2: Lonely

Warning, sexual content


As I stared at the sight of the woman I loved dearly, standing a few feet away from my half-naked brother, I told myself over and over to stay calm. Personally, I felt the colour green was not such a good look on me. And so, I chose to ignore the fact that I'd just walked in and disrupted my brother and his mate from fucking- quite a difficult task, if you must know.

"Brother... Jasmine. It seems you both are surprised to see me here. Did you miss me, by any chance?" I asked, raising a brow and mustering up an even larger smirk.

Damon immediately threw his shirt to the side and began taking large, quick strides towards me. For a moment, I thought he was just about ready to kill me and I was ready to thrust my claws into his abdomen, when, his arms wrapped tightly around me in a warm embrace.

I tensed up for a while, not used to the feeling of intimacy from my brother, and then slowly began to relax in his grasp and wrap my own arms around him. As soon as I did, I felt it easier to ignore the pang of jealousy I once dreadfully held onto.

"I thought you weren't coming?" He uttered in the crook of my neck.

I sighed and smiled softly before saying, "I wouldn't miss your engagement party for the world."

That was when Jasmine cleared her throat loudly, averting my attention from my brother to herself. Immediately, Damon let go and I found myself captured by Jasmine's appearance. She'd changed over the past three years. Her dark, black hair had grown longer, now cascading beautifully down to her waist. Her eyes, usually striking and cold, carrying the scars of her past, were now a softer shade of blue, almost resembling a soft turquoise. She'd put on some weight as well, but it suited her and made her body look healthier and cared for. It seemed time apart from me had done her well, and I was glad for it.

She took a few small steps towards me, and then suddenly began sprinting, tackling my body with hers and pushing me back slightly from the impact. As soon as her body touched mine, I could feel my heart racing and my cheeks becoming warm. Her scent- soft subtle hints of berries- wafted into my nose and I closed my eyes so as to savour it all.

"Lucien you asshole... you had me worried sick." She uttered against the surface of my chest.

I smiled, glad that she too, had missed me over the years, even though I knew it could not come close to the intensity of my missing her. Just having her near was making me dizzy.

"Really Little Vixen? That's how you greet me? I thought I'd at least get a kiss or something."

She pulled away and offered a bright smile before saying, "Don't push it."

"Yes ma'am. Seems you've gotten scarier over the years. Pregnant too, perhaps?"

Jasmine was about to say something when Damon butted in, taking her hand and pulling her towards him- clearly not so trusting of our proximity and a little jealous himself.

"We don't have time for children at the moment."

I raised my eyebrows at this. I knew my brother like the back of my hand. Children were what he desired most in this world. Strangely, all he ever wanted to do was be a father, one better than our own.

"Really?" It came out as a whisper, but clearly the both of them heard.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Asked Jasmine with a raised brow.

I shook my head violently and waved my hands in the air, not wanting to start trouble on my first day back. "Oh nothing. I was just... sneezing."

"In a clear, well enunciated word?"

I nodded and then proceeded to fake sneeze, not at all alleviating their suspicions, but doing a good job of allowing us to move on to another topic.

"So," Damon began, "will you be going back to your home?"


"No, most certainly not. As Damon's brother and my... brother, you will stay on the packgrounds-"


Immediately Jasmine took a few threatening steps towards me, gripped me by the collar and said very sternly, and very aggressively, "No buts. I will drag you there by my teeth if I have to, Lucien."

It seemed frightening her was off the table. Instead, she now frightened me, and I found myself nodding profusely. "Alright... as long as it's not in the same house as the two of you. The last thing I need is to throw up because of the sounds of your... how do I put this in a polite way? Loud fucking."

As soon as I said this, both began blushing a deep shade of red, and I felt the entire atmosphere shift from its initial high spirits to a deep simmering awkwardness. I smiled at this and nodded to myself having completed my act of ‘brotherness’ for the day.

"Alright, agreed. As long as you never let those words leave your mouth again," I heard Damon say, now gripping onto his shirt again and placing it back onto his body. "You can meet at the old mansion tonight. I'm sure London will be thrilled to see you. Thereafter, I'll give her the pleasure of finding you a place to stay on the packgrounds."

I gave a curt nod and then asked, "What time should I be there?"

"Dinner will be at seven p.m. sharp. Damon and I still have our fair share of party planning to get through."

