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Chapter 5 - Lies and Distractions.

Nick was appalled when Megan had showed up in front of his doorstep saying she he wanted to talk to him. He had been frightened but was surprised when she had addressed him in a friendly manner.

She was also being unnecessarily nice, something which even made him more suspicious.

She had every right to be angry. He was a shitty boyfriend, he knew it. Sleeping with his girlfriend's best friend. It was the lowest of low and he admitted that he regretted it. He could have stopped it in the beginning when it all started, but he continued till Megan found out. And he would never forget how it made her feel.

The shame and embarrassment that he had felt when she walked into the room and saw the two of them still made him cringe.

Truly, he was a shitty human being.

"Hello Nick."

Megan said as she sat down cautiously. She didn't know how to feel. She was excited seeing Nick, he was her boyfriend, how would she not be?

Seeing him somehow made everything normal. She could remember him and their last memory together, she just couldn't remember why they had broken up. Was it her fault or his?

Nick would never do anything to hurt her though, that bit she knew was true. But with the nervous look in his eyes she felt strangely odd.

What if she was the one who had hurt him?

She asked herself as she stared at him.

Nicholas Clancy was what most woman would consider average at first glance. Brown hair, brown eyes, an average height and medium build. He wore glasses and he regularly drank about three times in a week. She could remember when they had first met.

A work dinner and he was someone else's plus one. He kept staring at her from across the room and Megan had taken the courage to go meet him.

He was also a great conversationalist. They had spent the rest of the dinner glued to each other's side just talking and drinking. So much that his date had been pretty pissed off.

They danced in the end and exchanged cards.

Megan had been waiting for him to call after that. She was practically staring at her phone every few seconds and after two days he had called.

They went on their first date at a new restaurant then named Rinaldo. She told him she loved Italian and somehow he had remembered and they hit it off quickly. He didn't waste time in asking her to be his girlfriend and Megan was so eager she had agreed.

"Hey Megan!!"

He said in an unnaturally high pitched voice and Megan smiled at him as she looked around awkwardly.

Yes. Something had definitely changed.

"I was so surprised when I got your call..."

Megan cocked her head.

"Yea... I didn't want to drop in unannounced. I just wanted to know if you'd be home before coming over."

She explained and he nodded.

"Yes, yes. I know."

There was a deep uncomfortable silence between them and Nick wondered if he should apologise again. He didn't know why Megan was around but he wanted to start with another apology.

"What happened to us Nick?"

She asked out of the blues and Nick coughed.

He wiped sweat from his brows and he gulped hard. His heart was racing.


"I mean... I don't understand. I wake up in the hospital and suddenly the doctor tells me I've lost three weeks of my memory. And I'm trying so hard to remember why and how everything is so messed up. Especially with you."

"Wait! What did you say?"

He asked and Megan shrugged.

"I had a mild accident, hit my head hard on the pavement and now I can't remember anything."


He asked again and Megan nodded.

"Yes! I'm just coming from the hospital. I went to work but I was told I got fired for slapping Gregory's girlfriend."

Nick grimaced.

"Yea... I heard about that..."

"You did?"

She asked as her eyes widened.

"Yes, Sarah called me to tell me to keep an eye on you and I told her we weren't together anymore."


"What happened with us Nick? I need to know."

"Before my mother left for her trip she told me that you and I broke up. But I can't remember why and she doesn't know either."

She said in frustration.

"Wait.. you really don't remember?"

Nick asked as his mouth hung open and Megan nodded.

"Honestly I don't! I don't even know what's going on! My life is one huge mess right now!"

She groaned as she buried her hands in her face, blinking away tears.

She didn't even know what to be expecting when she got home. Her mother said something about her rent expiring, which meant very soon she would have to add homelessness to the very list of problems she was battling with.

She chose not to tell Nick about the pregnancy, he seemed not to know about it either. And she was fine with that. She hadn't even come to terms with the fact that she was pregnant.

"Hey... You'll be fine. I promise you."

Nick said as he rushed to her side and started rubbing her back.

Megan smiled as she raised her head up.

"I missed your back rubs."

She murmured and he smiled at her.

"I know you do. Come here."

He said as he invited her into his arms for a hug and Megan stayed snugly in his arms.

His arms felt nice, being with him was nice, she could still remember the feel of his body on her. The smell of his cologne and how much she loved sniffing him. She missed his touch. But something about it felt different.

And she couldn't ignore that even if her brain had forgotten what had transpired between the two of them, her heart didn't.

