Read with BonusRead with Bonus

1: Am I interrupting something?


My hands slammed down hard on the surface of the wooden desk sending small sharp stinging sensations through my palm and knocking off of it the stapler and a few pencils. Livid, was not even close to the word I would now use to describe my current emotional state.

And then, with every ounce of lividness in my being, I seethed out lowly, "Damon. Caesar. Michaels."

When it left my mouth, Damon raised his perfect, thick brows and averted his eyes to my fingers before uttering, in a deceptively cool and calm voice, "Where is your ring?". It was almost as though he’d practiced the line, saving it for this exact moment.

Immediately I felt the anger transform into a deep sense of panic as I gazed down at my own fingers and realised that it was, in fact, missing the beautiful diamond ring once residing on my left hand.

"Well... I um-"

But Damon cut me off by raising his index finger into the air, reaching into his drawer and then pulling from it my diamond engagement ring. Immediately I felt relief flood through my body as he took my left hand in his and slipped the ring back onto my finger. He then smiled softly and asked, with all the smugness he could possibly muster, "So, what was it you wanted to talk about?"

It was then that I realised that this entire little encounter was a well thought up set-up. "Well played, Mr. Michaels, well played. I was going to ask you about the mysterious million that was 'donated' into my accounting firm's bank account, but it seems that is exactly why you did it. How many times are you going to have me walk all over here to yell at you for interfering with my accounting firm? It's making our very secretive relationship that much harder for me to keep, especially since you no longer have a personal assistant to sneak me in."

Damon chuckled and then leaned back in his chair, letting a few strands of his black hair fall into his face and cover his hazel eyes. "Look, Jasmine, we have an engagement party scheduled tomorrow. You said you would help me but for the past... month you've been so pre-occupied with EJS that I have had to plan everything. Do you know how many shades of turquoise serviettes there are?"

I hesitated a moment and sighed before sitting down at one of the chairs a small distance away from his desk, ignoring the very annoying feeling of me running late for my next meeting.

"I'm sorry Damon. I know that I have not been hands-on with everything at the moment."

His face softened immediately, and he nodded. "It's understandable. From being the CEO of your own company, running the pack alongside with me, as Co-Alpha, and then still trying to get to know more about my family. But don't you think it would do you well to just... take a break. We hardly even have time for a genuine conversation like this one."

I let out another sigh and nodded. What Damon was saying was closer to the truth than I had hoped it was. The last three years had been, for the most part, the busiest years of my life and I had begun to neglect Damon in particular.

"You're right. I'm sorry. I'll cancel my meetings tonight so we can go over the arrangements for tomorrow's party. Speaking of," I then hesitated for a moment before asking, "any word from Lucien?"

At the mention of his brother, Damon immediately straightened, and his brows raised before he bit his lip and said, "Still nothing. It's been three years and we still haven't heard anything."

"Maybe he is just not ready to come home. We just need to give him some more time." I said, now getting up from my seat and nearing his. When I was right in front of him, he snaked his arm around my hips and brought me onto his lap. Immediately I wrapped my arms around his neck and shifted slightly so that I was sitting comfortably on his legs.

He reached up and softly caressed at the skin of my face before saying, "I'm just worried about him."

Truth be told, I was worried as well. It had been the longest period of time that Lucien and I had been "apart”, and I wondered how on Earth he was surviving it all.

"I'm worried too." I said.

I felt Damon's hand travel from my cheek to my hair which had now grown to my waist, pulling me from my thoughts of Lucien.

Damon smirked slightly and moved his hands to my shirt which he gripped at tightly before pulling me even closer to him. Immediately I followed where his mind was going to, and I smiled deeply but shook my head.

"Not at work, Damon."

"Come on, no one enters my office except for my PA and last time I checked... she resigned."

My eyes furrowed at this. "I thought you said she was fired."

Immediately Damon's hands dropped from my shirt and took their place scratching at the back of his neck. "Well... I"

"You overworked poor Lynnette?" I uttered out more astounded than anything else.

Damon shrugged and looked down, knowing full well that he was nowhere near "Boss of the Year".

"It wasn't my fault. Lynnette was just not equipped enough to handle my special personality."

"Special. Yes, Damon, you sure are something." I said getting up off of his lap and crossing my arms over my chest and raising my brows.

"Your face is saying so many insulting things at this point. Fine... my new assistant is coming in tomorrow. I'll try to be more accommodating."

I laughed for a moment and skeptically shook my head and then attempted to make my way to the door. But before I could even feel the cool surface of the doorknob beneath my hands, Damon tugged at my arm and then pushed me right up against the door.

"Damon what are you-"

But I was cut off by his lips and his hands which immediately tugged at my pencil skirt. It seemed when I said, "Not at work", he still heard the exact opposite, and by now, I was too tired to even argue with him again.

And so, I began kissing him back and wrapping my hands around his neck as he slowly began slipping his tongue inside my mouth, letting my own tongue dominate his.

His arms then made their way to my ass and swiftly, he picked me up and I wrapped my legs around his torso as he led us to his desk. He set me down carefully in a space void of his stationery and pulled away from our passionate making out.

"Jasmine Spectra... no, Mistress, we are about to fulfil one of my dirty little fantasies."

When he said this, I smirked deeply, gripped him by the shirt, and brought his lips to mine. My hands began unbuttoning his shirt, and once the fabric was off of his artistic masterpiece of a body, I allowed my hands to wander over the surface of his hot skin, wanting, more than anything, to sink my claws into him and hear him moan. And he did, the second he felt the stinging sensation of my nails, allowing his low moans to resonate in my mouth. The sound of him enjoying the feeling of me touching him never ceased to bring out that burning fire of desire in the pit of my stomach, and soon, I wrapped my arms around him, flipping us over so that he was under me, panting against the hard surface of his desk.

God, the look on his face- pure, raw desperation- made my skin crawl in utter excitement. Soon, I found my hands travelling to the belt buckle of his black trousers.

"We're really doing this?" Damon uttered out in whispered excitement.

I laughed slightly and then began nodding before biting my lip, unbuckling his belt and then removing it from his pants. I was just about to get to work on the button when, all of a sudden, the door to the office swung open, inducing a deep sense of panic in me. Immediately my hands moved away from Damon's pants and so did my entire body. Damon was in the same state of panic that I was and gripped at his shirt immediately, covering his exposed chest.

It took us both a moment to muster up the courage to gaze at the door, mortified at who we might find staring back.

To my surprise, I was met with a familiar pair of bright, amused golden eyes and a beautiful mischievous smile.

"Am I interrupting something?" It left his mouth in a smooth, silky voice, wrapping the entire room in its velvet-like quality.

For a moment, I just stared in absolute shock and awe, unable to actually believe my eyes, nor my ears. It was only when Damon finally spoke that I was taken out of my daze.


Hello there dear readers! I have missed you all! I hope you are enjoying the first two chapters!

Stay safe! Stay healthy! Sending my love!

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