"I'm sure you do..." I said, rather suggestively before clearing my throat and then saying, "Well, this was lovely. I'll be seeing the two of you at seven."

I was about to turn around and leave when Jasmine called out to me. Immediately, I turned back towards her with raised eyebrows. She hesitated for a moment, shook her head and then said with a deep, genuine smile, "I really am glad you're back."

I took a deep breath, nodded and then said, as convincingly as I possibly could, "I am too."

With that, I finally made my way out of the office and closed the door gently behind me before leaning against it and sighing deeply.

This encounter proved something crucial to me: I was nowhere ready to be back home... but the daunting reality was that maybe I never would be ready for this. I thought that in three years my feelings for Jasmine would have changed, that I'd perhaps see her as only my brother's mate, my future sister-in-law, my little protégé. But the truth was that I couldn't. I was still as in love with her now as I was then. And so, I knew that I needed to resort to other ways of forgetting her.

By the time I'd reached the dark, wooden apartment door of my so called, 'distraction', it was already five p.m., just two hours before the family dinner I was so looking forward to.

"Are you going to open up anytime soon or-"

But before I could complete my sentence, the wooden door opened revealing a young woman with deep brown eyes and messy blond hair, half dressed and smiling.

My eyes widened at the sight of her and I chuckled deeply. "It seems you were getting ready. Am I correct, Kitten?"

The young woman nodded frantically before gripping my tight-fitting black shirt and dragging me into her apartment. It was quite small and reminded me a little of Jasmine's quaint little apartment she once resided in.

The young woman began leading me towards the bedroom, with me following suit, letting my own dark desires run wild as I watched her exposed body move. Once inside, I closed the door behind us and immediately pushed her flush against the wooden surface. She was much shorter than I was, leaving me towering over her as I gazed down at her. Slowly, I leaned in, reached for her chin and placed a finger underneath as I kissed her. I could hear her heart thudding loudly against her chest and I could feel the heat radiating off of her skin, making my own skin crawl.

Soon, I found my hands gripping at her thighs as I began carrying her towards the bed where I roughly set her down. I then began taking off my shirt, carefully lifting it from my body, revealing my skin which was covered in its fair share of ghastly scars. I'd never liked them, but I'd grown used to the sight of them in the mirror and I'd made sure to have a body distractingly good looking enough for people to grow attracted to the ugly marks.

I then began leaning down so that my hands were flat against her soft mattress, closing her in. I began walking along them until our faces were aligned and then started kissing her again, licking at her lower lip so she could open her mouth. When she did, my tongue invaded the entirety of her mouth, making her moan wildly. As I kissed her, I let my hands roam her body, tugging her bra and underwear off. By then I had completely given into that dark, beastly part of me that had all thoughts of Jasmine completely destroyed.

Once she was completely naked, I ran my claws along her thighs making her squirm and whimper.

"Uh uh Kitten. Stay still or I'll have to punish you. You don't want me to punish you, now do you?"

Her lower lip quivered, and she shook her head, no. I smiled, got between her legs and began teasing her wet entrance with my tongue. She moaned and let herself sink deeper into the bed. I tugged harder at her legs and she spread them wider, allowing me to get my tongue inside her. As I lapped at her sweetness, she began squirming, and I began digging my claws deeper into her thighs, not liking the fact that she was, once again, moving. Blood began spilling down her thighs, staining her bedding, not an unusual occurrence.

Eventually, her moaning grew louder and louder and I could feel her wet walls beginning to tighten around my tongue. Not long after, she yelled out my name, screaming it out over and over again as she came all over my tongue, and I hungrily cleaned her up.

Once I was finished, I removed myself from between her legs. She was panting heavily with her chest heaving uncontrollably and her eyes still remained closed as she held onto that euphoric feeling. I smiled devilishly, impressed that I still had such an effect on people. Sex, for me was more a game than anything else- a game of seduction and pleasure- and when it came to games, well, I was the King.

Slowly I began crawling on my hands and knees towards her lips where I began kissing her. As I did so, my hands fumbled with my pants until they were down and then I started tugging my underwear down my legs and onto the floor. Then, I gripped at her thighs again and roughly pulled them up so that her knees were bent, and then began spreading her legs as wide as I could get them.

"Are you ready to touch the clouds in heaven, Kitten?" I whispered against her lips as I leaned down and aligned my hips with hers.