Something felt different.

"Will you tell me what happened between us?"

"Why did we break up?"

She slowly broke away from his arms and Nick looked away. He knew what would happen if he told her the truth, of course, she'd be angry and she'd be mad at him.

But Megan losing her memory meant something, maybe he was being given another chance to redeem himself in her eyes.

He didn't have to tell her what happened just yet.

"Uhmmm.... It's kind of complicated. But I assure you, it wasn't any of us faults. We just decided that it was best we went our separate ways."

"How is that even possible though? We were fine!"

Megan protested and Nick nodded.

"Yea, I know. But a lot of things happened. And we just felt it was best for us to let go of each other."

No, it didn't even make sense! They had been fine. Nothing was going on between them. Megan knew he was lying, but she just didn't know what he was hiding.

Another headache set in and she decided she had already had enough of Nick for a day.

He also didn't say anything about Anthony and Roman. Which meant he didn't know about them. At least Megan could be sure she didn't cheat on him.

And she could at least attribute the drinking and erratic behaviour to the breakup.

But there was no way she would have been so heartbroken if the feeling was mutual.

"Do you want something to eat or drink?"

Nick asked as he stood up and she shook her head as she stood up with him.

"No, no. I'll be fine. I need to go home and get some sleep anyways."

She murmured and she started to leave.

"Are you sure you're okay. We can talk a little longer"

Nick offered eagerly and Megan shook her head.

She didn't know what he was so wager to hide, but something was off.

"No. I'd like to be alone."

Three weeks ago.

Thirteenth of April. Sunday 7:09am

Roman watched Megan slowly rouse from sleep.

Slowly and reluctantly, she uncovered her face. Her disheveled chestnut brown curls were scattered across her pillow. She blinked, closed her eyes, and blinked again. Streaks of sunlight penetrated the window blinds and blinded her. She sat up, still unaware of the stranger watching her from her couch, she dragged her feet off the bed, and rubbed her knuckles onto her eyes. She stretched her arms above her head and yawned. Watching her legs dangle above the off-white polyester carpet.

She turned slightly and yelped as she saw the man in the couch sitting patiently.

She squinted slowly as she tried to recognise him, her head was banging. How much did she drink?

"Good morning."

He said in a deep husky voice and Megan groaned. She remembered him, from the night before. He was her drinking buddy.

"Good morning."

She murmured shyly as she buried her feet into her slippers and slowly stood up.

"You brought me home?"

She said slowly as she turned to the man who stood up.

"Yes. I did. Do you remember what happened?"

Megan nodded as her cheeks started to heat up in embarrassment.

"Oh My God! I'm so sorry Roman."

Roman shrugged.

"It's fine. I wanted to make sure you were safe."

He looked tired. Of course he would, Poor thing had to sleep on her couch the entire night. She felt so terrible.

"Where did you sleep?"

She asked curiously and Roman pointed to to the couch.

"I didn't want you to feel too weird about a stranger in your bed when you woke up. So I took the couch."

"Oh! I feel so stupid. And embarrassed. I don't normally drink..."

She said as she went off trying to explain and Roman chuckled.

"It's okay. I understand. You seemed to be going through a lot. If I may ask... What was happened?"

Megan sighed as she collapsed back on her bed, Roman slowly sat next to her, his jacket in his hands. His raven black hair a bit disheveled.

"I caught my boyfriend cheating on me with my best friend."

She revealed and his eyes widened.

"Oh. That's quite harsh."

Megan sighed.

"I know. It was brutal."

"Worst part is today's supposed to be our second anniversary. And I already made huge plans for it."

She blinked back tears. She had foolishly spent an obscene amount of money on booking an expensive hotel room.

Now she wasn't even going to need it.

She turned to Roman who looked at her apologetically.

"I'm truly sorry about that. Forget your boyfriend. He doesn't deserve you."

"Oh I know. It's still hurts a lot especially with what today means but I guess I'll have to get my mind off it somehow."

"Yes. You have to. That's the only way you'll move on."

Roman answered and an idea popped into Megan's head.

Of course she had to move on.

And she knew just the way to go about it.

A rebound.



"Are you doing anything this evening?"

She asked and he looked a bit confused at her question.

"I'm not sure... Why?"

"Well... I have an hotel reservation at the Four seasons that I don't want to waste. More importantly, I need a distraction."

She smirked and Roman raised his eyebrows.

"Let me guess, I'm your distraction?"

"Yes. Yes you are."

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