3: Try again
“Pregnant too, perhaps?” It rang in my head, over and over again. It was clear that Lucien had never meant any harm with his subtle implication, but still, the idea of pregnancy had me on edge because the truth was that over the past year, Damon and I had been trying to have a baby but the first few times had left us with nothing but disappointment.
“Don’t stop trying,” Teresa had said after I’d gone for a check-up with her. There was apparently nothing wrong with either of us- which I now still found hard to believe. Eventually, however, we grew too busy with our lives, hardly even finding the time to speak, let alone have sex. Now, however, after Lucien had mentioned it, I grew the sudden urge to perhaps make the time. I knew deep down that Damon was more than patiently waiting to have a child and secretly, he’d made the desire for a child blossom in me as well.
“Jasmine? What are you thinking?” I heard Damon utter from behind me. I’d been so lost in my thoughts that I hadn’t even noticed that he’d entered the room and taken his place behind me.
I smiled, got up from the dressing table chair and then wrapped my arms around his neck. He met my action with a surprised reaction and then smiled and leaned in before placing a gently kiss on my lips.
“I’m returning the money that you invested into EJS back to you in the morning,” I muttered as I pulled away from him.
A frown immediately made its way onto his face and he shook his head in disagreement. “Could you not just accept this as a small gift from me?”
“Small? You invested one million dollars into my business. I barely make one eighth of that. I’ve told you that I want to grow this business from my own money and my own hard work.”
Damon sighed and then reluctantly nodded. "Fine, the million will go back into my account."
I smiled, satisfied with his answer and then hugged him closer towards my body before standing on my toes and placing my lips on his, but this time, I let my hands slip beneath his shirt and roam his body. Damon growled lowly against my mouth and I smiled against his.
"It seems you want to finish what you started in the office?" He asked as he parted from my lips.
I smiled gently, reached up and placed my hand on his cheek and he leaned into it and closed his eyes gently.
"I was thinking, Damon... we could start trying again..." I uttered nervously. Immediately, when the words left my mouth, his eyes opened and widened.
"You mean... try to have a baby?" He asked, still in his state of shock.
I nodded frantically and smiled wider and soon, he was smiling too. "I would like nothing more." And with that, he picked me up and carried me over to the bed before gently laying me down and running his hands over my arms. Soon, his hands found my own and he entertwined our fingers before leaning down and stealing another kiss. It was soft and slow and gentle and had my heart racing in my chest and my skin tingling in anticipation.
He then pulled away, much to my disappointment, and then looked down at me with a raised brow. "Are you sure? I mean... pregnancy and a baby mean less time for EJS. It's not that I don't want a baby, you know how I feel about starting a family, it's just.. I want to make sure you're not rushing into this because of me?"
I paused and pondered for a while. Damon was right, a baby would mean less time for EJS, but we had already been trying and EJS, although not the biggest comepany- yet- was doing quite well and I could afford time off for a baby.
And so I nodded and smiled, "I'm sure. We've tried before, right? So we can try again, and we won't stop until we finally have a little baby to call our own."
The look on his face was beyond anything I'd ever seen before. It was so bright and hopeful that it had me bright and hopeful, only increasing my own desire for a child.
Damon then slid his hands up my legs, ruffling my skirt in the process. However, just as his fingers began to grip on my underwear, both of us heard the front door opening and Chester greeting our newest guest. Immediately we both froze and stared at each other as realisation dawned on us. "The dinner with Lucien!"
Stupidly, it had slipped our minds but not before we'd told Chester, Andrea and London to be expecting him for dinner.
Damon removed himself from me and I began straightening my skirt and flattening my hair. Once we were both sure we looked presentable, we went downstairs where Chester informed us that Lucien was in the sitting room.
He was staring up in front of him at a picture of London, myself and Damon. It was one taken a little over a year ago, with me pulling at the sides of Damon's lips, tugging them into a smile while he stared out bored and with his arms folded. London had her eyes rolled and her arms folded too, more in annoyance at her brother than anything else. It was, perhaps, my favourite photograph in the house so far.
"This house still gives me the creeps," Lucien uttered, never once taking his eyes off of the photo. Lucien then shifted his weight to his other hip, tilted his head and then finally turned towards us with a smile.
"Right, family, when do we eat?" And it was then that the front door opened again and the sound of London greeting Chester could be heard. Immedaitely, my anxiety shot up. London, unlike Damon and me, had not had the easiest task coming to terms with her brother and his choices so it was only natural that she'd be angry with him. And it was only natural that the second she laid eyes on him, her fist collided with his face.
"You asshole!" She yelled out. Chester immediately took it as his cue to join Andrea in the kitchen while Damon and I stared at each other in shock.
"Should we get involved?" I asked in a low whisper.
Damon leaned in towards my ear and said, "No, that would be suicide. Let them battle it out, and hopefully the carpet will survive."
And thus began the most tense dinner I had ever had the displeasure of being involved in.
Hello everyone! So unfortunately I will be much slower with my updates in both this novel and "Her Birthright" due to some personal reasons. I hope you can be patient with me as I find my feet again.
Stay safe! Stay healthy! Sending my love!