She nodded and bit her lip and so I began thrusting. I was not gentle or sweet or loving. Moon Goddess knew this woman and I were far from lovers and that this was simply sex and pleasure.

By about the third thrust, my hands made their way to her hips and I gripped at them hard as I growled and began pushing them roughly against mine. She whined out and moaned but made no effort to protest. Instead, she begged me to go rougher, and I obliged, sinking myself deeper inside of her with every single hard, rough thrust which threatened to draw her closer and closer to the edge. Eventually, it did, and I could feel her cum all over my shaft as she screamed my name out yet again. But I was not satisfied... not yet. I was never nearly as satisfied as I needed to be with my sexual partners which only drove me more insane each time.

And so, I turned her over and placed my fingers in her hair, tugging at it as I took her from behind with her ass up and against my hips.

Her hands made their way to the bedsheets and I tugged harshly on her hair, pulling her head back and making her grasp tighten. She was exhausted, that was clear by her lazy attempts at meeting my thrusts, but I was nowhere near tired and made up for it by now moving my hands from her hair to her ass. I began holding onto her ass cheeks tightly as I moved her up and down my shaft, now finally beginning to reach my own edge.

Eventually, I felt myself explode and I let a deep, low growl emit from my chest as I did and roughly pulled out of her, spilling my cum all over her sheets.

I was still not as sexually satisfied as I'd hoped, but brushed the feeling off knowing there was no way my Kitten could last another round.

And so, I began attempting at getting dressed. When I pulled up my trousers, however, I was caught off-guard by the look of skepticism.

"You saw Jasmine, didn't you?" She uttered with a raised brow.

I scoffed and said, "I don't see what that has to do with you, Nancy. I thought you said we should never bring Damon or Jasmine up after they killed your sister."

She shrugged and then began to clutch at her sheets, covering her body up as she watched me get dressed. "We shouldn’t, not really. But it's strange having you here after all these years. The only time you crave sex is when you crave Jasmine."

My eyes narrowed at her statement, but I made no effort to even try to disagree with her, knowing that, ultimately, she was right. So instead, I changed the topic to her.

"And what about you, Nancy. Why did you agree to see me? I thought you'd be infuriated with me as well. It was my brother that brutally murdered Macy."

She sighed and then averted her eyes from me to the old clock on her wall. "I was... angry. I still am. But... as time passed by, I couldn't help but feel relieved. I know it's selfish but Macy's obsession with Damon really consumed her, and at some stage, it consumed me too. In a way, they set both of us free-" she then paused, placed her eyes back on me and then narrowed them before saying, "-but don't you ever say that to them."

I nodded and chuckled before taking my index finger and thumb, pinching them together and then sliding them against my lips, "I won't, my lips are sealed. But even so, why, after all these years, did you so willingly allow me back into your bed. Claiming that you're not mad at me is one thing, but I can sense there's something more to all of this."

For a moment she stayed deadly silent and I just stood there, waiting for an answer, until-

"I'm lonely." She uttered it out softly, in almost a whisper.

My eyebrows furrowed and I repeated, "Lonely?"

She nodded in agreement. "People like you and I, mateless people, all we want is just some form of..."

"Contact?" I raised a brow.

She nodded again and then sighed. "But don't worry, Lucien, I don't and won't expect anything out of this. In fact, perhaps we should end this all right here, right now."

I was taken aback, to say the least. It was the first time in years that I'd seen Nancy and already, she was chasing me away.

"Did I... do something wrong? Was the sex not good?"

She laughed for a moment, then shook her head before saying, "No Lucien. Sex with you is always good... mind-blowingly good. It's just, I think you are still lost in your loneliness, and I don't have time to help save you from it. I don't want to lose myself in you like Macy lost herself in Damon. I hope you can understand."

I took a moment, trying to grasp at what she was saying. Perhaps she was right. Perhaps I was still lost in my loneliness.

And so, I nodded and gave her a smile. "I do understand, Nancy."

With that, I bid her farewell and proceeded to exit her apartment and walked towards my car. However, as I walked towards my luxurious vehicle, I couldn't help but think about everything she'd said. What she’d said really made me realise the sad truth about myself. I truly was hopelessly and undeniably lonely and perhaps my matelessness was a contributing factor…

Thoughts so far?

Stay safe! Stay healthy! Sending my love!

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