we walked to a long hallway. I noticed the reception area and I saw a couple of cubicles with employees working diligently. The interior design of the whole floor looked very sophisticated. I was so mesmerized by everything that I hadn’t realized I was falling behind. Matthew’s call immediately snapped back my attention and made me jog towards him. “Here’s your new workspace.” He gestured to a clean desk.

“Thank you.” I replied happily. I couldn’t help but be excited to start working. Matthew nodded coldly.

“Come, Mr. Williams is expecting you.” His words sent chills down my spine. I feel nervous all of a sudden. This is it, I’m about to meet one of the most important people in my life.

Just a few steps away from my desk, there is a door at the end of the hall. Adjacent to the door, you can see a secretary’s desk and a couch. Matthew asked me to sit down as he talked to the secretary.

“I’ll go now but don’t worry, Ms. Warren is here to escort you to see Mr. Williams.” He said indifferently before walking away, I nodded in response and sat on the couch awkwardly. I stayed silent as I tried to calm my screaming insides. I still can’t believe that I’m actually here.

Ms. Warren was the first to break the silence surrounding us. “Mr. Williams is just in a meeting. He’s expected to finish in a while.” She announced without looking at me.

I cleared my throat to answer her but was interrupted by a man who called Ms. Warren. I looked back at who called her only to be surprised at the familiar face I just met the other night.

Oh my God!

I pressed the heels of my hands into my eyes until I saw nothing but sparkles. This couldn’t be real. There’s just no way.

It’s him.

Arthur is Mr.Williams.

He just eyed me shortly then proceeded to talk to Ms.Warren.

I can’t believe it’s him.

My nervousness multiplied by a hundredfold. I started to feel light-headed and possibly disoriented, while my mind began buzzing with thoughts of what happened that night. I wiped my brow, trying to block the memory out in order to cool off and focus on what’s happening. I can definitely feel my heart trying to burst out of my chest and my hands were sweating profusely. I hurriedly combed my hair and checked my phone to see my appearance.

“Ms. Bailey, Mr. Arthur is ready to see you now.” She spoke all of a sudden, making me jolt in surprise. I hurriedly packed away my phone and fixed my clothes to look presentable. I then walked towards the door. I held onto the door knob then breathed in heavily before slowly opening the handle.

The moment our eyes met, I was frozen in place. My eyes and mouth were wide open in an expression of a stunned surprise, making everyone look at me in confusion. I opened and closed my mouth, desperately wanting to say something but no words came out.

Ms. Warren nudged me lightly. “Don’t be rude, greet him.” She mumbled impatiently.

I cleared my throat and straightened my posture. I flashed him an awkward smile. “Good morning, sir.” I croaked shyly, not looking directly into his eyes. I feel like my knees are gonna give out as I was walking towards him. He acknowledged me with a curt nod and I was taken aback with his sudden change in demeanor.

“Nice to meet you, Ms. Bailey.” He extended his hand towards me. I gave him a timid smile as I shook his hand. “Please have a seat.” Gesturing me to sit down in front of his desk. Why do I get a feeling that it’s his first time seeing me? I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion as I sat down.

He went on to introduce himself and the company. He also asked about my previous work experiences. I answered everything as efficiently as possible despite my stomach aching because of my nervousness. After that, he began explaining my duties and responsibilities as an events coordinator. His eyes were cold and professional looking. He seemed focused on work today in contrast to his playful behaviour yesterday. I just kept staring at him, admiring his facial features as he talked about business. He’s still so handsome despite his rigid expression. I nodded and answered accordingly whenever he asked me any questions.

A thought just popped up into my head. I remembered that I disguised myself last night. That’s why it seemed that we only just met today. His cold demeanor towards me a while ago suddenly made sense. I snapped back to reality when he asked me something.

“Do you have any questions, Ms. Bailey?” He inquired, making me flustered.

“No, sir! I understood everything well.” I replied confidently, trying to seem as if I was listening attentively.

“Well then, I welcome you to Williams, Inc. You’ll be starting your first day tomorrow. As you go out, please approach Ms. Warren for further instructions.” He smiled handsomely as he stretched out his hand. I felt my heart flutter at the sight of him smile, breaking the cold exterior that he had a while ago. I never thought that he could even be more good looking than he was the other night. Seeing him like this made my cheeks warm as a blush crept to my face when I held his hand.

“Thank you Mr. Williams. I look forward to working with you.” I flashed him a genuine smile in which he returned it back. As I was walking outside, he called my attention, stopping me in my tracks.

“Ms. Bailey....” He trailed off, looking a bit confused.

Did he figure it out?

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